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Fundamentals |
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The C programming is a high level language interpreted by the compiler that converts code into machine instructions called assembly language. By using a disassembler tool we can get the assembly language of a compiled C program.
The Intel 8086 and 8088 were the first CPUs to have an instruction set that is now commonly referred to as x86. Intel Architecture 32-bit (IA-32) sometimes also called i386 is the 32-bit version of the x86 instruction set architecture.
The x86 architecture is little-endian, meaning that multi-byte values are written least significant byte first.
| A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 |
| A3 | A2 | A1 | A0 |
Each Instruction represents opcodes (hex code) that tell the machine what to do next.
Three categories of instructions:
- Data Movement
- Arithmetic / Logic
- Control-Flow
Common Instructions
- mov, lea (data movement)
- add, sub (arithmetic)
- or, and, xor (Logic)
- shr, shl (Logic)
- ror, rol (Logic)
- jmp, jne, jnz, jnb (Control Flow)
- push, pop, call, leave, enter, ret (Control Flow)
Example below is moving value 0xaaaaaaaa into ecx.
Instruction | Opcode |
mov ecx,[0xaaaaaaaa]; |
Use the search page below or open the Search Instructions page to search for functions discussed above
<iframe src="" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" style="display:block; margin: 0 auto;"></iframe>The image below is what registers will look like in a debugger.
Register | Description |
EAX | Accumulator Register |
EBX | Base Register |
ECX | Counter Register |
EDX | Data Register |
ESI | Source Index |
EDI | Destination Index |
EBP | Base Pointer |
ESP | Stack Pointer |
Register | Description |
SS | Stack Segment, Pointer to the stack |
CS | Code Segment, Pointer to the code |
DS | Data Segment, Pointer to the data |
ES | Extra Segment, Pointer to extra data |
FS | F Segment, Pointer to more extra data |
GS | G Segment, Pointer to still more extra data |
ID | Name | Description |
CF | Carry Flag | Set if the last arithmetic operation carried (addition) or borrowed (subtraction) a bit beyond the size of the register. This is then checked when the operation is followed with an add-with-carry or subtract-with-borrow to deal with values too large for just one register to contain |
PF | Parity Flag | Set if the number of set bits in the least significant byte is a multiple of 2 |
AF | Adjust Flag | Carry of Binary Code Decimal (BCD) numbers arithmetic operations |
ZF | Zero Flag | Set if the result of an operation is Zero (0) |
SF | Sign Flag | Set if the result of an operation is negative |
TF | Trap Flag | Set if step by step debugging |
IF | Interruption Flag | Set if interrupts are enabled |
DF | Direction Flag | Stream direction. If set, string operations will decrement their pointer rather than incrementing it, reading memory backwards |
OF | Overflow Flag | Set if signed arithmetic operations result in a value too large for the register to contain |
IOPL | I/O Privilege Level field (2 bits) | I/O Privilege Level of the current process |
NT | Nested Task flag | Controls chaining of interrupts. Set if the current process is linked to the next process |
RF | Resume Flag | Response to debug exceptions |
VM | Virtual-8086 Mode | Set if in 8086 compatibility mode |
AC | Alignment Check | Set if alignment checking of memory references is done |
VIF | Virtual Interrupt Flag | Virtual image of IF |
VIP | Virtual Interrupt Pending flag | Set if an interrupt is pending |
ID | Identification Flag | Support for CPUID instruction if can be set |
The EIP register contains the address of the next instruction to be executed.