Grpc client interface with wallet abstraction to perform queries, build and sign transaction within a single packages.
use std::str::FromStr;
use cosmos_grpc_client::{
GrpcClient, Wallet, CoinType, Decimal, BroadcastMode
cosmos_sdk_proto::{cosmos::{bank::v1beta1::{QueryBalanceRequest, QueryBalanceResponse, MsgSend}, base::v1beta1::Coin}, traits::Message},
osmosis_std::types::osmosis::{poolmanager::v1beta1::{PoolRequest, PoolResponse}, gamm::v1beta1::Pool},
async fn _main() {
// Create client, use "http://localhost:9090" for local node
let mut client = GrpcClient::new("").await.unwrap();
// Query balance using standard clients from cosmos_sdk_proto
let request = QueryBalanceRequest{address: "osmo123...".to_string(), denom: "uosmo".to_string()};
let response =;
println!("Balance of address osmo123..., {:?}", response.clone().balance.unwrap());
// Same query using `general_query()` instead
let request = QueryBalanceRequest{address: "osmo123...".to_string(), denom: "uosmo".to_string()};
let c_response: QueryBalanceResponse = client.general_query(request, "/").await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(response, c_response);
// `general_query()` is used to perform query for a custom module or any module
// Query pool type from osmosis pool manager module
let request = PoolRequest { pool_id: 1 };
let response: PoolResponse = client.general_query(request, "/osmosis.poolmanager.v1beta1.Query/Pool").await.unwrap();
// response.pool is protobuff since different types of pool exsist. Decode it to the standard Balancer pool
let pool = Pool::decode(response.pool.unwrap().value.as_slice()).unwrap();
// Create a wallet
let wallet = Wallet::new(
&mut client,
"ball fish ...", // Seed phrase
"osmo", // Chain prefix
CoinType::Cosmos, // = 118 // Coin type, use CointType enum or any u64 number
0, // Account index for HD
Decimal::from_str("0.015").unwrap(), // Gas_price
Decimal::from_str("1.5").unwrap(), // Gas adjustment
"uosmo" // Gas denom
// Create a MsgSend and parse it into `protobuff::Any`
let msg = MsgSend {
from_address: wallet.account_address(),
to_address: "osmo123...".to_string(),
amount: vec![Coin {
denom: "osmo".to_string(),
amount: "100".to_string(),
let response = wallet.broadcast_tx(
&mut client,
vec![msg], // Vec<Any>: list of msgs to broadcast
None, // memo: Option<String>
None, // fee: Option<Fee>, if not provided the tx is simulated to calculate the fee
BroadcastMode::Sync // Broadcast mode; Block/Sync/Async
println!("response: {response:#?}")