Pfff welcomes contributions from anyone. If you have an idea for a feature or notice a bug please open an issue. Creating an issue first is preferable to moving directly to a pull request so that we can ensure you're on the right track without any wasted effort. This is also a great way to contribute to pfff even if you're not making changes yourself.
Install opam if you don't have it already. Then install pfff's dependencies using:
Before your first commit, you'll need to set up a pre-commit hook
which will normalize the formatting of source files. For this, you
need to install the pre-commit
Install python3 and pip3 for your environment:
$ pip3 install pre-commit
Then activate the pre-commit hook for this repository:
$ pre-commit install
Now you can run git commit
. Note that this uses the
executable, which should have been installed with the
other opam packages earlier.