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GLM example:title generation


The title generation task needs to input a piece of text, and the model outputs the corresponding title according to the input text.

Result show




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Model Train(

Run this command at the command line:

cd FlagAI/examples/glm_title_generation
python ./

1.Load data

Sample data is at /examples/glm_title_generation/data/

1)Define the load function

>>> def read_file():
>>>     src = []
>>>     tgt = []

>>>     # read data file to load src and tgt, for example:
>>>     # src = ["article_1", "article_2", "article_3" ......]
>>>     # tgt = ["title_1", "title_2", "title_3" ......]
>>>     # no matter what data you use, you need to construct the right src and tgt.
>>>     with open(src_dir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
>>>         lines = f.readlines()
>>>         for line in lines:
>>>             src.append(line.strip('\n').lower())

>>>     with open(tgt_dir, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
>>>         lines = f.readlines()
>>>         for line in lines:
>>>             tgt.append(line.strip('\n').lower())
>>>     return src,tgt

2)Define the data loading process

>>> class GLMTitleGenerationDataset(Dataset):

>>>     def __init__(self, sents_src, sents_tgt):
>>>         super(GLMTitleGenerationDataset, self).__init__()
>>>         self.sents_src = sents_src
>>>         self.sents_tgt = sents_tgt

>>>     def __getitem__(self, i):
>>>         source_text = self.sents_src[i]
>>>         target_text = self.sents_tgt[i]
>>>         data = tokenizer.encode_plus(source_text, target_text=target_text)
>>>         return data

>>>     def __len__(self):
>>>         return len(self.sents_src)
  1. Define the batch function (collate_fn) in the data iterator (DataLoader) to pad a batch of data into a uniform size
>>> class GLMTitleGenerationCollateFN():
>>>     def __init__(self, pad_id):
>>>         self.pad_id = pad_id

>>>     def pad_token(self, tokens, max_length):
>>>         pad_len = max_length-len(tokens)
>>>         tokens += [self.pad_id]*pad_len
>>>         return tokens

>>>     def pad_position_ids(self, position_ids, max_length):
>>>         pad_len = max_length-len(position_ids[0])
>>>         position_ids[0] += [len(position_ids[0])+x for x in range(pad_len)]
>>>         position_ids[1] += [1] * pad_len
>>>         return position_ids

>>>     def pad_loss_mask(self, loss_mask, max_length):
>>>         pad_len = max_length-len(loss_mask)
>>>         loss_mask += [0] * pad_len
>>>         return loss_mask

>>>     def __call__(self, batch):
>>>         input_ids = [data["input_ids"] for data in batch]
>>>         target_ids = [data["target_ids"] for data in batch]
>>>         position_ids = [data["position_ids"] for data in batch]
>>>         attention_mask = [data['attention_mask'] for data in batch]
>>>         loss_mask = [data['loss_mask'] for data in batch]

>>>         max_length = max([len(t) for t in input_ids])
>>>         for i in range(len(input_ids)):
>>>             input_ids[i] = self.pad_token(input_ids[i], max_length)
>>>             target_ids[i] = self.pad_token(target_ids[i], max_length)
>>>             position_ids[i] = self.pad_position_ids(position_ids[i], max_length)
>>>             loss_mask[i] = self.pad_loss_mask(loss_mask[i], max_length)
>>>         return {
>>>             'input_ids': torch.LongTensor(input_ids),
>>>             'target_ids': torch.LongTensor(target_ids),
>>>             'position_ids': torch.LongTensor(position_ids),
>>>             'attention_mask': torch.LongTensor(attention_mask),
>>>             'loss_mask': torch.LongTensor(loss_mask)
>>>         }

4)Get the training data

>>> train_src, train_tgt = read_file()
>>> print('-----------train data length:', len(train_src))
>>> my_collate_fn = GLMTitleGenerationCollateFN(pad_id=tokenizer.get_command_id('pad'))
>>> train_dataset = GLMTitleGenerationDataset(train_src,
>>>                                    train_tgt)

2.Load model and tokenizer

>>> from flagai.auto_model.auto_loader import AutoLoader

>>> # the model dir, which contains the 1.config.json, 2.pytorch_model.bin, 3.vocab.txt,
>>> # or we will download these files from the model hub to this dir.
>>> model_dir = "./state_dict/glm/"
>>> # Autoloader can build the model and tokenizer automatically.
>>> # 'seq2seq' is the task_name.
>>> AutoLoader("title-generation",model_name="GLM-large-ch",model_dir=model_dir)
>>> model = auto_loader.get_model()
>>> tokenizer = auto_loader.get_tokenizer()

3. Training

Instantiate the Trainer, and set the training parameters.

>>> import torch.cuda
>>> from flagai.trainer import Trainer

>>> device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
>>> trainer = Trainer(
>>>     env_type="pytorch",
>>>     experiment_name="glm-title-generation",
>>>     batch_size=1,
>>>     gradient_accumulation_steps=1,
>>>     lr=2e-4,
>>>     weight_decay=1e-3,
>>>     epochs=10,
>>>     log_interval=10,
>>>     eval_interval=10000,
>>>     load_dir=None,
>>>     pytorch_device=device,
>>>     save_dir="checkpoints",
>>>     save_interval=1,
>>>     num_checkpoints=1,

>>> )

Enter the model, data, and batch functions into the trainer to start training:

>>> trainer.train(model,
>>>               train_dataset=train_dataset,
>>>               collate_fn=my_collate_fn)


Modify the model configuration path model_dir and the trained model path model_save_path before running. Run this command at the command line:

cd FlagAI/examples/glm_title_generation
python ./

You can choose between random sampling based on probability screening (random sample) or beam search (beamsearch) two generation methods:

>>> print(predictor.predict_generate_randomsample(text,out_max_length=66, top_k=10, top_p=.1,
>>>                                       repetition_penalty=4.0, temperature=1.2))
>>> print(predictor.predict_generate_beamsearch(text, out_max_length=66, beam_size=10))