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Image Classification

We describe the procedures to re-produce the experiments for ViT and ViT-LLaMA in the paper. Before proceeding, please make sure you have downloaded the checkpoint for LLaMA-7B from LLaMA-v1 (link).

Our code-base is built from DeiT and AbsViT. Great appreciation for their authors and engineers. If you have any questions on our implementation, checking their repository will also help a lot.

1. Environment

Install PyTorch 1.7.0+ and torchvision 0.8.1+ from the official website, then install the packages from the requirements.txt.

Then prepare the ILSVRC data for ImageNet, including the training and validation set. I found this script very helpful if you didn't have a copy of ImageNet before. Optionally, you can tar the training and validation set into train.tar and val.tar if you need to move these files a lot on your server. Our script support reading images from .tar files.

2. Running Experiments

2.1 Training

2.1.1 Regular Models

Suppose you have the ImageNet images prepared, you can train a ViT-Small from our paper by:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --exp_name YOUR_EXP_NAME --model vit_small_patch16_224 \
    --data-path YOUR_IMAGENET_PATH --output_dir YOUR_DIR_SAVING_CKPT \
    --num_workers 32 --batch-size 256 --epochs 300 --warmup-epochs 20

Then the training will start and write logs into the directory YOUR_DIR_SAVING_CKPT/YOUR_EXP_NAME/. I recommend keeping the total batch size (1024), epochs (300), and warm-up epochs (20) the same as our setup.

To train other models, you can switch vit_small_patch16_224 to vit_tiny_patch16_224, vit_llama_tiny_patch16_224, vit_small_patch16_224, and vit_llama_small_patch16_224.

2.1.2 LLaMA Models

When you train the models with llama, please add an argument --llama_path pointing to the directory of your LLaMA-7B checkpoints. The contents in the directory should contains things like: checklist.chk, consolidated.00.pth, and params.json.

2.1.3 Training with Tar Files

If your server needs to copy the data to some SSD for training, I recommend you use our tar option:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --exp_name YOUR_EXP_NAME --model vit_small_patch16_224 \
    --data-path YOUR_IMAGENET_PATH --output_dir YOUR_DIR_SAVING_CKPT \
    --num_workers 32 --batch-size 256 --epochs 300 --warmup-epochs 20 \
    --data_type tar

2.2 Evaluation

You can always directly read the accuracy for the validation set from the training logs. If you want to conduct separate evaluation:

python --model vit_small_patch16_224 --data-path YOUR_IMAGENET_PATH --eval --resume CHECKPOINT_PATH 

Please remember to switch the --model and --resume to your desired model and checkpoint path.

3. Model Zoo

Model Checkpoint Acc1 Acc5
ViT-Small [log] / [model] 80.1 95.1
ViT-Small-LLaMA [log] / [model] 80.7 95.4

We will also upload the checkpoints and logs for our ablation study. Please stay tuned.

4. Key Places to Watch

  • In, we re-write LLaMA's code by removing positional embedding and auto-regressive attention masks.
  • The major modeling of ViT-LLaMA is in The initialization and forward are straightforward:
# initialization
self.llama = LLaMATransformer(llama_configs)
for param in self.llama.parameters():
    param.requires_grad = False
self.llama_dim_mapper1 = nn.Linear(embed_dim, 4096, bias=False)
self.llama_dim_mapper2 = nn.Linear(4096, embed_dim, bias=False)

# forward
x = self.llama_dim_mapper1(x)
x = self.llama(x)
x = self.llama_dim_mapper2(x)
  • In the, we use the following lines to load the LLaMA checkpoint:
# load llama checkpoint for the encoder layer
if 'llama' in args.model:
    print("Loading LLaMA checkpoints")
    start_time = time.time()
    checkpoints = sorted(Path(args.llama_path).glob("*.pth"))
    ckpt_path = checkpoints[0]
    checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location="cpu")
    model.llama.custom_load_state_dict(checkpoint, tail=True, strict=False)
    print(f"Loaded in {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds")