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Releases: 3F/Conari


31 May 16:36
@3F 3F
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Conari 1.5

NuGet package 📦 Download | What's new in 1.5:

🔨 No more manual type conversions and memory management complexities. Because nothing easier than just use it,

using dynamic l = new ConariX("regXwild.dll");

string data = "number = 888;";
bool found = l.replace<bool>(ref data, "+??;", "2034;");
// found: true; data: number = 2034;
using var u = NativeStruct.Make.f<UIntPtr>("start", "end").Struct;
/* Hey! We just generated a structure like
private struct MatchResult
    public UIntPtr start;
    public UIntPtr end;
l.Memory.@goto(e_lfanew).eq('P', 'E', '\0', '\0').check()
using NativeArray<short> nr = new(pointer); // points to ~0x2674F89EDF0
nr[0] = 1; nr[1] = 2;
📑 And ...
  • NEW: New modern NativeString<T> replaces UnmanagedString.

    • A complete support of CharPtr, WCharPtr, TCharPtr;
    • Support optional buffers for receiving and updating values;
    • Safe and fast reuse of the allocated memory regions;
    • Non sealed, extendable for a new features;
using NativeString<WCharPtr> data = new("Hello {p}!");
  • NEW: New TCharPtr marshalable type which aggregates WCharPtr + CharPtr at runtime.

  • NEW: New modern NativeStruct<T> replaces UnmanagedStructure.

    Two modes!

    • NativeStruct - Fully automatic way of working with structures without declarations using NativeData chains;
    • NativeStruct<T> - Semi-automatic way of working with structures using CLR types declarations;
using var u = NativeStruct.Make.f<UIntPtr>("start", "end").Struct;
using var u = new NativeStruct<MatchResult>();
using NativeStruct u = new();
    .f<UIntPtr>("start", "end")
    .build(out dynamic mres);
  • NEW: Direct use "" dotnet strings including ref strings (ByRef&) in DLR.
string data = "number = 888;";
bool found = l.replace<bool>(ref data, "+??;", "2034;");
  • NEW: New VPtr type - Variable long pointer.
    This type supports adding long numbers to IntPtr (IntPtr + long),
    a complete comparing >,<,>=,<=,==,!= between VPtr and int/long, and more.

  • NEW: Added support for optional arguments in DLR via IProviderDLR.TrailingArgs.
    Can be applied only if varargs. Useful in avoiding any optional values. Eg. (1, 2, 3, [0, 0]).

bool func(const TCHAR* input, flagcfg_t options = 0, MatchResult* result = nullptr);
l.func<bool>(input); -> input, [+ 0, + nullptr]
  • NEW: Added .build() and .build(out dynamic result) to build native chains in a Raw and NativeData objects.
        .build(out dynamic idd);
  • NEW: PE32/PE32+ Memory and Streams implementations.
    Configure it through IConfig.PeImplementation or use manually.

  • NEW: IMarshalableGeneric for marshaling generic types.

    Use or implement this to avoid possible:

    • "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation"
    • "System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalDirectiveException :
      Cannot marshal 'parameter ...': Generic types cannot be marshaled."
    • (IntPtr)u -> u
using NativeString<CharPtr> data = new("Hello {p}!");
l.replace<bool>(data, ...)
  • NEW: Easy concatenation for an unmanaged c-strings.
using var str = input + " " + "world";
  • NEW: New lightweight way of generating Dynamic MethodInfo.

    As part of optimization,

    This is the default way for DLR starting with 1.5.
    Use IProviderDLR.SignaturesViaTypeBuilder to configure it.

  • NEW: Native chains. Added support 8/16 bit characters via configurable .readChar() and writeChar().

  • NEW: Native chains. Added conditional .eq(), .or() that verifies input T is equal to T.
    It can be checked via .check(), ifTrue(Action)/ifFalse(Action), and failed(bool when).

.eq('P', 'E', '\0', '\0')
  • NEW: Added NativeArray to work unmanaged arrays.
using NativeArray<short> nr = new(pointer); // points to ~0x2674F89EDF0
nr[0] = 1; nr[1] = 2;
using NativeArray nr = new(2, -4, 6);
Memory memory = nr;
  • NEW: New modern Memory VPtr based implementation in native chains (serializable)
    to work with RAM related processes.

  • NEW: New modern NativeStream VPtr based implementation in native chains (serializable)
    to work with any supported stream related processes.

  • NEW: New modern LocalContent VPtr based implementation in native chains (serializable)
    to work with any local allocated data.

  • NEW: Added generic IConari<TCharIn> for a specific char type by default in used instance.

  • NEW: Added Allocator for allocating any data in unmanaged memory.
    Allocator based on NativeArray<byte>.

using Allocator alloc = new(0x70, 0xDE, 0x01, 0xAC, 
                            0x04, 0xCB, 0x70, 0xDE, 
                            0x93, 0x12, 0x74, 0x94);
alloc.Memory // access via native chains Memory implementation
  • NEW: The fast way to update an unmanaged strings without allocating new in memory
    through modern NativeString<T> and BufferedString<T>.

  • NEW: New BufferedString<T> a specialized native strings for future possible changing with additional buffer.
    BufferedString<T> is a type alias for NativeString<T> with the default buffer
    using factor 2.5f relative to the string;

  • NEW: Native chains. New working with a different positions

      Zone (Initial/Region/Current) and aliases (D/U/V)
      +rewind(Zone) Rewind the chain to a specific region.
      +@goto(VPtr) Go to a new address using absolute position.
      +back\<T\>(int count = 1); - Move back on T type size from the current position. + T1, T2, T3 aliases.
  • NEW: New achar and wchar type markers for a native chains.

  • NEW: Added extension methods:
    +NativeSize() for objects - Get the size in bytes of the selected managed type to be treated as an unmanaged.
    +IAccessor Access() - Accessing data via Memory or LocalContent implementation.

  • NEW: New for NativeData:

    • +assign<T>(string[]) - Assigns new fields for each presented name.
      +f<T>(string[]) - alias

    • +renew(SeekPosition) - An additional way to start the chain with specific SeekPosition
      +renew(out VPtr, SeekPosition)

    • +region() - Mark new region in the chain.
      +region(out int)
      +region(out VPtr)

    • +ofs<T>(int, string[]) - Use offset to the data.

    • +extend(byte[] bytes) - Extends local data using additional bytes.

    • +mode(ChainMode) - to control chain and its new fields via ChainMode.

  • NEW: PeImplType.Disabled to disable all related to PE features
    such as mangling, list of exported proc, etc.

  • NEW: Added IProviderDLR.TryEvaluateContext.
    It can help better understand what are you trying to call without specified casting.
    true value by default.

  • NEW: Added IProviderDLR.ManageNativeStrings.
    Collect information about all input INativeString and delegate control.
    true value by default.

  • NEW: Added IProviderDLR.BoxingControl.
    Control of boxing for input data.
    BoxingType.UnboxingAndBoxing value by default.

  • NEW: IProvider.addr() address of the specific item such streams std::cin etc.
    Part of Issue #17.

  • NEW: ConariL/X Make() wrapper to use both runtime dynamic and compile type objects.

  • NEW: Added manager NativeStringManager for a new modern NativeString<T> strings.
    Helps to manage c-strings easily.

  • NEW: Added the following static Members:

    • +Is64bit
    • +EmptyArray<T> for netfx 4
    • +SizeOf<T>()
    • +SizeOf<T>(int)
  • NEW: Added IProviderDLR.RefModifiableStringBuffer.
    Allows configure additional buffer to process ref strings (ByRef&).

  • NEW: Adds IModuleIsolationRecipe for configurable isolation handlers.

  • NEW: New IConfig option. LoaderSyncLimit.
    Limit in milliseconds for how long to wait signals when synchronization of threads (processes).

  • NEW: INativeAccessor and IDlrAccessor unifies ConariL, ConariX objects, Native chains and various raw Memory accessing.

  • NEW: New IConfig option. CancelIfCantIsolate.
    Cancel processing in loader if module can't be isolated.

  • NEW: New IConfig option. Cts.
    Signals to cancel active operations as soon as possible.

  • NEW: New IConfig option. PeImplementation.
    Use specific implementation around PE processing.
    Affects loader, mangling, and other related core features.

  • NEW: New for IPE interface:

    • + Addresses - Known addresses of the tables.
    • + Characteristics
    • + Magic
    • + Machine
    • + Export reference to (addresses + names + ordinals)
  • NEW: IConari now extends IStringMaker to provide direct _T() accessing in implemented ConariX / ConariL objects.

  • NEW: IConari now specifies INativeStringManager Strings { get; } property for a quick accessing
    to used string manager in implemen...
Read more


30 Nov 16:41
@3F 3F
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Public release. Conari 1.4

* NEW: Starting support of the .NET Core. PR #12
       Full support: netcoreapp2.1 and netstandard2.1 (SDK 3).

* NEW: Hack of the unmanaged EmitCalli to support .NET Standard 2.0. Issue #13.

* NEW: NativeData and BReader now supports CharPtr, WCharPtr, BSTR types.

* NEW: Implemented isolation for PE Modules. Issue #15.
       Manage it through `IConfig.IsolateLoadingOfModule`.

       Optionaly it will isolate module for a real new loading even if it was already loaded somewhere else. Full details in

* NEW: Added `ConariX` as an compatible DLR version of ConariL implementation:
        using(dynamic l = new ConariX("..."))
            // just everything is yours ~
            l.curl_easy_setopt(curl, 10002, "");

* NEW: Implemented kernel32 WinApi via new ConariX:
        dynamic kernel32 = new Kernel32();


* NEW: Implemented user32 WinApi via new ConariX:
        dynamic user32 = new User32();

            user32.ShowWindow(0x000A0A28, 3);
            user32.MessageBoxA(0, "Conari in action", "Hello!", 0);

* NEW: Added netfx based target platforms: net472.

* NEW: Added initialization of UnmanagedString from IntPtr.

* FIXED: Fixed bug with typeof(void) for return type when DLR.

* FIXED: Fixed bug with x64 for CharPtr, WCharPtr, BSTR types.

* CHANGED: Performance: Internal ModuleBuilder now is unified for all our new generated dynamic types.

* CHANGED: Added hMSBuild 2.2 + GetNuTool 1.7 in nupkg packages for related build processes:
       * tools\gnt.bat -
       * tools\hMSBuild.bat -

* NOTE: Official Releases:

        * NuGet:
        * GitHub:

* NOTE: Please note again, .NET Standard 2.0 support is possible only because of our hack!

        While other netcoreapp2.1 + netstandard2.1 target platforms will not contain this modifications at all. Means most known behavior.

        Do not hesitate to contact:


29 Nov 22:29
@3F 3F
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CI-build-64 Pre-release

🎲 Nightly build of 3be8617 ➾ Worker image: $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE); Console: ci.appveyor.../build-64

Only for tests. 🗨 Commit message:

+kernel32 +user32 via new ConariX [DLR version]:


dynamic user32 = new User32();

    user32.ShowWindow(0x000A0A28, 3);
    user32.MessageBoxA(0, "Conari in action", "Hello!", 0);
dynamic kernel32 = new Kernel32();


+Added tests


12 Aug 21:16
@3F 3F
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CI-build-50 Pre-release

🎲 Nightly build of 9b7e137 ➾ Worker image: Visual Studio 2017; Console:

Please use this only for tests of latest changes! 🗨 Commit message:

Implemented initialization of UnmanagedString from IntPtr



27 Jan 20:22
@3F 3F
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public release of Conari engine - v1.3:

New version of Conari engine contains major improvements and fixes with DLR features, ByRef types, new support of Exported-Variables, Aliases, improved Native.Core, ... But it also contains minor incompatible changes with previous versions.

Look here:

  • NEW: Improved speed >80% (DLR) & >90% (Lambda) - Issue #10
    * results for regXwild x64 (Unicode) via snet tester -
  • NEW: Improved DLR. Automatic detection for ByRef types & null-values for any reference-types that pushed with out/ref modifier.
    • +UseCallingContext - To use information about types from CallingContext if it's possible.
    • +UseByRef - To use ByRef& (reference-types) for all sent types.
  • NEW: Added NullType<T> as optional way for work with reference-types. And for other purpose to store additional information about basic type for any null values.
  • NEW: Added IProvider.NewProcAddress event - When handling new non-zero ProcAddress.
  • NEW: Started support of Exported-Variables via IExVar & DLR - Issue #7
l.ExVar.DLR.ADDR_SPEC; // 0x00001CE8
l.ExVar.get<UInt32>("ADDR_SPEC"); // 0x00001CE8
l.ExVar.getField(typeof(UInt32).NativeSize(), "ADDR_SPEC"); // Native.Core.Field via raw size
l.Svc.native("lpProcName"); // Raw access via NativeData & Native.Core !
  • NEW: Implemented aliases for Exported-Functions and Variables - Issue #9
l.Aliases["Flag"] = l.Aliases["getFlag"] = l.Aliases["xFunc"]; //Flag() -> getFlag() -> xFunc()->...
l.Aliases["gmn"] = new ProcAlias(
    new AliasCfg() { NoPrefixR = true } // false by default
  • NEW: Native.Core improvements - Extensions & new t signatures for node (raw alignments via size and managed types)
    +t(Type type, string name = null)
    +t(Type[] types, params string[] names)
    +t(int size, string name = null)
  • NEW: Aliases for 'empty' types:
    +Action bindFunc(string lpProcName);
    +Action bind(string func);
  • NEW: New group of binding via regular arguments:
    +Method bindFunc(string lpProcName, Type ret, params Type[] args);
    +Method<T, object> bindFunc<T>(string lpProcName, Type ret, params Type[] args);
    +Method bind(string func, Type ret, params Type[] args);
    +Method<T, object> bind<T>(string func, Type ret, params Type[] args);
  • FIXED: Fixed possible crashes - 'A heap has been corrupted' when use of shared pointer between several UnmanagedStructure.
  • CHANGED: ILoader: minor incompatible changes for PE32/PE32+ features.
    * New IPE PE property for complex work with PE-file.
    * The ExportFunctionNames property has been removed as obsolete. Use same PE.ExportedProcNamesArray
  • CHANGED: IProvider minor incompatible changes funcName() -> procName()
    string funcName(string name); has been renamed to string procName(string name);
    - as a common method for getting full lpProcName with main prefix etc.
  • CHANGED: TDyn IBinder.bind(MethodInfo mi, bool prefix = false); removed as a deprecated, because for this can be a lot of misunderstandings.
    If you need something, use like: prefix ? l.procName(mi.Name) : mi.Name etc. for any available methods with MethodInfo.
  • CHANGED: Added User object (+user) for Native.Core.Field. To store any additional information that's related for specific field.


24 Sep 21:31
@3F 3F
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public release v1.2

    FIXED: Incorrect boolean values from unmanaged code #6
    NEW: Added type for work with unmanaged structures - UnmanagedStructure


17 Aug 19:54
@3F 3F
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public release [v1.1]

    NEW: DLR features for core with caching of dynamic types.
    NEW: Added features for convenient work with Native C/C++ structures without declaration. /Issue #2
    NEW: The Mangling features by C rules: to automatically find entry points of exported functions. /Issue #3
    NEW: Added access to export functions from PE files.

    NEW: Added LSender as a simple retranslator for loggers.
    NEW: Added features for convenient work with any binary raw data.

    NEW: Added Core events:
         * BeforeUnload - Before unloading a library.
         * AfterUnload - When library has been unloaded.
         * AfterLoad - When library has been loaded.
         * PrefixChanged - When Prefix has been changed.
         * ConventionChanged - When Convention has been changed.

    FIXED: bug with CharPtr when unboxing for unmanaged code.
    FIXED: trivial fixes with implicit conversion for size_t and UIntPtr.
    CHANGED: Updated CharPtr: +BSTR, +WCharPtr & added new UnmanagedString, that allocates strings for unmanaged code.
    CHANGED: Other trivial fixes and improvements.


03 Aug 14:11
@3F 3F
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public release [v1.0] - A flexible platform to work with any exported…