- Create Function, Builder and Serving CRDs and corresponding controllers
- Support using existing function framework & buildpacks such as Google Cloud Function to build functions
- Support using Tekton and Cloud Native Buildpacks as Builder backend to build functions
- Support Knative as Serving backend
- Optimize and localize existing function framework & buildpacks
- Support OpenFunctionAsync serving runtime(backed by Dapr + KEDA + Deployment/Job)
- Functions Frameworks async function support
- Customized go function framework & builders for both Knative and OpenFunctionAsync serving runtime
- Add OpenFunction Events: OpenFunction's own event management framework
- Support using ShipWright as Builder backend to build functions or apps
- Build and serving can be launched separately
- Support running an application (container image) as a serverless workload directly
- Upgrade core.openfunction.io from v1alpha1 to v1alpha2.
- Make event handlers self-driven.
- Update dependent components(Tekton, Knative, Shipwright, and Dapr) and go version.
- Add OpenFunction Website.
- Add OpenFunction CLI.
- Add Ruby builder.
- Supports multiple input sources
- OpenFunction/functions-framework-nodejs now support OpenFunctionAsync function.
- Add event source & trigger functions.
- Function ingress support
- Add ScaleOptionTemplate and ComponentTemplate
- Support more EventSources
- Add OpenFunction sync function
- Python functions frameworks & builder
- OpenFunction API & Console
- Serverless workflow support, refer to Serverless Workflow Project Deep Dive for more info. Reference implementations include SYNAPSE, FunctionGraph, Kogito, Automatiko.
- Use ShipWright to build functions or apps with Dockerfile.
- Support Rust functions & WebAssembly runtime.
- Function Tracing: Integrate go2sky with go function framework and send tracing data to Skywalking. (Needs to use other instrument SDKs to integrate with more function frameworks)
- Integration with KubeSphere
- Integration with Notification Manager to provide Serverless notification, maybe by a new project called
Elastic Notification