It's an example of an ERC20 token-based access control system, providing a flexible way to restrict access to digital resources using Ethereum tokens.
Check out the live demo at:
- 🔐 ERC20 Token Access Control: Users must hold a specific ERC20 token to unlock content.
- 🍪 Cookie-Based Session Management: Stores session data after verifying wallet and token balance, reducing repeated wallet requests.
- 💼 Web3 Integration: Powered by Wagmi and RainbowKit for smooth wallet connection.
- 🎨 Headless UI: Shadcn/UI components minimalistically styled with TailwindCSS for a modern look.
- 🚀 Modern Stack: Built on top of Next.js 14, leveraging features like React Server Components (RSC) and Server Actions with Next.js's App Router (app directory).
- 💳 Web3 Wallet Integration: Supports various wallets like MetaMask & WalletConnect for user convenience.
- ERC20 Token Verification: When a user connects their wallet, the app checks if they hold the required ERC20 token.
- Cookie Session: After verifying the proof of ownership of the required token, a cookie with a JWT token is set to persist the user's access, so they don’t need to re-verify their wallet repeatedly.
The token address is defined in the environment variables:
// below is address of ChainLink Token (LINK) on Sepolia Testnet
// in your .env.local or .env file add the following:
├── pages/
│ ├── auth.tsx # Authentication page for signing a messsage proving token ownership
│ ├── restricted.tsx # Restricted content page gated by the token ownership
│ └── index.tsx # Home page accessible to all users
├── actions/
│ └── claimAccess.ts # Server action for claiming access via token ownership
└── .env.local # Environment variables
- node installed
- npm | yarn | pnpm installed
- MetaMask or WalletConnect for testing
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd token-based-access
- Install dependencies:
npm install (or yarn/pnpm)
- Create a
file in the root directory and add the following:
NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_TESTNETS=true // Optional: Enable testnets
- Starting the development server:
npm run dev
- Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to access the application.
This is a RainbowKit + wagmi + Next.js project bootstrapped with create-rainbowkit