A central place to keep track of relevant BountyMachine talks, blogs, and interesting related things!
- @anshuman_bh
- Glenn 'devalias' Grant (@_devalias): Blog, Medium, GitHub LinkedIn
- @mhmdiaa
Keeping track of presentations about BountyMachine, or relevant related topics by the BountyMachine team.
"Bug Bounty Hunting on Steroids" - @anshuman_bh, @_devalias: Overview, YouTube, Slides, Blog2017-11-29
"Automation For Bug Hunters - Bug Bounty Talks" - @mhmdiaa: YouTube, Slides2017-11-18
"Gophers, whales and.. clouds? Oh my!" - @_devalias: YouTube (1/2), Slides (1/2), GitHub, Blog2017-07-22
"Kubebot - Scaleable and automated testing slackbot" - @anshuman_bh: Bio, Overview
"Presenting at DEF CON 26 - Bug Bounty Hunting on Steroids" - @_devalias2018-08-12
"Introducing BountyMachine"
Will BountyMachine be open sourced? When will it be released? etc..
We currently have no plans to open source/release BountyMachine publicly. We are exploring potential commercial/hosted options, and may allow some form of access through those mechanisms in future. The team is comitted to open access, open source, and sharing in general; so we are actively considering and exploring what aspects we can share/talk more about/etc without compromising our core. If you want to talk more about this, or have ideas, please hit us up!