abdullah shalaan. (2022, August 11). the final project. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6984372
abdullah shalaan. (2022, August 30). the final project. Rpubs. https://rpubs.com/AbdullahS/933441
Car Prices Data Analysis
This project starts with an introduction to Rmarkdown and how to start using it. After it we start the car prices dataset analysis using R. The analysis includes two parts: data description and data visualization. The data description includes an examination of the data structure, a selection of the variables used in the analysis, followed by a summary statistics of the numeric variables and a frequency table of the factor variables. The data visualization part focuses on variables distribution using univariate plots (histogram, and boxplot), and the relationship between variables using bivariate plots (scatterplot and barplot)