从用户的输入数值来计算最佳的交易路径,这里和 V2 版本的区别主要两点:
- 同时计算了 V2 和 V3 的最佳交易链路
- 区分 V2,V3 ,layer2 的默认滑点百分比水平
// src/state/swap/hooks.ts
// from the current swap inputs, compute the best trade and return it.
export function useDerivedSwapInfo(toggledVersion: Version): {
currencies: { [field in Field]?: Currency }
currencyBalances: { [field in Field]?: CurrencyAmount<Currency> }
parsedAmount: CurrencyAmount<Currency> | undefined
inputError?: string
v2Trade: V2Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType> | undefined
v3TradeState: { trade: V3Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType> | null; state: V3TradeState }
toggledTrade: V2Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType> | V3Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType> | undefined
allowedSlippage: Percent
} {
// V2的最佳路径
const bestV2TradeExactIn = useV2TradeExactIn(isExactIn ? parsedAmount : undefined, outputCurrency ?? undefined, {
maxHops: singleHopOnly ? 1 : undefined,
const bestV2TradeExactOut = useV2TradeExactOut(inputCurrency ?? undefined, !isExactIn ? parsedAmount : undefined, {
maxHops: singleHopOnly ? 1 : undefined,
// V3的最佳路径
const bestV3TradeExactIn = useBestV3TradeExactIn(isExactIn ? parsedAmount : undefined, outputCurrency ?? undefined)
const bestV3TradeExactOut = useBestV3TradeExactOut(inputCurrency ?? undefined, !isExactIn ? parsedAmount : undefined)
const v2Trade = isExactIn ? bestV2TradeExactIn : bestV2TradeExactOut
const v3Trade = (isExactIn ? bestV3TradeExactIn : bestV3TradeExactOut) ?? undefined
const toggledTrade = (toggledVersion === Version.v2 ? v2Trade : v3Trade.trade) ?? undefined
const allowedSlippage = useSwapSlippageTolerance(toggledTrade)
return {
v2Trade: v2Trade ?? undefined,
v3TradeState: v3Trade,
- layer2 模式的滑点 .10%
- V2 的默认滑点 .50%
- V3 的默认滑点 .50%
// src/hooks/useSwapSlippageTolerance.ts
const V2_SWAP_DEFAULT_SLIPPAGE = new Percent(50, 10_000); // .50%
const V3_SWAP_DEFAULT_SLIPPAGE = new Percent(50, 10_000); // .50%
const ONE_TENTHS_PERCENT = new Percent(10, 10_000); // .10%
export default function useSwapSlippageTolerance(
trade: V2Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType> | V3Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType> | undefined
): Percent {
const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React();
const onL2 = chainId && L2_CHAIN_IDS.includes(chainId);
const defaultSlippageTolerance = useMemo(() => {
if (!trade || onL2) return ONE_TENTHS_PERCENT;
if (trade instanceof V2Trade) return V2_SWAP_DEFAULT_SLIPPAGE;
}, [onL2, trade]);
return useUserSlippageToleranceWithDefault(defaultSlippageTolerance);
计算 V3 的指定精确输出时的最佳交易链路
- 获取所有可用的交易链路
- 批量请求 Quoter 合约的 quoteExactOutput 函数,得到预计输入数量的结果数组
- Qouter 合约会真实调用 Pool 的 swap 函数,而 swap 函数又会去调用 Quoter 合约的 uniswapV3SwapCallback 回调函数
- 回调函数中会把得到的输入输出量,作为 revert 信息传回
// src/hooks/useBestV3Trade.ts
* Returns the best v3 trade for a desired exact output swap
* @param currencyIn the desired input currency
* @param amountOut the amount to swap out
export function useBestV3TradeExactOut(
currencyIn?: Currency,
amountOut?: CurrencyAmount<Currency>
): { state: V3TradeState; trade: Trade<Currency, Currency, TradeType.EXACT_OUTPUT> | null } {
const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React();
// 拿到quoter合约对象(V3部署的专门用来查询交易数量的合约)
const quoter = useV3Quoter();
// 获取所有可用的交易链路
const { routes, loading: routesLoading } = useAllV3Routes(currencyIn, amountOut?.currency);
// 组装查询quoter合约的入参 path, amountOut
const quoteExactOutInputs = useMemo(() => {
// 将path入参组装成 tokenA+fee+tokenB 的形式
// `${tokenA.address}${fee rate}${tokenB.address}`
// amountOut 转为十六进制
return routes.map((route) => [encodeRouteToPath(route, true), amountOut ? `0x${amountOut.quotient.toString(16)}` : undefined]);
}, [amountOut, routes]);
// 批量请求Quoter合约的quoteExactOutput函数,得到预计输入数量的结果数组
// Qouter合约会真实调用Pool的swap函数,而swap函数又会去调用uniswapV3SwapCallback回调函数
// 回调函数中会把得到的输入输出量,作为revert信息传回
const quotesResults = useSingleContractMultipleData(quoter, 'quoteExactOutput', quoteExactOutInputs, {
gasRequired: chainId ? QUOTE_GAS_OVERRIDES[chainId] ?? DEFAULT_GAS_QUOTE : undefined,
return useMemo(() => {
if (
!amountOut ||
!currencyIn ||
quotesResults.some(({ valid }) => !valid) ||
// skip when tokens are the same
) {
return {
state: V3TradeState.INVALID,
trade: null,
if (routesLoading || quotesResults.some(({ loading }) => loading)) {
return {
state: V3TradeState.LOADING,
trade: null,
const { bestRoute, amountIn } = quotesResults.reduce(
(currentBest: { bestRoute: Route<Currency, Currency> | null; amountIn: BigNumber | null }, { result }, i) => {
if (!result) return currentBest;
if (currentBest.amountIn === null) {
return {
bestRoute: routes[i],
amountIn: result.amountIn,
} else if (currentBest.amountIn.gt(result.amountIn)) {
return {
bestRoute: routes[i],
amountIn: result.amountIn,
return currentBest;
bestRoute: null,
amountIn: null,
if (!bestRoute || !amountIn) {
return {
state: V3TradeState.NO_ROUTE_FOUND,
trade: null,
const isSyncing = quotesResults.some(({ syncing }) => syncing);
return {
state: isSyncing ? V3TradeState.SYNCING : V3TradeState.VALID,
trade: Trade.createUncheckedTrade({
route: bestRoute,
tradeType: TradeType.EXACT_OUTPUT,
inputAmount: CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(currencyIn, amountIn.toString()),
outputAmount: amountOut,
}, [amountOut, currencyIn, quotesResults, routes, routesLoading]);
给定输入和输出的 token,计算所有可用的交易链路
返回所有和输入输出 token 相关的交易池- 常用的币种和 tokenA,tokenB 配对
- 根据交易对去查找所有可用的费率等级(最多三种费率,费率不同即为不同的池子)
将 token 交易对初始化为 Pool 类 详见 usePools
用户是否设置了仅限单池交易模式- 单池交易模式将只返回 tokenA->tokenB 交易对本身(不同费率的)
- 非单池模式(可多个交易池),最多使用 2 个交易池(V2 最多 3 个)
遍历+递归查找可能的交易链路详见 computeAllRoutes
* Returns all the routes from an input currency to an output currency
* @param currencyIn the input currency
* @param currencyOut the output currency
export function useAllV3Routes(currencyIn?: Currency, currencyOut?: Currency): { loading: boolean; routes: Route<Currency, Currency>[] } {
const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React();
const { pools, loading: poolsLoading } = useV3SwapPools(currencyIn, currencyOut);
const [singleHopOnly] = useUserSingleHopOnly();
return useMemo(() => {
if (poolsLoading || !chainId || !pools || !currencyIn || !currencyOut) return { loading: true, routes: [] };
const routes = computeAllRoutes(currencyIn, currencyOut, pools, chainId, [], [], currencyIn, singleHopOnly ? 1 : 2);
return { loading: false, routes };
}, [chainId, currencyIn, currencyOut, pools, poolsLoading, singleHopOnly]);
将传入的 poolkey 数组初始化为一组交易池对象
参见合约部分的讲解 Pool slot0
export function usePools(poolKeys: [Currency | undefined, Currency | undefined, FeeAmount | undefined][]): [PoolState, Pool | null][] {
const { chainId } = useActiveWeb3React();
// tokenA tokenB 根据地址排序
const transformed: ([Token, Token, FeeAmount] | null)[] = useMemo(() => {
return poolKeys.map(([currencyA, currencyB, feeAmount]) => {
// 如果入参非法,则返回null
if (!chainId || !currencyA || !currencyB || !feeAmount) return null;
const tokenA = currencyA?.wrapped;
const tokenB = currencyB?.wrapped;
if (!tokenA || !tokenB || tokenA.equals(tokenB)) return null;
const [token0, token1] = tokenA.sortsBefore(tokenB) ? [tokenA, tokenB] : [tokenB, tokenA];
return [token0, token1, feeAmount];
}, [chainId, poolKeys]);
// 计算Pool的地址
const poolAddresses: (string | undefined)[] = useMemo(() => {
// 获取当前链上的factory合约地址
const v3CoreFactoryAddress = chainId && V3_CORE_FACTORY_ADDRESSES[chainId];
// 调用sdk链下计算Pool地址
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/utils.computePoolAddress
// 利用@ethersproject/address/getCreate2Address方法,计算create2生成的地址
return transformed.map((value) => {
if (!v3CoreFactoryAddress || !value) return undefined;
return computePoolAddress({
factoryAddress: v3CoreFactoryAddress,
tokenA: value[0],
tokenB: value[1],
fee: value[2],
}, [chainId, transformed]);
// 拿到所有Pool的slot0插槽数据
// slot0是Pool合约将一些重要变量打包存储在storage,例如 sqrtPriceX96, tick 等
// 因为这些变量加起来占用了255位,差一位 占满一个 word (256字节),并且存储在第一个插槽内
// 固命名为slot0
const slot0s = useMultipleContractSingleData(poolAddresses, POOL_STATE_INTERFACE, 'slot0');
// 拿到所有池子,当前激活的流动性总量
// 即价格在区间内的所有流动性头寸的总和(不包括已经outOfRange的头寸)
const liquidities = useMultipleContractSingleData(poolAddresses, POOL_STATE_INTERFACE, 'liquidity');
// 将交易对token包装成Pool对象
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/Pool
return useMemo(() => {
return poolKeys.map((_key, index) => {
// token0,token1,fee 三个参数是必须的,如果有一个不存在,则返回null
const [token0, token1, fee] = transformed[index] ?? [];
if (!token0 || !token1 || !fee) return [PoolState.INVALID, null];
const { result: slot0, loading: slot0Loading, valid: slot0Valid } = slot0s[index];
const { result: liquidity, loading: liquidityLoading, valid: liquidityValid } = liquidities[index];
// 组装slot0和liquidity,这两个也是必须的
if (!slot0Valid || !liquidityValid) return [PoolState.INVALID, null];
if (slot0Loading || liquidityLoading) return [PoolState.LOADING, null];
if (!slot0 || !liquidity) return [PoolState.NOT_EXISTS, null];
// 如果池子的价格(根号价格) = 0 ,说明池子还未初始化
if (!slot0.sqrtPriceX96 || slot0.sqrtPriceX96.eq(0)) return [PoolState.NOT_EXISTS, null];
try {
return [PoolState.EXISTS, new Pool(token0, token1, fee, slot0.sqrtPriceX96, liquidity[0], slot0.tick)];
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error when constructing the pool', error);
return [PoolState.NOT_EXISTS, null];
}, [liquidities, poolKeys, slot0s, transformed]);
function computeAllRoutes(
currencyIn: Currency,
currencyOut: Currency,
pools: Pool[],
chainId: number,
currentPath: Pool[] = [],
allPaths: Route<Currency, Currency>[] = [],
startCurrencyIn: Currency = currencyIn,
maxHops = 2
): Route<Currency, Currency>[] {
const tokenIn = currencyIn?.wrapped;
const tokenOut = currencyOut?.wrapped;
if (!tokenIn || !tokenOut) throw new Error('Missing tokenIn/tokenOut');
// 遍历候选的池子
for (const pool of pools) {
// 当前交易链路中已包含该池子,跳过
// 当前交易链路中已包含输入的token,跳过
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/Pool.involvesToken
if (currentPath.indexOf(pool) !== -1 || !pool.involvesToken(tokenIn)) continue;
const outputToken = pool.token0.equals(tokenIn) ? pool.token1 : pool.token0;
if (outputToken.equals(tokenOut)) {
// 当maxHops = 1时,输出token等于期望的种类,将交易对推入链路
allPaths.push(new Route([...currentPath, pool], startCurrencyIn, currencyOut));
} else if (maxHops > 1) {
// 当maxHops > 1 时,递归查找
computeAllRoutes(outputToken, currencyOut, pools, chainId, [...currentPath, pool], allPaths, startCurrencyIn, maxHops - 1);
return allPaths;
根据用户账户地址向 Manager 合约查询他的所有 position
export function useV3Positions(account: string | null | undefined): UseV3PositionsResults {
// 拿到Manager合约的实例
const positionManager = useV3NFTPositionManagerContract();
// 查询用户在Manager上的position数量
// (Manager.balanceOf 会返回创建的position数量,而非流动性数量)
const { loading: balanceLoading, result: balanceResult } = useSingleCallResult(positionManager, 'balanceOf', [account ?? undefined]);
// we don't expect any account balance to ever exceed the bounds of max safe int
// 防止数量超过js的上限
const accountBalance: number | undefined = balanceResult?.[0]?.toNumber();
// 组装查询position的tokenId的入参: account.address , i 序号
const tokenIdsArgs = useMemo(() => {
if (accountBalance && account) {
const tokenRequests = [];
for (let i = 0; i < accountBalance; i++) {
tokenRequests.push([account, i]);
return tokenRequests;
return [];
}, [account, accountBalance]);
// 查询position所对应的tokenId
// 调用 Manager.tokenOfOwnerByIndex 这是根据用户的position索引值查询 tokenId 的函数
const tokenIdResults = useSingleContractMultipleData(positionManager, 'tokenOfOwnerByIndex', tokenIdsArgs);
// 监听处于loading状态的请求
const someTokenIdsLoading = useMemo(() => tokenIdResults.some(({ loading }) => loading), [tokenIdResults]);
// 组装查询结果,将 tokenId 包装成 BigNumber 类
const tokenIds = useMemo(() => {
if (account) {
return tokenIdResults
.map(({ result }) => result)
.filter((result): result is Result => !!result)
.map((result) => BigNumber.from(result[0]));
return [];
}, [account, tokenIdResults]);
// 根据tokenId 获取position详情
const { positions, loading: positionsLoading } = useV3PositionsFromTokenIds(tokenIds);
return {
loading: someTokenIdsLoading || balanceLoading || positionsLoading,
根据 tokenId 获取 position 详情
function useV3PositionsFromTokenIds(tokenIds: BigNumber[] | undefined): UseV3PositionsResults {
// 拿到Manager合约的实例
const positionManager = useV3NFTPositionManagerContract();
// 组装入参 调用 Manager.positions 变量的getter函数
const inputs = useMemo(() => (tokenIds ? tokenIds.map((tokenId) => [BigNumber.from(tokenId)]) : []), [tokenIds]);
const results = useSingleContractMultipleData(positionManager, 'positions', inputs);
const loading = useMemo(() => results.some(({ loading }) => loading), [results]);
const error = useMemo(() => results.some(({ error }) => error), [results]);
// 组装position的详情数据
const positions = useMemo(() => {
if (!loading && !error && tokenIds) {
return results.map((call, i) => {
const tokenId = tokenIds[i];
const result = call.result as Result;
return {
fee: result.fee, // 当前position设置的费率等级
// position收取的总手续费,从创建以来,包括已回收的
// 两种资产分开收取 (每笔swap,从tokenIn收取)
feeGrowthInside0LastX128: result.feeGrowthInside0LastX128,
feeGrowthInside1LastX128: result.feeGrowthInside1LastX128,
liquidity: result.liquidity, // position可提供的流动性数量
nonce: result.nonce, // 用于授权的nonce值
operator: result.operator, // 被授权的操作者 通常是 address 0
tickLower: result.tickLower, // 价格区间左边界
tickUpper: result.tickUpper, // 价格区间有边界
token0: result.token0,
token1: result.token1,
tokensOwed0: result.tokensOwed0, // 当前未回收的fee (token0)
tokensOwed1: result.tokensOwed1, // 当前未回收的fee (token1)
return undefined;
}, [loading, error, results, tokenIds]);
return {
positions: positions?.map((position, i) => ({ ...position, tokenId: inputs[i][0] })),
通过 ethers.callStatic
方法,静态调用(不会真实消耗 gas) Manager 合约的 collect 函数,得到最新的可回收手续费的数量。
- 从 Manager 的 positions getter 函数可以获取到手续费数量的数据
- 但这个数据不是最新的,因为 Manager 中的 position 的手续费只有在用户添加或删除流动性时才会触发去 Pool 合约中查询最新数据
- Manager 合约和 Pool 合约都存有 position 数据,但是 Pool 合约不会存储用户相关的信息,并且仅限 Pool 合约所对应的交易对;而 Manager 中会针对用户存储其所有交易对的全部 position 信息
- Pool.burn 触发 Pool 中的 position 数据更新
- Pool.positions getter 函数 拿到最新数据
- Pool.collect 回收手续费,当然这里是 message call 可以返回计算后的数据,但不会改变链上的任何状态
我们需要的数据在 transfer 之前就已经拿到
// src/hooks/useV3PositionFees
// compute current + counterfactual fees for a v3 position
export function useV3PositionFees(
pool?: Pool,
tokenId?: BigNumber,
asWETH = false
): [CurrencyAmount<Currency>, CurrencyAmount<Currency>] | [undefined, undefined] {
// Manager 合约实例
const positionManager = useV3NFTPositionManagerContract(false);
// 拿到tokenId对应的所有者地址
const owner: string | undefined = useSingleCallResult(tokenId ? positionManager : null, 'ownerOf', [tokenId]).result?.[0];
const tokenIdHexString = tokenId?.toHexString();
const latestBlockNumber = useBlockNumber();
// TODO find a way to get this into multicall
// latestBlockNumber is included to ensure data stays up-to-date every block
const [amounts, setAmounts] = useState<[BigNumber, BigNumber]>();
useEffect(() => {
let stale = false;
if (positionManager && tokenIdHexString && owner && typeof latestBlockNumber === 'number') {
// 静态调用 Manager.collect 方法
// 获取最新的两种资产的手续费
// Manager.collect
// 1. Pool.burn 触发Pool中的position数据更新
// 2. Pool.positions getter 函数 拿到最新数据
// 3. Pool.collect 回收手续费,当然这里不会实际转账
// 返回的 amount0,amount1 是计算后的值,
tokenId: tokenIdHexString,
recipient: owner, // some tokens might fail if transferred to address(0)
amount0Max: MAX_UINT128,
amount1Max: MAX_UINT128,
{ from: owner } // need to simulate the call as the owner
.then((results) => {
if (!stale) setAmounts([results.amount0, results.amount1]);
return () => {
stale = true;
}, [positionManager, tokenIdHexString, owner, latestBlockNumber]);
if (pool && amounts) {
return [
CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(!asWETH ? unwrappedToken(pool.token0) : pool.token0, amounts[0].toString()),
CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(!asWETH ? unwrappedToken(pool.token1) : pool.token1, amounts[1].toString()),
} else {
return [undefined, undefined];
- feeValue0/1 用户当前可取的手续费数量
- 通过 useV3PositionFees() 获取
// src/pages/Pool/PositionPage.tsx
const collect = useCallback(() => {
// feeValue0/1 用户当前可取的手续费数量 通过 useV3PositionFees 获取
if (!chainId || !feeValue0 || !feeValue1 || !positionManager || !account || !tokenId || !library) return;
// 组装入参
const { calldata, value } = NonfungiblePositionManager.collectCallParameters({
tokenId: tokenId.toString(),
expectedCurrencyOwed0: feeValue0,
expectedCurrencyOwed1: feeValue1,
recipient: account,
const txn = {
to: positionManager.address,
data: calldata,
.then((estimate) => {
const newTxn = {
gasLimit: calculateGasMargin(chainId, estimate),
return library
.then((response: TransactionResponse) => {
category: 'Liquidity',
action: 'CollectV3',
label: [feeValue0.currency.symbol, feeValue1.currency.symbol].join('/'),
addTransaction(response, {
summary: `Collect ${feeValue0.currency.symbol}/${feeValue1.currency.symbol} fees`,
.catch((error) => {
}, [chainId, feeValue0, feeValue1, positionManager, account, tokenId, addTransaction, library]);
Pool 对象,@uniswap/v3-sdk/Pool 类型的实例poolState
价格区间上下限所在的 tickprice
Pool 的价格(当前交易价格)pricesAtTicks
价格所在的 tickcurrencies
tokenA 和 tokenBcurrencyBalances
用户在两个 token 上的余额dependentField
需要自动计算数量的 tokenparsedAmounts
格式化后的用户输入值(添加流动性的 token 数量)position
position 实例noLiquidity
Pool 是否没有流动性errorMessage
Pool 是否非法outOfRange
非法的价格 (Lower >= Upper)depositADisabled
价格区间外不能注入 tokenA 的流动性depositBDisabled
价格区间外不能注入 tokenB 的流动性invertPrice
非法的价格 (在最大价格区间外)ticksAtLimit
最大价格区间所在的 tick
export function useV3DerivedMintInfo(
currencyA?: Currency, // tokenA
currencyB?: Currency, // tokenB
feeAmount?: FeeAmount, // 费率水平 rate% = feeAmount / 10**6 %
baseCurrency?: Currency, // 以哪个token为计价单位 例如 HH per ETH,ETH即为baseCurrency
// override for existing position
existingPosition?: Position // 当路由有positionId时,会获取链上的position信息从这里传入
): {
pool?: Pool | null;
poolState: PoolState;
ticks: { [bound in Bound]?: number | undefined };
price?: Price<Token, Token>;
pricesAtTicks: {
[bound in Bound]?: Price<Token, Token> | undefined;
currencies: { [field in Field]?: Currency };
currencyBalances: { [field in Field]?: CurrencyAmount<Currency> };
dependentField: Field;
parsedAmounts: { [field in Field]?: CurrencyAmount<Currency> };
position: Position | undefined;
noLiquidity?: boolean;
errorMessage?: string;
invalidPool: boolean;
outOfRange: boolean;
invalidRange: boolean;
depositADisabled: boolean;
depositBDisabled: boolean;
invertPrice: boolean;
ticksAtLimit: { [bound in Bound]?: boolean | undefined };
} {
const { account } = useActiveWeb3React();
// 获取用户的输入数值
const { independentField, typedValue, leftRangeTypedValue, rightRangeTypedValue, startPriceTypedValue } = useV3MintState();
const dependentField = independentField === Field.CURRENCY_A ? Field.CURRENCY_B : Field.CURRENCY_A;
// currencies
const currencies: { [field in Field]?: Currency } = useMemo(
() => ({
[Field.CURRENCY_A]: currencyA,
[Field.CURRENCY_B]: currencyB,
[currencyA, currencyB]
// formatted with tokens
// baseToken是用来计价的token 例如 HH per ETH,ETH即为baseToken
const [tokenA, tokenB, baseToken] = useMemo(
() => [currencyA?.wrapped, currencyB?.wrapped, baseCurrency?.wrapped],
[currencyA, currencyB, baseCurrency]
// token 地址排序,因为获取Pool地址需要以地址升序排列
const [token0, token1] = useMemo(
() => (tokenA && tokenB ? (tokenA.sortsBefore(tokenB) ? [tokenA, tokenB] : [tokenB, tokenA]) : [undefined, undefined]),
[tokenA, tokenB]
// balances
// 拿到用户在两个token上的余额
const balances = useCurrencyBalances(account ?? undefined, [currencies[Field.CURRENCY_A], currencies[Field.CURRENCY_B]]);
const currencyBalances: { [field in Field]?: CurrencyAmount<Currency> } = {
[Field.CURRENCY_A]: balances[0],
[Field.CURRENCY_B]: balances[1],
// pool
// 通过 tokenA,tokenB,fee 三个要素获取Pool对象
// Pool对象是 @uniswap/v3-sdk/Pool 类的实例
const [poolState, pool] = usePool(currencies[Field.CURRENCY_A], currencies[Field.CURRENCY_B], feeAmount);
// 根据pool状态判断是否存在流动性
const noLiquidity = poolState === PoolState.NOT_EXISTS;
// note to parse inputs in reverse
// 标记计价token是否为token1(tokenA tokenB 排序之后,地址较大的)
const invertPrice = Boolean(baseToken && token0 && !baseToken.equals(token0));
// always returns the price with 0 as base token
const price: Price<Token, Token> | undefined = useMemo(() => {
// if no liquidity use typed value
// 当Pool没有流动性,直接以用户输入的初始价格作为返回值
if (noLiquidity) {
// 解析用户输入值,并根据baseToken的精度换算值
// 因为精度不同的两个token相除,价格需要根据精度的差来对小数点位移
const parsedQuoteAmount = tryParseAmount(startPriceTypedValue, invertPrice ? token0 : token1);
if (parsedQuoteAmount && token0 && token1) {
// 获取计价token的价格,即价格为1
const baseAmount = tryParseAmount('1', invertPrice ? token1 : token0);
// 初始价格即为用户的输入数值 / 1
const price =
baseAmount && parsedQuoteAmount
? // @uniswap/sdk-core/Price
new Price(baseAmount.currency, parsedQuoteAmount.currency, baseAmount.quotient, parsedQuoteAmount.quotient)
: undefined;
return (invertPrice ? price?.invert() : price) ?? undefined;
return undefined;
} else {
// get the amount of quote currency
// 如果Pool已有流动性,则直接从链上获取Pool的价格数据
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/Pool.priceOf(token0) 表示token0的价格,以token1计价
return pool && token0 ? pool.priceOf(token0) : undefined;
}, [noLiquidity, startPriceTypedValue, invertPrice, token1, token0, pool]);
// check for invalid price input (converts to invalid ratio)
// 校验价格是否非法:能开根号,且没有超出最大价格范围
const invalidPrice = useMemo(() => {
// 计算根号价格
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/encodeSqrtRatioX96
const sqrtRatioX96 = price ? encodeSqrtRatioX96(price.numerator, price.denominator) : undefined;
const invalid =
price &&
sqrtRatioX96 &&
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/TickMath
(JSBI.greaterThanOrEqual(sqrtRatioX96, TickMath.MIN_SQRT_RATIO) && JSBI.lessThan(sqrtRatioX96, TickMath.MAX_SQRT_RATIO))
return invalid;
}, [price]);
// used for ratio calculation when pool not initialized
// 模拟的Pool对象,当Pool未初始化时,用于代替Pool对象做计算
const mockPool = useMemo(() => {
if (tokenA && tokenB && feeAmount && price && !invalidPrice) {
const currentTick = priceToClosestTick(price);
const currentSqrt = TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(currentTick);
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/Pool
return new Pool(tokenA, tokenB, feeAmount, currentSqrt, JSBI.BigInt(0), currentTick, []);
} else {
return undefined;
}, [feeAmount, invalidPrice, price, tokenA, tokenB]);
// if pool exists use it, if not use the mock pool
// 当Pool未初始化,使用模拟Pool对象做计算
const poolForPosition: Pool | undefined = pool ?? mockPool;
// lower and upper limits in the tick space for `feeAmount`
// 设置tick序号的范围(上下限)
// 根据tickSpacing查找最大值和最小值附近可用的tick的序号
// tickSpacing 是计算时tick的间隔,为了减少计算量
// 根据费率水平确定 费率越大,tickSpacing越大,反之亦然
const tickSpaceLimits: {
[bound in Bound]: number | undefined;
} = useMemo(
() => ({
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/nearestUsableTick
[Bound.LOWER]: feeAmount ? nearestUsableTick(TickMath.MIN_TICK, TICK_SPACINGS[feeAmount]) : undefined,
[Bound.UPPER]: feeAmount ? nearestUsableTick(TickMath.MAX_TICK, TICK_SPACINGS[feeAmount]) : undefined,
// parse typed range values and determine closest ticks
// lower should always be a smaller tick
// 根据价格区间上下限代表的tick序号
// 以下限为例:
// 1. 当用户下限的输入值为boolean类型,表示点击了 `set all range` 按钮
// 此时下限价格是全价格轴上可用的最小值,即为 tickSpaceLimits.lower
// 2. 当用户下限的输入值为数值类型,则根据用户输入价格查找最近的可用的tick序号
// 因为Pool上的价格是离散的点,且又有tickSpacing的存在,
// 用户输入的价格和实际匹配的tick所代表的价格,有一定偏差
const ticks: {
[key: string]: number | undefined;
} = useMemo(() => {
return {
typeof existingPosition?.tickLower === 'number'
? existingPosition.tickLower
: (invertPrice && typeof rightRangeTypedValue === 'boolean') || (!invertPrice && typeof leftRangeTypedValue === 'boolean')
? tickSpaceLimits[Bound.LOWER]
: invertPrice
? tryParseTick(token1, token0, feeAmount, rightRangeTypedValue.toString())
: tryParseTick(token0, token1, feeAmount, leftRangeTypedValue.toString()),
typeof existingPosition?.tickUpper === 'number'
? existingPosition.tickUpper
: (!invertPrice && typeof rightRangeTypedValue === 'boolean') || (invertPrice && typeof leftRangeTypedValue === 'boolean')
? tickSpaceLimits[Bound.UPPER]
: invertPrice
? tryParseTick(token1, token0, feeAmount, leftRangeTypedValue.toString())
: tryParseTick(token0, token1, feeAmount, rightRangeTypedValue.toString()),
}, [existingPosition, feeAmount, invertPrice, leftRangeTypedValue, rightRangeTypedValue, token0, token1, tickSpaceLimits]);
const { [Bound.LOWER]: tickLower, [Bound.UPPER]: tickUpper } = ticks || {};
// specifies whether the lower and upper ticks is at the exteme bounds
// 判断价格上下限所在的tick是否为tick轴的最大最小序号
const ticksAtLimit = useMemo(
() => ({
[Bound.LOWER]: feeAmount && tickLower === tickSpaceLimits.LOWER,
[Bound.UPPER]: feeAmount && tickUpper === tickSpaceLimits.UPPER,
[tickSpaceLimits, tickLower, tickUpper, feeAmount]
// mark invalid range
// 当价格的 Lower >= Upper 判定为非法价格区间
const invalidRange = Boolean(typeof tickLower === 'number' && typeof tickUpper === 'number' && tickLower >= tickUpper);
// always returns the price with 0 as base token
// 根据确定的tick序号反推实际区间上下限的价格
// 用户在输入之后,通常价格会自动匹配到最近的tick上,和用户的输入值有偏差
const pricesAtTicks = useMemo(() => {
return {
[Bound.LOWER]: getTickToPrice(token0, token1, ticks[Bound.LOWER]),
[Bound.UPPER]: getTickToPrice(token0, token1, ticks[Bound.UPPER]),
}, [token0, token1, ticks]);
const { [Bound.LOWER]: lowerPrice, [Bound.UPPER]: upperPrice } = pricesAtTicks;
// liquidity range warning
// 当前交易价格是否在设定的价格区间外
const outOfRange = Boolean(!invalidRange && price && lowerPrice && upperPrice && (price.lessThan(lowerPrice) || price.greaterThan(upperPrice)));
// amounts
// 用户输入的要添加多少token作为流动性
const independentAmount: CurrencyAmount<Currency> | undefined = tryParseAmount(typedValue, currencies[independentField]);
// 自动计算另一种token匹配的数量
const dependentAmount: CurrencyAmount<Currency> | undefined = useMemo(() => {
// we wrap the currencies just to get the price in terms of the other token
const wrappedIndependentAmount = independentAmount?.wrapped;
const dependentCurrency = dependentField === Field.CURRENCY_B ? currencyB : currencyA;
if (independentAmount && wrappedIndependentAmount && typeof tickLower === 'number' && typeof tickUpper === 'number' && poolForPosition) {
// if price is out of range or invalid range - return 0 (single deposit will be independent)
if (outOfRange || invalidRange) {
return undefined;
// 根据输入的token数量创建一个Position实例
// 其内部会计算另一种token的数量
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/Position
const position: Position | undefined = wrappedIndependentAmount.currency.equals(poolForPosition.token0)
? Position.fromAmount0({
pool: poolForPosition,
amount0: independentAmount.quotient,
useFullPrecision: true, // we want full precision for the theoretical position
: Position.fromAmount1({
pool: poolForPosition,
amount1: independentAmount.quotient,
const dependentTokenAmount = wrappedIndependentAmount.currency.equals(poolForPosition.token0) ? position.amount1 : position.amount0;
return dependentCurrency && CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(dependentCurrency, dependentTokenAmount.quotient);
return undefined;
}, [independentAmount, outOfRange, dependentField, currencyB, currencyA, tickLower, tickUpper, poolForPosition, invalidRange]);
const parsedAmounts: { [field in Field]: CurrencyAmount<Currency> | undefined } = useMemo(() => {
return {
[Field.CURRENCY_A]: independentField === Field.CURRENCY_A ? independentAmount : dependentAmount,
[Field.CURRENCY_B]: independentField === Field.CURRENCY_A ? dependentAmount : independentAmount,
}, [dependentAmount, independentAmount, independentField]);
// single deposit only if price is out of range
// 当前交易价格在区间外,则只能添加单种资产
const deposit0Disabled = Boolean(typeof tickUpper === 'number' && poolForPosition && poolForPosition.tickCurrent >= tickUpper);
const deposit1Disabled = Boolean(typeof tickLower === 'number' && poolForPosition && poolForPosition.tickCurrent <= tickLower);
// sorted for token order
// 将不能添加流动性的资产映射到UI界面上
// 界面上是tokenA tokenB,而上面计算时,采用排序后的 token0, token1
const depositADisabled =
invalidRange ||
(deposit0Disabled && poolForPosition && tokenA && poolForPosition.token0.equals(tokenA)) ||
(deposit1Disabled && poolForPosition && tokenA && poolForPosition.token1.equals(tokenA))
const depositBDisabled =
invalidRange ||
(deposit0Disabled && poolForPosition && tokenB && poolForPosition.token0.equals(tokenB)) ||
(deposit1Disabled && poolForPosition && tokenB && poolForPosition.token1.equals(tokenB))
// create position entity based on users selection
// 根据用户的选择配置创建Position实例
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/Position
const position: Position | undefined = useMemo(() => {
if (!poolForPosition || !tokenA || !tokenB || typeof tickLower !== 'number' || typeof tickUpper !== 'number' || invalidRange) {
return undefined;
// mark as 0 if disabled because out of range
// outOfRange 状态下,某一种资产需要标记为0
const amount0 = !deposit0Disabled
? parsedAmounts?.[tokenA.equals(poolForPosition.token0) ? Field.CURRENCY_A : Field.CURRENCY_B]?.quotient
const amount1 = !deposit1Disabled
? parsedAmounts?.[tokenA.equals(poolForPosition.token0) ? Field.CURRENCY_B : Field.CURRENCY_A]?.quotient
if (amount0 !== undefined && amount1 !== undefined) {
// 创建Position实例
return Position.fromAmounts({
pool: poolForPosition,
useFullPrecision: true, // we want full precision for the theoretical position
} else {
return undefined;
}, [parsedAmounts, poolForPosition, tokenA, tokenB, deposit0Disabled, deposit1Disabled, invalidRange, tickLower, tickUpper]);
let errorMessage: string | undefined;
if (!account) {
errorMessage = t`Connect Wallet`;
if (poolState === PoolState.INVALID) {
errorMessage = errorMessage ?? t`Invalid pair`;
if (invalidPrice) {
errorMessage = errorMessage ?? t`Invalid price input`;
if ((!parsedAmounts[Field.CURRENCY_A] && !depositADisabled) || (!parsedAmounts[Field.CURRENCY_B] && !depositBDisabled)) {
errorMessage = errorMessage ?? t`Enter an amount`;
const { [Field.CURRENCY_A]: currencyAAmount, [Field.CURRENCY_B]: currencyBAmount } = parsedAmounts;
if (currencyAAmount && currencyBalances?.[Field.CURRENCY_A]?.lessThan(currencyAAmount)) {
errorMessage = t`Insufficient ${currencies[Field.CURRENCY_A]?.symbol} balance`;
if (currencyBAmount && currencyBalances?.[Field.CURRENCY_B]?.lessThan(currencyBAmount)) {
errorMessage = t`Insufficient ${currencies[Field.CURRENCY_B]?.symbol} balance`;
const invalidPool = poolState === PoolState.INVALID;
return {
获取 Pool 当前处于激活状态的流动性在 tick 轴上的分布,用于绘制分布图表
export function usePoolActiveLiquidity(
currencyA: Currency | undefined,
currencyB: Currency | undefined,
feeAmount: FeeAmount | undefined
): {
isLoading: boolean;
isUninitialized: boolean;
isError: boolean;
error: any;
activeTick: number | undefined;
data: TickProcessed[] | undefined;
} {
const pool = usePool(currencyA, currencyB, feeAmount);
// Find nearest valid tick for pool in case tick is not initialized.
// activeTick 是当前交易价格对应的tick(未必已初始化)
// pool[1] 是@uniswap/v3-sdk/Pool 类的实例
const activeTick = useMemo(() => getActiveTick(pool[1]?.tickCurrent, feeAmount), [pool, feeAmount]);
// 通过graph获取Pool的所有处于激活状态的tick数据(已添加流动性的tick)
const { isLoading, isUninitialized, isError, error, ticks } = useAllV3Ticks(currencyA, currencyB, feeAmount);
return useMemo(() => {
if (
!currencyA ||
!currencyB ||
activeTick === undefined ||
pool[0] !== PoolState.EXISTS ||
!ticks ||
ticks.length === 0 ||
isLoading ||
) {
return {
isLoading: isLoading || pool[0] === PoolState.LOADING,
data: undefined,
const token0 = currencyA?.wrapped;
const token1 = currencyB?.wrapped;
// find where the active tick would be to partition the array
// if the active tick is initialized, the pivot will be an element
// if not, take the previous tick as pivot
// 当前价格对应的tick是否有流动性
const pivot = ticks.findIndex(({ tickIdx }) => tickIdx > activeTick) - 1;
// pivot < 0 说明当前价格对应的tick无流动性
if (pivot < 0) {
// consider setting a local error
console.error('TickData pivot not found');
return {
data: undefined,
// 当前价格对应的tick数据包装
const activeTickProcessed: TickProcessed = {
// 当前tick上的激活状态的流动性即为当前Pool激活的总流动性
liquidityActive: JSBI.BigInt(pool[1]?.liquidity ?? 0),
tickIdx: activeTick,
// liquidityNet 是流动性净值,其含义可参见合约导读部分
liquidityNet: Number(ticks[pivot].tickIdx) === activeTick ? JSBI.BigInt(ticks[pivot].liquidityNet) : JSBI.BigInt(0),
// token0的价格
price0: tickToPrice(token0, token1, activeTick).toFixed(PRICE_FIXED_DIGITS),
const subsequentTicks = computeSurroundingTicks(token0, token1, activeTickProcessed, ticks, pivot, true);
const previousTicks = computeSurroundingTicks(token0, token1, activeTickProcessed, ticks, pivot, false);
const ticksProcessed = previousTicks.concat(activeTickProcessed).concat(subsequentTicks);
return {
isError: isError,
data: ticksProcessed,
}, [currencyA, currencyB, activeTick, pool, ticks, isLoading, isUninitialized, isError, error]);
计算交易价格对应 tick 的 前/后 每个 tick 上的流动性数据
// Computes the numSurroundingTicks above or below the active tick.
export default function computeSurroundingTicks(
token0: Token,
token1: Token,
activeTickProcessed: TickProcessed, // 当前价格对应tick上的数据
sortedTickData: AllV3TicksQuery['ticks'], // Pool上所有已激活的 tick: { tickIdx, liquidityNet, price0, price1 }
pivot: number, // 当前价格对应tick的序号,如果该tick未激活,pivot 为 -1
ascending: boolean // 以当前价格的tick为起点 false 向前遍历 ture 向后遍历
): TickProcessed[] {
let previousTickProcessed: TickProcessed = {
// Iterate outwards (either up or down depending on direction) from the active tick,
// building active liquidity for every tick.
// 根据 ascending 的值,向前或向后遍历 每个tick上的流动性数据
let processedTicks: TickProcessed[] = [];
for (let i = pivot + (ascending ? 1 : -1); ascending ? i < sortedTickData.length : i >= 0; ascending ? i++ : i--) {
const tickIdx = Number(sortedTickData[i].tickIdx);
const currentTickProcessed: TickProcessed = {
liquidityActive: previousTickProcessed.liquidityActive,
liquidityNet: JSBI.BigInt(sortedTickData[i].liquidityNet),
price0: tickToPrice(token0, token1, tickIdx).toFixed(PRICE_FIXED_DIGITS),
// Update the active liquidity.
// If we are iterating ascending and we found an initialized tick we immediately apply
// it to the current processed tick we are building.
// If we are iterating descending, we don't want to apply the net liquidity until the following tick.
// 从当前价格向后(价格变大)方向遍历,每个tick上的激活流动性数量 =
// liquidityActive + liquidityNet
if (ascending) {
currentTickProcessed.liquidityActive = JSBI.add(previousTickProcessed.liquidityActive, JSBI.BigInt(sortedTickData[i].liquidityNet));
} else if (!ascending && JSBI.notEqual(previousTickProcessed.liquidityNet, JSBI.BigInt(0))) {
// We are iterating descending, so look at the previous tick and apply any net liquidity.
// 从当前价格向后(价格变大)方向遍历,每个tick上的激活流动性数量 =
// liquidityActive - liquidityNet
currentTickProcessed.liquidityActive = JSBI.subtract(previousTickProcessed.liquidityActive, previousTickProcessed.liquidityNet);
previousTickProcessed = currentTickProcessed;
if (!ascending) {
processedTicks = processedTicks.reverse();
return processedTicks;
发送添加流动性的交易,如果有必要,先创建 Pool 合约
// src/pages/AddLiuqidity/index.tsx
async function onAdd() {
if (!chainId || !library || !account) return;
if (!positionManager || !baseCurrency || !quoteCurrency) {
if (position && account && deadline) {
// 交易对中有无ETH, 后面会根据此判断是否需给交易传value值
const useNative = baseCurrency.isNative ? baseCurrency : quoteCurrency.isNative ? quoteCurrency : undefined;
// 判断池子是否存在,且流动性为0
// 区分两种调用入参
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/NonfungiblePositionManager
// 1. 如果需要创建Pool,首先插入 Manager.createAndInitializePoolIfNecessary 的方法调用
// 2. 如果有permit 插入permit的编码
// 3. 如果不存在该流动性头寸(position)调用 Manager.mint 函数,添加流动性并创建NFT返回给用户
// 4. 如果position已存在,调用 Manager.increaseLiquidity 直接添加流动性
// 5. 如果交易对包含ETH,将ETH放在交易的value发送
const { calldata, value } =
hasExistingPosition && tokenId
? NonfungiblePositionManager.addCallParameters(position, {
slippageTolerance: allowedSlippage,
deadline: deadline.toString(),
: NonfungiblePositionManager.addCallParameters(position, {
slippageTolerance: allowedSlippage,
recipient: account,
deadline: deadline.toString(),
createPool: noLiquidity,
// 组装交易参数
let txn: { to: string; data: string; value: string } = {
data: calldata,
if (argentWalletContract) {
const amountA = parsedAmounts[Field.CURRENCY_A];
const amountB = parsedAmounts[Field.CURRENCY_B];
const batch = [
...(amountA && amountA.currency.isToken ? [approveAmountCalldata(amountA, NONFUNGIBLE_POSITION_MANAGER_ADDRESSES[chainId])] : []),
...(amountB && amountB.currency.isToken ? [approveAmountCalldata(amountB, NONFUNGIBLE_POSITION_MANAGER_ADDRESSES[chainId])] : []),
to: txn.to,
data: txn.data,
value: txn.value,
const data = argentWalletContract.interface.encodeFunctionData('wc_multiCall', [batch]);
txn = {
to: argentWalletContract.address,
value: '0x0',
// 打开交易进行中的弹窗
// 交易预执行并预估gas费用
.then((estimate) => {
const newTxn = {
gasLimit: calculateGasMargin(chainId, estimate),
// 真实发送交易
return library
.then((response: TransactionResponse) => {
addTransaction(response, {
summary: noLiquidity
? t`Create pool and add ${baseCurrency?.symbol}/${quoteCurrency?.symbol} V3 liquidity`
: t`Add ${baseCurrency?.symbol}/${quoteCurrency?.symbol} V3 liquidity`,
category: 'Liquidity',
action: 'Add',
label: [currencies[Field.CURRENCY_A]?.symbol, currencies[Field.CURRENCY_B]?.symbol].join('/'),
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to send transaction', error);
// we only care if the error is something _other_ than the user rejected the tx
if (error?.code !== 4001) {
} else {
export function useDerivedV3BurnInfo(
position?: PositionDetails,
asWETH = false
): {
position?: Position
liquidityPercentage?: Percent
liquidityValue0?: CurrencyAmount<Currency>
liquidityValue1?: CurrencyAmount<Currency>
feeValue0?: CurrencyAmount<Currency>
feeValue1?: CurrencyAmount<Currency>
outOfRange: boolean
error?: string
} {
const { account } = useActiveWeb3React()
// 用户输入要移除的百分比
const { percent } = useBurnV3State()
const token0 = useToken(position?.token0)
const token1 = useToken(position?.token1)
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/Pool 类的实例
const [, pool] = usePool(token0 ?? undefined, token1 ?? undefined, position?.fee)
// @uniswap/v3-sdk/Position 类的实例
const positionSDK = useMemo(
() =>
pool && position?.liquidity && typeof position?.tickLower === 'number' && typeof position?.tickUpper === 'number'
? new Position({
liquidity: position.liquidity.toString(),
tickLower: position.tickLower,
tickUpper: position.tickUpper,
: undefined,
[pool, position]
// 格式化百分比数值
const liquidityPercentage = new Percent(percent, 100)
// 根据移除的百分比折算能够得到的token数量
// discounted = total * persent
// 这里的数字使用 分子/分母 的形式存储,而quotient中存储实际的结果
const discountedAmount0 = positionSDK
? liquidityPercentage.multiply(positionSDK.amount0.quotient).quotient
: undefined
const discountedAmount1 = positionSDK
? liquidityPercentage.multiply(positionSDK.amount1.quotient).quotient
: undefined
// token数量使用 @uniswap/sdk-core/CurrencyAmount 类包装
const liquidityValue0 =
token0 && discountedAmount0
? CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(asWETH ? token0 : unwrappedToken(token0), discountedAmount0)
: undefined
const liquidityValue1 =
token1 && discountedAmount1
? CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(asWETH ? token1 : unwrappedToken(token1), discountedAmount1)
: undefined
// 获取可回收的手续费数量
// 获取过程同回收手续费部分
const [feeValue0, feeValue1] = useV3PositionFees(pool ?? undefined, position?.tokenId, asWETH)
const outOfRange =
pool && position ? pool.tickCurrent < position.tickLower || pool.tickCurrent > position.tickUpper : false
let error: string | undefined
if (!account) {
error = t`Connect Wallet`
if (percent === 0) {
error = error ?? t`Enter a percent`
return {
position: positionSDK,
current < Lower
: 此时token1的数量已经耗尽,所以直接返回0Lower < current < Upper
:amount = (current - Lower) * liquidity
Upper < current
:amount = (Upper - Lower) * liquidity
- 原理参考paco大佬的博客从token数量计算流动性数量
- 具体代码在 @uniswap/v3-sdk/position.amount1()