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04 User account

File metadata and controls

107 lines (67 loc) · 6.69 KB


Rocks is basically a set of Python programs that controlls and facilitates cluster management. For user account management, once you make changes in the head node, there is a specific command rocks sync users that propagates all user information across all compute nodes. In recent versions of Rocks, now host-based authentification is used, so that any user can log into a compute node without typing password (previously, SSH key-based authentification is used, but occasionally it has problems for various reasons).

Setting up home directory

For the setup of my cluster, the only place that I need to change Rocks source code is for user account administration. The reason is that I wanted to use a common storage server called nas-0-0, rather than head node, to store all user files, yet Rocks does not have an easy way to do this, unless I change source code. Fortunately, it is written in Python, so changing them is straightforward.

Preparation: In nas-0-0, add /dev/mapper/nas--0--0-export /export xfs defaults 0 0 to the /etc/fstab file. Then mount the directory mount /export. Edit /etc/export, and add these two lines:


Then execute exportfs -r (or use -a) to make it effective immediately. Then create /export/home directory in nas-0-0. We can now set up the user home directory below.

First, do rocks set attr Info_HomeDirSrv nas-0-0-ib.ipoib to set up the server address for home directory. Then in /opt/rocks/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rocks/commands/sync/users/, just change value of “default_dir” from "/export/home/" to “/mnt/nas-0-0/home” (but make sure to first create this directory in head node). Next, change /etc/default/useradd, and use HOME=/mnt/nas-0-0/home. Finally, edit /etc/auto.nas and add home nas-0-0-ib.ipoib:/export/home into the file, and edit /etc/auto.master and add /mnt/nas-0-0 /etc/auto.nas --timeout=1200 into the file. These are the necessary changes to set up user home directory correctly.

Note that by default, the "/export/home" was used in useradd, but we cannot do automount for "/export" as the directory contains several sub-directories including home. So we have to use a new directory called /mnt/nas-0-0/home to do this. So modifying the source code is required to make this work.

Under the scene, this is what happened when I add a new user called kaiwang5:

  1. when typing useradd kaiwang5, the /etc/password file is changed and a new directory /mnt/nas-0-0/kaiwang5 is created (which depends on setting in /etc/default/useradd that we changed above). It is important to note that /mnt/nas-0-0 is automounted by autofs (based on the /etc/auto.master file that we edited above), and in fact, the only time it is needed is when people use useradd.
  2. when typing rocks sync users, the /etc/password file is changed from /mnt/nas-0-0/kaiwang5 to /home/kaiwang5, and the /etc/auto.home is appended with the correct mounting points for home directory (the parameter are determined by Info_HomeDirSrv and Info_HomeDirLoc system parameters, or if not set, determined by the /opt/rocks/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rocks/commands/sync/users/ command).
  3. You can perhaps now understand why we need to modify /opt/rocks/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rocks/commands/sync/users/ and change “default_dir”.
  4. we should automount each user, not the whole /home. Therefore, autofs is used for every user, as specified in the /etc/auto.home file.
  5. rocks list attr will print out all Rocks variables. You may want to examine them and change some of them. For example, the Info_HomeDirSrv needs to be nas-0-0-ib.ipoib, rather than nas-0-0, to make sure that we use IB traffic for NFS.

Additional update in 2018: I tested the procedure above and it works well for the new Rocks 7. The only difference is to change python2.6 to python2.7 above. Another slight difference relates to IB configuration, where one has to manually add IB port, as it is not automatic (all the ethernet ports are automatically detected though).

Standard procedure for adding a new user

  1. login by “su -”
  2. useradd -c “Kai Wang” -g wanglab kaiwang
  3. passwd kaiwang
  4. rocks sync users
  5. log in, make sure that everything is fine

the current gid and uid information for all users can be accessed in the /etc/passwd file.

Troubleshooting: once I add the new account panda, the home directory cannot be accessed, and the /etc/passwd file shows panda:x:516:518:Pandiyan:/mnt/nas-0-0/home/panda:/bin/bash. I suspect that there is an issue with automount, so I did service restart autofs, then do usermod -d /home/panda panda, and then everything returns normal.

Useful commands for account changes

  • add a group
[root@biocluster ~]# groupadd wanglab
  • delete account
[root@biocluster ~]# userdel -r kaiwang5

Note that the -r will delete this user cleanly; otherwise mailbox and other things may still exist)

[root@biocluster ~]# rocks sync users
  • change a user group (only after first log in)

usermod -g wanglab kaiwang5

  • change user home directory to group home (after changing user's group, we need to change the files to this group)

chgrp -c -R wanglab /home/kaiwang5

disable and lock a user

usermod -L -e 1 guest

The -L option lock user's password by putting a ! in from of the the encrypted password. (The passwd -l guest can do similar thing). To disable user account set expire date to 1.

Note that locking password per se will not prevent a user from logging in from ssh key authentification. So setting expiration date is important.

chage -E 0 guest

will do a full account locking for guest.

Use chage command to see current status of the user account: chage -l guest

Use this to re-enable the user account: chage -E -1 guest. Use this to unlock the user account: usermod -U guest.


To find a user's UID or GID in Unix, use the id command. To find a specific user's UID, at the Unix prompt, enter: id -u username

Replace username with the appropriate user's username. To find a user's GID, at the Unix prompt, enter: id -g username

If you wish to find out all the groups a user belongs to, instead enter: id -G username

If you wish to see the UID and all groups associated with a user, enter id without any options, as follows: id username

Kill all user process

 echo `ps -fu $User | awk 'NR != 1 {print $2}'`

Once you're sure that you're eching the right stuff, replace the echo with kill.

Alternatively, just do a killall -u <user>.