Releases: 0ffz/particles
Releases · 0ffz/particles
⛰️ Features
- Allow using opengl backend with --opengl option on jvm - (e3c078c)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Reimplement reset particles button - (e3c078c)
- Mouse scroll not changing live parameters - (e3c078c)
- Set correct unzip path for docs - (f5fb029)
📚 Documentation
- Improve installation docs, link to web demo, fill in some empty pages - (594a513)
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Only publish release when (version tag) is updated - (239a52c)
⛰️ Features
- Initial support for forces on individual particles - (3c222fc)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Load fonts correctly on web target - (8f7ee51)
🚜 Refactor
- Start refactor for kool structs - (00d661f)
- Move maxForce parameter out of pairwise forces - (1f13b8d)
- Clean up api for creating custom forces - (614bdf2)
- Split into engine and demo projects, with demo implementing LennardJones - (614bdf2)
- Simplify live parameters storage (just store as a map of overrides) - (95eebad)
- More intuitive live parameters, save to file automatically and provide reset button instead of load - (95eebad)
- Start scene and shader code cleanup - (6cd366f)
📚 Documentation
- Start writing docs on implementing custom forces - (36e144e)
- Start configuration and installation docs - (c1593fe)
- Start writing docs using Writerside - (a666781)
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
⛰️ Features
- Use kotlin script to load particles configuration - (d7a046d)
- Work on DSL for custom particle interactions - (a42d85a)
- Create DSL for configuring simulation - (122e929)
- Multiple particle types with different type-type interactions - (122e929)
- Decouple simulation from rendering, add simulation vs rendering speed bias in options - (db1fd5b)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Add permission to create releases in publish action - (795d98b)
- Run shadowDistZip instead of install task - (81ebb0e)
- Add gradlew - (748d16d)
- YamlConfig always erroring on read - (671d428)
- Always have enough particles for grid cells - (e8de2b4)
- Apply cap directly to lennardJones calculation directly to avoid float imprecision - (efd76f2)
- Wrap around instead of using bounds since most particles were ending up at 0,0 - (efd76f2)
🚜 Refactor
- Swap to installDist for publishing instead of jlink - (d7a046d)
- Move to me.dvyy.particles package - (1f02d4f)
- Move compute shaders to jar resources - (1f02d4f)
- Don't depend on ktor for YamlConfig, use kaml instead - (1f02d4f)
- Swap to using velocity variable instead of prev position - (e8de2b4)
- Apply cap to net force - (efd76f2)
- Sort in memory directly rather than using sorted indices - (08dc921)
- Finish basic compute shader - (5b2b33b)
- Start rewriting on compute shader - (ec945b1)
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add release publish task - (6b172b4)
- Move example to its own module - (9e9afcd)
- Add more configurable parameters - (e8de2b4)
- Work a bit on settings gui - (ff8e4c6)
- Some small tweaks to force values - (db1fd5b)
- A bit more cleanup - (08dc921)
- Cleanup main into separate classes for each shader - (494cb59)