The details in the monoGames project are subject to change and can change at any time, especially when the game is being upgraded.
Views expressed by other people connected to monoGames belong solely to the author and not anything to do with monoGames. People are allowed freedom of speech and monoGames cant stop people from free speech.
We take no responsibility from being held responsible for damages that happen from anyone, website, bugs, app’s, hackers and whoever wishes to damage this game. We try to implement best practices to reduce this problem and we may implement a monoGames insurance token to mitigate the problem.
Past performance of the website, game, app’s, blockchain does not guarantee future performance of any issues like bugs, hacking or whatever may affect our game. We ask for patients until the developers can fix the problem.
Where human errors and omissions might happen, if you see any issues please advise monoGames at our discord. We will treat this like a bounty and reward any one that finds any errors and omissions that occur.
This is an open source game with a MIT license at github, fair use does apply.
monoGames makes confidentiality its number one priority, any correspondence in emails that occurs between monoGames and players will be treated with strict guidelines to ensure monoGames and players have privacy and confidence to deal with any issues players have.
Use at your own risk, it is just a game and if you have any questions please seek legal advice or talk to us at our discord and we would be happy to answer any question pertaining monoGames but we don't give investment advice just assurances that we have a game people can play to earn and use those earnings in game.