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Go Back to Reverse Engineering Malware 101

Section 1.3: Fundamentals

x86 Assembly Language

The C programming is a high level language interpreted by the compiler that converts code into machine instructions called assembly language. By using a disassembler tool we can get the assembly language of a compiled C program.

The Intel 8086 and 8088 were the first CPUs to have an instruction set that is now commonly referred to as x86. Intel Architecture 32-bit (IA-32) sometimes also called i386 is the 32-bit version of the x86 instruction set architecture.

The x86 architecture is little-endian, meaning that multi-byte values are written least significant byte first.

How we see it:

| A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 |

Stored as Little Endian

| A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |

Opcodes and Instructions

Each Instruction represents opcodes (hex code) that tell the machine what to do next.

Three categories of instructions:

  • Data Movement
  • Arithmetic / Logic
  • Control-Flow

Common Instructions

  • mov, lea (data movement)
  • add, sub (arithmetic)
  • or, and, xor (Logic)
  • shr, shl (Logic)
  • ror, rol (Logic)
  • jmp, jne, jnz, jnb (Control Flow)
  • push, pop, call, leave, enter, ret (Control Flow)

Example below is moving value 0xaaaaaaaa into ecx.

Instruction Opcode
mov ecx,[0xaaaaaaaa]; 8B 0D AA AA AA AA

Use the search page below or open the Search Instructions page to search for functions discussed above

<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" style="display:block; margin: 0 auto;"></iframe>


The image below is what registers will look like in a debugger. alt text

General-Purpose Registers [1]1

Register Description
EAX Accumulator Register
EBX Base Register
ECX Counter Register
EDX Data Register
ESI Source Index
EDI Destination Index
EBP Base Pointer
ESP Stack Pointer

Segment Registers

Register Description
SS Stack Segment, Pointer to the stack
CS Code Segment, Pointer to the code
DS Data Segment, Pointer to the data
ES Extra Segment, Pointer to extra data
FS F Segment, Pointer to more extra data
GS G Segment, Pointer to still more extra data

EFLAGS Register

ID Name Description
CF Carry Flag Set if the last arithmetic operation carried (addition) or borrowed (subtraction) a bit beyond the size of the register. This is then checked when the operation is followed with an add-with-carry or subtract-with-borrow to deal with values too large for just one register to contain
PF Parity Flag Set if the number of set bits in the least significant byte is a multiple of 2
AF Adjust Flag Carry of Binary Code Decimal (BCD) numbers arithmetic operations
ZF Zero Flag Set if the result of an operation is Zero (0)
SF Sign Flag Set if the result of an operation is negative
TF Trap Flag Set if step by step debugging
IF Interruption Flag Set if interrupts are enabled
DF Direction Flag Stream direction. If set, string operations will decrement their pointer rather than incrementing it, reading memory backwards
OF Overflow Flag Set if signed arithmetic operations result in a value too large for the register to contain
IOPL I/O Privilege Level field (2 bits) I/O Privilege Level of the current process
NT Nested Task flag Controls chaining of interrupts. Set if the current process is linked to the next process
RF Resume Flag Response to debug exceptions
VM Virtual-8086 Mode Set if in 8086 compatibility mode
AC Alignment Check Set if alignment checking of memory references is done
VIF Virtual Interrupt Flag Virtual image of IF
VIP Virtual Interrupt Pending flag Set if an interrupt is pending
ID Identification Flag Support for CPUID instruction if can be set

Instruction Pointer

The EIP register contains the address of the next instruction to be executed.

Hello World

alt text

Calling a Function

Arguments on the Stack

alt text

Local Variables on the Stack

alt text

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