#Tiny Color Chooser The component is used to select colors from a limited list.
The component is based on the JavaScript library Prototype. ##Example Use
<input id="color_chooser_2" type="hidden"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
new TinyColorChooser("color_chooser_2", {
colors: ["AAA","BBB","CCC","DDD","FFF"],
default_color: "BBB",
popup_height: 26,
popup_width: 102
If you are using Ruby On Rails, you can define helper method
def select_color_tag(name, value=nil, options={})
out = hidden_field_tag(name, value, options)
out << javascript_tag("new TinyColorChooser(\"#{sanitize_to_id(name)}\", #{options.to_json})");
and use it in your erb
<%= select_color_tag("some_field_name", "some_field_value", {
:default_color => "CCC",
:colors=>["AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD", "EEE", "FFF"]
##Supported Properties
, default_color
, popup_width
, popup_height
, element_classname
, popup_classname
, preview_classname