The witness vector is a
By convention, the first element is always
Let's take the polynomial
R1CS requires one multiplication per constraint.
Our example must be written as:
Our witness vector would be:
For example,
The main goal is to produce a list of formulas that contain exactly one multiplication per formula.
It will have the form:
Witness has 4 elements, each of our matrices will have 4 columns. The number of rows corresponds to the number of constraints in the circuit. 1 row in our case.
A Python script is available for this example.
R1CS requires one multiplication per constraint.
Our example must be written as:
Our witness vector will have 8 elements:
As the example is written, there are:
- an output term for each constraint (here
$v_1, v_2, out$ ) - a left term (here
$x, v_1, v_2$ ) - a right term (here
$y, z, u$ )
Each term will be represented by the matrix
The Python script is available for this example.
"Addition is free" in ZK SNARKs. We don't have to create additional constraint for addition operation.
The Python script is available for this example.
Note: To multiply by a constant, the same can be done (if multiply by 2, then set 2 in the matrix value).
Let's use:
This expression will be divided into:
The Python script is available for this example.
Real-world implementations use modular arithmetic instead of traditional arithmetic.
So, encoding for example
See the Python script for further testing.
In the circom language, math is done modulo
So, as the script shows,
Let's retake Example 1 with circom.
The file [circom-ex1.circom] can be compiled using circom circom-ex1.circom --r1cs --sym
Then, details of the R1CS circuit can be seen with snarkjs r1cs print circom-ex1.r1cs
The results will look different that our previous result. Circom solution is:
The form is a little bit different. It is now
To test the example, we will recompile it with --wasm
. Then, we create the solution we want to test. We will test
# compile and create directory
circom circom-ex1.circom --r1cs --sym --wasm
# enter dir
pushd circom-ex1_js
# Write our x and y inputs
echo '{"x": "41", "y": "103"}' > input.json
# Generate the witness
node generate_witness.js circom-ex1.wasm input.json witness.wtns
# Export the witness as JSON
snarkjs wtns export json witness.wtns witness.json
# Check the witness against the R1CS circuit
snarkjs wtns check ../circom-ex1.r1cs witness.wtns
# print the witness
cat witness.json
# quit dir
The circom-ex2.circom file translates this example in Circom language.
Let's use:
This expression will be divided into:
The circom-ex4.circom file translates those constraints in Circom language.
# compile and create directory
circom circom-ex4.circom --r1cs --sym --wasm
# enter dir
pushd circom-ex4_js
# Write our x and y inputs
echo '{"x": "1", "y": "2"}' > input.json
# Generate the witness
node generate_witness.js circom-ex4.wasm input.json witness.wtns
# Export the witness as JSON
snarkjs wtns export json witness.wtns witness.json
# Check the witness against the R1CS circuit
snarkjs wtns check ../circom-ex4.r1cs witness.wtns
# print the witness
cat witness.json
# quit dir