For my CS344 Artificial Intelligence course final project, I wrote a neuroevolution algorithm in Golang. By treating the weights of neurons as dimensions of a search space, it attempts to evolve networks that are more capable of surviving in game playing environments. It has support for Tic Tac Toe and Checkers so far.
Usage of Neuroevolution.exe:
-filename string
JSON file to load containing a neural network (default "None")
-game string
Name of game to be played. Currently Tic Tac Toe and Checkers are supported. (default "Tic Tac Toe")
-generations int
Number of generations to evolve before returning the best network (default 128)
-hiddens int
Number of hidden neurons. Recommend 56 for Tic Tac Toe. (default 256)
-maxgames int
Maximum number of games to play within a population (default 1024)
-output string
Name of a JSON file to write the results to (default "data\\results.json")
-population int
Number of individuals in the population (default 256)
-streak int
Number of generations that achieve the maximum score before ending the algorithm early (default 4)
This project may be found at: