It was supposed to be a lightweight Linux distribution for digital forensics and incident response, but it kind of spiraled out of control.
Primarily focused on the Apple Silicon and ARM64 based systems. The X86_64 architecture is now supported as well!
Ubuntu Multipass is a tool developed by Canonical that allows users to create, manage, and configure lightweight virtual machines (VMs) on their local system, specifically designed for Ubuntu environments.
- via Brew -> brew install multipass
- via stand alone installer ->
The following command will create a VM named BanditLab with 2GB of RAM and a 15GB disk.
- You can adjust the VM name and hardware specifications according to your preferences.
Cloud-Init for the MacOS or ARM architecture:
multipass launch -n BanditLab -m 2GB -d 15G --cloud-init
Cloud-Init for the X86_64 architecture:
multipass launch -n BanditLab -m 2GB -d 15G --cloud-init
Log into the VM:
multipass shell BanditLab
Stop the VM:
multipass stop BanditLab
Delete the VM:
multipass delete BanditLab
multipass purge
Share folder between the VM and host system:
multipass mount path/to/local/folder BanditLab:/home/ubuntu/DATA
In order to see files in the macOS folder Full Disk access for Multipass is required.
System Preferences > Security & Privacy Preferences > Full Disk Access
Alternatively you can copy files to and from the VM via transfer command
Copy file FROM the VM to a host machine
multipass transfer BanditLab:/home/ubuntu/evidence/MFT.csv ./
Copy file TO the VM from a host machine
multipass transfer ./image.E01 BanditLab:/home/ubuntu/evidence
Run the alias command to get a list of shortcuts for running the custom tools.
EZTools - Eric Zimmerman's tools
- JLECmd version - Jump List parser
- EvtxECmd version - Event log (evtx) parser
- LECmd version - Lnk file parser
- MFTECmd version - $MFT, $Boot, $J, $SDS, $I30 parser
- RBCmd version - Recycle Bin artifact (INFO2/$I) parser
- RECmd version - Command line Registry tool
- rla version - Replay transaction logs and update Registry hives
- RecentFileCacheParser version
- SQLECmd version
- SrumECmd version
- WxTCmd version
- bstrings version
SIDR - Github Repository
- SIDR (Search Index DB Reporter) is a Rust-based tool designed to parse Windows search artifacts from Windows 10 (and prior) and Windows 11 systems.
MemProcFS - Github Repository
- MemProcFS: MemProcFS is an easy and convenient way of viewing physical memory as files in a virtual file system.
Timeliner - Github Repository
- Timeliner uses a real expression engine to parse and apply the BPF logic to filter events based on the time.
Chainsaw - Github Repository
- Chainsaw offers a generic and fast method of searching through event logs for keywords, and by identifying threats using built-in support for Sigma detection rules, and via custom Chainsaw detection rules.
Hayabusa - Github Repository
- Hayabusa is a Windows event log fast forensics timeline generator and threat hunting tool created by the Yamato Security.
VT-CLI - Github Repository
- VirusTotal Command Line Interface
Nikto - Github Repository
- Nikto web server scanner
Nuclei - Github Repository
- Fast and customisable vulnerability scanner based on simple YAML based DSL.
ioc-scanner - Github Repository
- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency IoC scanner
yara - Github Repository
- Pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers
Nosey Parker - Github Repository
- Nosey Parker is a command-line program that finds secrets and sensitive information in textual data.
Trufflehog - Github Repository
- TruffleHog is an open-source secret scanning engine that detects and helps resolve exposed secrets across your entire tech stack.
JQ - Github Repository
- Slice and filter and map and transform JSON structured data
PUP - Github Repository
- Command line tool for processing HTML
ugrep - Github Repository
- Faster grep with an interactive query UI
- peepdf - Github Repository - tool to explore PDF files, it can parse different versions of a file, object streams and encrypted files.
- pdfid - Github Repository - Didier Stevens’s tool to test a PDF file
- dfir_ntfs - Github Repository - an NTFS/FAT parser for digital forensics & incident response
- oletools - Github Repository - oletools is a package of python tools to analyze Microsoft OLE2 files
- hindsight - Github Repository - web artefacts and browsing history from Chromium-based web browsers
- browserexport - Github Repository - web artefacts and browsing history from Chrome-based web browsers,Firefox, Safari and more.
- windowsprefetch - Github Repository - Parser for Windows XP - Windows 10 Prefetch files
- xlsxgrep - Github Repository - tool to search text in XLSX, XLS, CSV, TSV and ODS files.
- flare-capa - Github Repository - capa detects capabilities in executable files. You run it against a PE, ELF, .NET module, shellcode file, or a sandbox report
- DomainTools - Github Repository - The DomainTools Python API Wrapper provides an interface to work with cybersecurity and related data tools provided by the Iris Investigate.
azure-cli - Github Repository - Azure Command-Line Interface
- run
to install the package
- run
gcloud-cli - Home Page - Google Cloud Command Line Interface
- run
to install the package
- run
PowerShell 7.4 - Home Page - Microsoft PowerShell
- run
to install the package
- run
- aeskeyfind - tool for locating AES keys in a captured memory image
- afflib-tools - Advanced Forensics Format Library (utilities)
- binwalk - tool library for analyzing binary blobs and executable code
- cewl - custom word list generator
- dc3dd - patched version of GNU dd with forensic features
- dislocker - read/write encrypted BitLocker volumes
- dnsrecon - DNS enumeration script
- ewf-tools - collection of tools for reading and writing EWF (E01) files
- exifprobe - read metadata from digital pictures
- extundelete - utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition
- fcrackzip - password cracker for zip archives
- forensic-artifacts - knowledge base of forensic artifacts (data files)
- forensics-colorize - show differences between files using color graphics
- galleta - Internet Explorer cookie forensic analysis tool
- getxattr - getxattr() retrieves the value of the extended attribute identified by name and associated with the given path in the file system.
- hashdeep - recursively compute hashsums or piecewise hashings
- pff-tools - utilities for MS Outlook PAB, PST and OST files
- mc - MidnightCommander File Manager
- recoverdm - recover files on disks with damaged sectors
- scrounge-ntfs - Data recovery program for NTFS filesystems
- sleuthkit - tools for forensics analysis on volume and filesystem data
- ssdeep - recursive piecewise hashing tool
- ext3grep - tool to help recover deleted files on ext3 filesystems
- libimage-exiftool-perl - Exiftool - program to read and write meta information in multimedia files
- unblob - unblob is an accurate, fast, and easy-to-use extraction suite. It parses unknown binary blobs for more than 30 different archive, compression, and file-system formats, extracts their content recursively.
- binvis - project to visualize binary-file structures in unique ways
- testdisk - partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool
- chntpw - NT SAM password recovery utility
- geoip-bin - IP lookup command line tools that use the GeoIP library
- mblaze - UNIX utilities to deal with Maildir
- mboxgrep - grep through mailboxes
- pev - text-based tool to analyze PE files
- tshark - network traffic analyzer - console version
- unar - unarchiver for a variety of file formats
- libvshadow-utils - libvshadow is a library to access the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format.
- dotnet-runtime-6.0 - .NET runtime v 6.0 for Linux
- python3.12-venv - Python Virtual Environments
- python3-pip - package installer for Python
- tesseract-ocr - Tesseract 4 adds a new neural net (LSTM) based OCR engine
- readpe - readpe is a toolkit designed to analyze Microsoft Windows PE (Portable Executable) binary files. Its tools can parse and compare PE32/PE32+ executable files (EXE, DLL, OCX, etc), and analyze them in search of suspicious characteristics
- parallel - GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers.