We are a team of web3 data scientists aiming at preventing sybil attacks. Before the Gitcoin Hackthon, we have already done a lot of preparations and related works, such as the Sybil analysis on HOP and Gnosis Safe airdrop. We position our work as the algorithmic detection LEGO in a Sybil resistance system although it means high development and maintenancen cost
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(1) We collected some more datasets valuable to Gitcoin(Page 5), the Ethereum and Polygon transfers related to GR15 contributors from Alchemy and zySync from its api. From Chainbase and dune, we obtained the token price and some useful smart contract tags. We also labelled some addresses and smart contracts by ourself.
(2) Attackers (or farmers) invest their time (to manipulate) and money (to donate) to perform Sybil attacks. Definitely they prefer to have a higher ROI (Return on investment). We propose the concept of bulk transfers and bulk donations in page 7. We have found some commonly-used tools such as disperse.app, multisender, buldsender (page 14). We design a set of risk indicators and rules to eliminate High-Risk Sybils. (page 19)
(3) We define the sequential behavior pattern mining to make EOA(address) behavior computable so as to facilitate sybil discovery. Clustering algorithm is used to discover group of Sybils behaving in a similar way. Heatmap visualization is very interesting. (page 29)
(4) Graphs are very important to detect Sybils. To our knowledge, it is the first time in Web3 to define chain-like and diamond shape Sybil attack. (Page 34, 35). We use Gephi to visualize and explore a lot of connected components. Some gif are provided in this part to show the fund flow of a Sybil attack over time. (page 37, 38).
(5) grant fraud is not a focus in this hackthon. We spend half a day to find one case and present it in page 40.
Our data are uploaded to github and aliyun OSS.
(1)data/sybilRecognition/atg:data warehouse details for sybil detection using the asset-transfer graph approach,
(2)data/typicalCases/ATG:gephi project files for visualizing examples of the asset-transfer graph approach(Page 33,34,35,37,38),
(3)data/typicalCases/bulkDonation: datasets as to the examples of bulk donations(page 20 and 21),
(4)data/typicalCases/GrantFraud:datasets as to the example of grant fraud(page 40),
(5)data/overallResults:aggregate the Sybils discovered from different approaches into one table safe_tmp.leo_result_address_final.csv;
(1)raw-data:Besides the raw data set from GR15, we collected data from alchemy, chainbase, dune, and zysync. Refer to the "Data Preparation" page (page 5) for the list of datasets,
(2)ODS:The ODS layer stores raw data in the data warehouse. The data structure is basically consistent with that in the source system,
(3)DWD:the data warehouse details for modelling,
(4)result:aggregate the Sybils discovered from different approaches into one table safe_tmp.leo_result_address_final.csv (same as 0x9simon/slaysybil/data/overallResults)
We have also uploaded the code to collect data, conduct feature engineering, compute risk score and Sybil clusters, and generate visualizations.
(1) code/loadData: the code for loading all the possible datasets for modelling and mining.
(2) code/sybilRecognition:the sql and python code for detecting sybils, including the bulkTransfer code, bulkDonation code, behavior code and asset-transfer graph (atg) code. In order to run the program, some necessary data sets are also provided.
(3) code/typicalCase:the code to select typical examples for bulkDonation, “grantFraud”, “behavior.py” and “bulk_transfer.py”.
(4) code/overallResults:the code for combining the results from every approach into one comprehensive result.
Mainly in doc/overallResults directory, there are some aggregted statistics as to bulk donations, bulk transfers, behavior and atg. The final overall statistics is also included.
(1) Due to time limit, some of the algorithms used in this work is not state-of-art. We can have more deep studies. We keep on building an anti-sybil system.
(2) We have talked with some projects including Gitcoin that are going to do Sybil prevention for their airdrops, campaigns, and donations. But no one has directly answered the question of whether they collect and make use of user privacy data such as IP and WIFI. It is the core value of Crypto to maintain anonymity and resist censorship. So we have always insisted on using publicly available on-chain data to generate Sybil identification and prevention solutions, and we are going deeper on this path.