Developers who wish to extend the features of the Gremlin REPL can do so by writing a plugin. Common use cases for plugin development include:
- Not all Blueprints implementations are distributed via the Gremlin distribution. A plugin provides a common way for any Blueprints implementations to be accessible in the REPL.
- Third-party developers who implement Blueprints, may wish to extend the Gremlin language with new features specific to their database.
- Extend the Gremlin language to include a convenient overload to an existing step or include entirely new functions to the language itself.
Users can load plugins with the Gremlin.use()
function which is described in greater detail here.
To write a plugin, first implement the com.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.console.ConsolePlugin
interface. It has two methods to implement: getName
and pluginTo
. The getName
method simply returns the “name” of the plugin. This name must be unique within the list of plugins loaded to the REPL at any given point. If a naming conflict occurs, the second plugin to be loaded with that name will be ignored.
The pluginTo
method has the following signature:
void pluginTo(final ConsoleGroovy groovy, final ConsoleIO io, final Map args);
This method gets called when the Gremlin.use()
function is called and after all dependencies have been loaded by Grape. The reference to ConsoleGroovy
allows the execution of arbitrary Groovy within the context of the REPL. For example, a common function of a plugin would be to auto-import classes for users that are relevant to the plugin:
groovy.execute(“import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath”);
The ConsoleIO
argument allows the plugin to write something to the console for the caller to see and the Map
argument contains any arguments that were passed to Gremlin.use()
Once the implementation of the ConsolePlugin
has been written, it must be made available such that the Gremlin.use()
function can find it at runtime. Gremlin uses ServiceLoader to lookup plugin implementations at runtime. Therefore, to make the implementation known, add a com.tinkerpop.gremlin.groovy.console.ConsolePlugin
file to the META-INF/services
of the package plugin. The file should list the fully qualified name of the ConsolePlugin