fin-edubot Public
A financial chatbot powered by an LLM and retrieval-augmented generation.
bbox-utils Public
A utility script to transform bounding boxes along with the object image.
Python UpdatedOct 1, 2023 -
dbfl-framework Public
Distributed Blockchain-enabled Federated Learning Framework
Python UpdatedAug 4, 2023 -
gophercises-sol Public
My solutions to gophercises (and bonuses).
Classification of defective lemons by augmenting images with GAN variations.
hrank Public
A Python implemetation of HRank path-based ranking algorithm.
Python UpdatedDec 16, 2022 -
custom-creative-creator Public
A web application to create your own custom creatives (and much more).
jojo-gan-restyle Public
Python scripts to pre-train, fine-tune and use JoJoGAN with improved GAN inversion.
blockchain-raspberry-pi Public
An IoT based web application deployed in a local blockchain.
publicagent-rtdbms Public
A web application to handle management and updation of medical records in real time.
UpdatedMay 9, 2022 -
kaggle-days-moscow-2022 Public
My code for KaggleDays Moscow Championship Meetup.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 19, 2022 -
infrared-to-grayscale Public
A Backpropagation network to retrieve visible specturm information from Infrared images.
simple-kerberos Public
A simple Kerberos implementation using socket programming.
nmt-with-attention Public
Bahdanau Attention mechanism for Spanish to English translation.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 7, 2021 -
digit-recognition Public
Trained a High Accuracy CNN to identify Digits.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 23, 2021 -
imdb-sentiment-analysis Public
Used BERT to perform Sentiment Analysis on IMDb reviews.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 11, 2021 -
date-conversion Public
A not-so-simple Date Conversion with Autoencoders.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 29, 2021 -
embedded-reber-grammar Public
Used an Embedded Reber Grammar to check If RNNs identify long-range dependencies.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 25, 2021 -
breakout-v4 Public
Created a DQN Agent that achieves superhuman score in Breakout-v4.
Python UpdatedFeb 8, 2021 -