Welcome to monoGames Sustainability (monoGreen) where we bring traditional sustainable concepts to monoGames Metaverse and then add interactive components that also connects monoGames Sustainability (monoGreen) to The Real World. If we look at the simple traditional hunter gatherer who would go hunting, catch food, they would then store food for another day while also rotating hunting land to give time for that land to replenish animals so the whole concept of surviving was sustainable. monoGames is using this simple concept in the monoGames Metaverse while also interacting components into The Real World to solidify sustainability in monoGames. If we look at the 3 driving forces that really promote sustainability which includes a stable economy, being environmentally friendly while also looking at the social impacts between the monoGames Metaverse and the Real World with the goal of meeting our needs today while not compromising the sustainability of future gamers wanting to play at a sustainable price there needs to be a balancing act so this game can grow and be sustainable and just as important be relevant to today's needs and adapt, plan and meet the needs of future players sustainably.
The reward system of monoGames with the monoGames Token (MTG) works in a very similar traditional way where you work, store and then receive rewards. Today people want to earn and spend immediately with no idea to save for another day or even think of the future. In retrospect to this monoGames wants to take baby steps in moving towards a more sustainable reward system. Were looking at a 10 year plan which incorporates a monoGames Token (MTG) release which will last the first 5 years using a daily airdrop while also incorporating 12 blockchain tokens to work in unison with approx 20% of their token to be used in a sustainable way with monoGames Token (MTG) rewards as well as introducing new blockchain tokens to cover the following 5 years in a sustainable buyback replacement of monoGames Tokens (MTG) for the monoGames airdrop reward system. How the monoGames airdrop works is you complete tasks within monoGames to earn share points, those share points are accumulated and stored for a 24 hour period and at the end of the 24 hour period all your share points are tallied up with all other players and the daily drop is divided into the amount a player has earnt in that daily 24 hour period for those respective reward pools you earnt those share points. We want to make the airdrop reward to be weekly and then hopefully at the end of every month but since we live in a world where we want it now, it will be very hard to convince gamers to receive their rewards at the end of the month so we will proceed with caution and let gamers decide in how the future sustainability will shape monoGames reward airdrops.
Another initiative we hope to operate during the 10 year plane is partnering with sustainable products and services from The Real World to interact with the monoGames Metaverse. Were looking to team up with Sustainable Energy Companies, Eco-Waste Management, Packaging Companies, Sustainable Products, Sustainable Community Food, etc with a Qcoding Verification System that people could use their products and services and earn monoGames Tokens. If we look at sustainable energy, monoGames might partner with Tesla where Tesla sponsors monoGames and in return monoGames uses Tesla logo's on all our NFT energy devices you need to power up buildings, vehicles, portals, etc. These Tesla NFT energy devices can be obtained in sustainable packs, in missions and also on the NFT Market Place. Placing these Sustainable NFT's earns in game currency, certifications, carbon emission points which can be traded in game and can also be used towards you carbon footprint. We also want to go one step further, if anyone can prove they own any Tesla product or service through a Qcode verification system, monoGames would reward them for those devices too. All sponsorship deals would go back into monoGames ecosystem to keep it sustainable. There will also be Good Will Emission points with Donations made and registered with monoGames like the teamtree's with MrBeast.
Sustainability is a very complex matter especially when you want to add it and interact it with the Metaverse and The Real World. The social impacts monoGames can have with implementing a reward ecosystem that promotes sustainability between the Metaverse and The Real world is enormous. monoGames hopes to educate, create and build upon sustainable practices to help make the world innovate sustainability in all we do so we can create a thriving and prosperous world for future generations.