Hackathon Management System The website is hosted and is active in the website : https://recapitulatory-game.000webhostapp.com/
This Repo is designed for Smart Hackathon Management System where people organising the hackathon can faciliate the needs of users with ease.
The Main page is the index page where as the first page starts from the login page which is available in the login folder
This is not a completely functional website as the backend is not yet completely functional.
Some of the UI ideas are inspired from some of the internet sources and credits to them as well The username and password can be anything
for the signup page as well you can give a valid name to enter into the site
Some information regarding the website is that since it is a free hosting server some netwroks might say it is dangerous yet you guys can trust and enter the site by clicking view more details and visit site anyways needn't give any confidential or any sort of information