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Sample React Oicd

A set of react components to make Oidc (OpenID Connect) client easy. It aim to simplify OAuth authentication between multiples providers.

Easy set up of OIDC for react. It use AppAuthJS behind the scene because it very lightweight and created by openid certification team. oidc-client use in V3 is heavy and not longer maintained.

  • Secure :
    • With the use of Service Worker, your tokens (refresh_token and access_token) are not accessible to the javascript client code (big protection against XSRF attacks)
    • OIDC using client side Code Credential Grant with pkce only
  • Lightweight
  • Simple :
    • refresh_token and access_token are auto refreshed in background
    • with the use of the Service Worker, you do not need to inject the access_token in every fetch, you have only to configure OidcTrustedDomains.js file
  • No cookies problem : You can disable silent signin (that internally use an iframe). For your information, your OIDC server should be in the same domain of your website in order to be able to send OIDC server cookies from your website via an internal IFRAME, else, you may encounter COOKIES problem.
  • Multiple Authentication :
    • You can authenticate many times to the same provider with different scope (for example you can acquire a new 'payment' scope for a payment)
    • You can authenticate to multiple different providers inside the same SPA (single page application) website
  • Flexible :
    • Work with Service Worker (more secure) and without for older browser (less secure)

Schema Authorization Code Grant with pcke flow on the using service worker
The service worker catch access_token and refresh_token that will never be accessible to the client.

Getting Started

npm install @axa-fr/react-oidc --save

# If you have a "public" folder, the 2 files will be created :
# ./public/OidcServiceWorker.js <-- will be updated at each "npm install"
# ./public/OidcTrustedDomains.js <-- won't be updated if already exist

If you need a very secure mode where refresh_token and access_token will be hide behind a service worker that will proxify requests. The only file you should edit is "OidcTrustedDomains.js".

// OidcTrustedDomains.js

// Add bellow trusted domains, access tokens will automatically injected to be send to
// trusted domain can also be a path like, 
// then all subroute like will be authorized to send access_token to.

// Domains used by OIDC server must be also declared here
const trustedDomains = {
  default:["", ""]

Run The Demo

git clone
cd react-oidc/packages/react
npm install
npm start
# then navigate to http://localhost:4200


Application startup

The library is router agnostic and use native History API.

The default routes used internally :

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';
import { OidcProvider } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';
import Header from './Layout/Header';
import Routes from './Router';

// This configuration use hybrid mode
// ServiceWorker are used if available (more secure) else tokens are given to the client
// You need to give inside your code the "access_token" when using fetch
const configuration = {
  client_id: 'interactive.public.short',
  redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '/authentication/callback',
  silent_redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '/authentication/silent-callback',
  scope: 'openid profile email api offline_access', // offline_access scope allow your client to retrieve the refresh_token
  authority: '',

const App = () => (
    <OidcProvider configuration={configuration} >
        <Header />
        <Routes />

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
const propTypes = {
  loadingComponent: PropTypes.elementType, // you can inject your own loading component
  sessionLostComponent: PropTypes.elementType, // you can inject your own session lost component
  authenticating: PropTypes.elementType, // you can inject your own authenticationg component
  authenticatingErrorComponent: PropTypes.elementType,
  callbackSuccessComponent: PropTypes.elementType, // you can inject your own call back success component
  serviceWorkerNotSupportedComponent: PropTypes.elementType, // you can inject your page that explain your require a more modern browser
  onSessionLost: PropTypes.function, // If set "sessionLostComponent" is not displayed and onSessionLost callback is called instead
  configuration: PropTypes.shape({
    client_id: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // oidc client id
    redirect_uri: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // oidc redirect url
    silent_redirect_uri: PropTypes.string, // Optional activate silent-signin that use cookies between OIDC server and client javascript to restore sessions
    silent_login_uri: PropTypes.string, // Optional, route that trigger the signin
    silent_login_timeout: PropTypes.number, // Optional default is 12000 milliseconds
    scope: PropTypes.string.isRequired, // oidc scope (you need to set "offline_access")
    authority: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
    storage: Storage, // Default sessionStorage, you can set localStorage but it is less secure to XSS attacks
    authority_configuration: PropTypes.shape({ // Optional for providers that does not implement OIDC server auto discovery via a .wellknowurl
      authorization_endpoint: PropTypes.string,
      token_endpoint: PropTypes.string,
      userinfo_endpoint: PropTypes.string,
      end_session_endpoint: PropTypes.string,
      revocation_endpoint: PropTypes.string,
      check_session_iframe: PropTypes.string
    refresh_time_before_tokens_expiration_in_second: PropTypes.number,
    service_worker_relative_url: PropTypes.string,
    service_worker_only: PropTypes.boolean, // default false
    extras: StringMap|undefined, // ex: {'prompt': 'consent', 'access_type': 'offline'} list of key/value that are send to the oidc server (more info:
    withCustomHistory: PropTypes.function, // Override history modification, return instance with replaceState(url, stateHistory) implemented (like History.replaceState()) 
    authority_time_cache_wellknowurl_in_second: 60* 60, // Time to cache in second of openid wellknowurl, default is 1 hour
    monitor_session: PropTypes.boolean, // Add OpenId monitor session, default is false (more information, if you need to set it to true consider
    onLogoutFromAnotherTab: Function, // Optional, can be set to override the default behavior, this function is triggered when user with the same subject is logged out from another tab when session_monitor is active
    onLogoutFromSameTab: Function // Optional, can be set to override the default behavior, this function is triggered when user is logged out from same tab when session_monitor is active

How to consume

"useOidc" returns all props from the Hook :

import React from 'react';
import {useOidc} from "./oidc";

export const Home = () => {

    const { login, logout, renewTokens, isAuthenticated} = useOidc();
    return (
        <div className="container-fluid mt-3">
            <div className="card">
                <div className="card-body">
                    <h5 className="card-title">Welcome !!!</h5>
                    <p className="card-text">React Demo Application protected by OpenId Connect</p>
                    {!isAuthenticated && <button type="button" className="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => login('/profile')}>Login</button>}
                    {isAuthenticated && <button type="button" className="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => logout()}>logout</button>}
                    {isAuthenticated && <button type="button" className="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => renewTokens()}>renewTokens</button>}

The Hook method exposes :

  • isAuthenticated : if the user is logged in or not
  • logout: logout function (return a promise)
  • login: login function 'return a promise'
  • renewTokens: renew tokens function 'return a promise'

How to secure a component

"OidcSecure" component trigger authentication in case user is not authenticated. So, the children of that component can be accessible only once you are connected.

import React from 'react';
import { OidcSecure } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';

const AdminSecure = () => (
    <h1>My sub component</h1>}

// adding the oidc user in the props
export default AdminSecure;

How to secure a component : HOC method

"withOidcSecure" act the same as "OidcSecure" it also trigger authentication in case user is not authenticated.

import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import { withOidcSecure } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';
import Home from '../Pages/Home';
import Dashboard from '../Pages/Dashboard';
import Admin from '../Pages/Admin';

const Routes = () => (
    <Route exact path="/" component={Home} />
    <Route path="/dashboard" component={withOidcSecure(Dashboard)} />
    <Route path="/admin" component={Admin} />
    <Route path="/home" component={Home} />

export default Routes;

How to get "Access Token" : Hook method

import { useOidcAccessToken } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';

const DisplayAccessToken = () => {
    const{ accessToken, accessTokenPayload } = useOidcAccessToken();

        return <p>you are not authentified</p>
    return (
        <div className="card text-white bg-info mb-3">
            <div className="card-body">
                <h5 className="card-title">Access Token</h5>
                <p style={{color:'red', "backgroundColor": 'white'}}>Please consider to configure the ServiceWorker in order to protect your application from XSRF attacks. ""access_token" and "refresh_token" will never be accessible from your client side javascript.</p>
                {<p className="card-text">{JSON.stringify(accessToken)}</p>}
                {accessTokenPayload != null && <p className="card-text">{JSON.stringify(accessTokenPayload)}</p>}

How to get IDToken : Hook method

import { useOidcIdToken } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';

const DisplayIdToken =() => {
    const{ idToken, idTokenPayload } = useOidcIdToken();

        return <p>you are not authentified</p>
    return (
        <div className="card text-white bg-info mb-3">
            <div className="card-body">
                <h5 className="card-title">ID Token</h5>
                {<p className="card-text">{JSON.stringify(idToken)}</p>}
                {idTokenPayload != null && <p className="card-text">{JSON.stringify(idTokenPayload)}</p>}

How to get User Information : Hook method

import { useOidcUser, UserStatus } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';

const DisplayUserInfo = () => {
  const{ oidcUser, oidcUserLoadingState } = useOidcUser();

  switch (oidcUserLoadingState){
    case UserStatus.Loading:
      return <p>User Information are loading</p>;
    case UserStatus.Unauthenticated:
      return <p>you are not authenticated</p>;
    case UserStatus.LoadingError:
      return <p>Fail to load user information</p>;
      return (
              <div className="card text-white bg-success mb-3">
                <div className="card-body">
                  <h5 className="card-title">User information</h5>
                  <p className="card-text">{JSON.stringify(oidcUser)}</p>

How to get a fetch that inject Access_Token : Hook method

If your are not using the service worker. Fetch function need to send AccessToken. This Hook give you a wrapped fetch that add the access token for you.

import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import { useOidcFetch, OidcSecure } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';

const DisplayUserInfo = ({ fetch }) => {
  const [oidcUser, setOidcUser] = useState(null);
  const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchUserInfoAsync = async () => {
      const res = await fetch("");
      if (res.status != 200) {
        return null;
      return res.json();
    let isMounted = true;
    fetchUserInfoAsync().then((userInfo) => {
      if(isMounted) {
    return  () => {
      isMounted = false;

    return <>Loading</>;

  return (
          <div className="container mt-3">
            <div className="card text-white bg-success mb-3">
              <div className="card-body">
                <h5 className="card-title">User information</h5>
                {oidcUser != null && <p className="card-text">{JSON.stringify(oidcUser)}</p>}

export const FetchUserHook= () => {
  const {fetch} = useOidcFetch();
  return <OidcSecure><DisplayUserInfo fetch={fetch} /></OidcSecure>

How to get a fetch that inject Access_Token : HOC method

If your are not using the service worker. Fetch function need to send AccessToken. This HOC give you a wrapped fetch that add the access token for you.

import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import { useOidcFetch, OidcSecure } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';

const DisplayUserInfo = ({ fetch }) => {
  const [oidcUser, setOidcUser] = useState(null);
  const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchUserInfoAsync = async () => {
      const res = await fetch("");
      if (res.status != 200) {
        return null;
      return res.json();
    let isMounted = true;
    fetchUserInfoAsync().then((userInfo) => {
      if(isMounted) {
    return  () => {
      isMounted = false;

    return <>Loading</>;

  return (
          <div className="container mt-3">
            <div className="card text-white bg-success mb-3">
              <div className="card-body">
                <h5 className="card-title">User information</h5>
                {oidcUser != null && <p className="card-text">{JSON.stringify(oidcUser)}</p>}

const UserInfoWithFetchHoc = withOidcFetch(fetch)(DisplayUserInfo);
export const FetchUserHoc= () => <OidcSecure><UserInfoWithFetchHoc/></OidcSecure>;

Components override

You can inject your own components. All components definition receive props "configurationName". Please checkout and the the demo for more complexe exemple.

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from 'react-router-dom';
import { OidcProvider } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';
import Header from './Layout/Header';
import Routes from './Router';

// This configuration use hybrid mode
// ServiceWorker are used if available (more secure) else tokens are given to the client
// You need to give inside your code the "access_token" when using fetch
const configuration = {
  client_id: 'interactive.public.short',
  redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:4200/authentication/callback',
  silent_redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:4200/authentication/silent-callback',
  scope: 'openid profile email api offline_access',
  authority: '',

const Loading = () => <p>Loading</p>
const AuthenticatingError = () => <p>Authenticating error</p>
const Authenticating = () => <p>Authenticating</p>
const SessionLost = () => <p>Session Lost</p>
const ServiceWorkerNotSupported = () => <p>Not supported</p>
const CallBackSuccess = () => <p>Success</p>

//const [isSessionLost, setIsSessionLost] = useState(false);

//const onSessionLost = ()=>{
//  setIsSessionLost(true);

const App = () => (
        <OidcProvider configuration={configuration}
                //onSessionLost={onSessionLost} // If set "sessionLostComponent" is not displayed and onSessionLost callback is called instead
          {/* isSessionLost && <SessionLost />*/}
            <Header />
            <Routes />

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

How It Works

These components encapsulate the use of "AppAuth-JS" in order to hide workfow complexity. Internally, native History API is used to be router library agnostic. It use AppAuthJS behind the scene because it very lightweight and created by openid certification team. oidc-client used in V3 is heavy and not longer maintained.

More information about OIDC


To work with NextJS you need to inject your own history surcharge like the sample below.


import { OidcProvider } from '@axa-fr/react-oidc';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router'

const configuration = {
  client_id: 'interactive.public.short',
  redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:3001/#authentication/callback',
  silent_redirect_uri: 'http://localhost:3001/#authentication/silent-callback', // Optional activate silent-login that use cookies between OIDC server and client javascript to restore the session
  scope: 'openid profile email api offline_access',
  authority: ''

const onEvent=(configurationName, eventName, data )=>{
  console.log(`oidc:${configurationName}:${eventName}`, data);

export default function Layout({ children }) {
  const router = useRouter()
  const withCustomHistory= () => {
    return {
      replaceState: (url) => {
          pathname: url,
        }).then(() => {
          window.dispatchEvent(new Event('popstate'));
  return (
            <OidcProvider configuration={configuration} onEvent={onEvent} withCustomHistory={withCustomHistory} >

For more information checkout the nextjs react oidc demo:

Hash route

React oidc work also with hash router.

export const configurationIdentityServerWithHash = {
client_id: 'interactive.public.short',
redirect_uri: window.location.origin+'#authentication-callback',
silent_redirect_uri: window.location.origin+'#authentication-silent-callback', 
scope: 'openid profile email api offline_access',
authority: '',
refresh_time_before_tokens_expiration_in_second: 70,
service_worker_only: false,

Service Worker Support

  • Firefox : tested on firefox 98.0.2
  • Chrome/Edge : tested on version upper to 90
  • Opera : tested on version upper to 80
  • Safari : tested on Safari/605.1.15