作者: Dimitrios Kouzis-Loukas
出版社: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account
出版年: 2016-1-30
页数: 270
定价: USD 34.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9781784399788
- Basic Crawling
- Quick Spider Recipes
- Deploying to Scrapinghub
- Configuration and Management
- Programming Scrapy
- Pipeline Recipes
- Understanding Scrapy's Performance
- Distributed Crawling with Scrapyd and Real-Time Analytics
The system used in this book
The UR2IM process
If you want to load one of their pages, you can use the Scrapy shell, as follows:
scrapy shell -s USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0" <your url here e.g. http://www.gumtree.com/p/studios-bedsits-rent/...>
To debug problems while using scrapy shell, add the --pdb argument to enable interactive debugging in case of exceptions. For example:
scrapy shell --pdb https://gumtree.com
Let's open a page from that server with the Scrapy shell, and play a bit by typing the following on our dev machine:
$ scrapy shell http://web:9312/properties/property_000000.html
[s] Available Scrapy objects:
[s] crawler <scrapy.crawler.Crawler object at 0x2d4fb10>
[s] item {}
[s] request <GET http:// web:9312/.../property_000000.html>
[s] response <200 http://web:9312/.../property_000000.html>
[s] settings <scrapy.settings.Settings object at 0x2d4fa90>
[s] spider <DefaultSpider 'default' at 0x3ea0bd0>
[s] Useful shortcuts:
[s] shelp() Shell help (print this help)
[s] fetch(req_or_url) Fetch request (or URL) and update local...
[s] view(response) View response in a browser
If we try to print the first 50 characters of response.body, we get the following:
>>> response.body[:50]
'<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta charset="UTF-8"'
The next step is to try and extract data from the response into the fields of the Item
The page, the fields we are interested in, and their HTML code
Extracting the title
Let's check to see if this XPath expression works with the Scrapy shell:
>>> response.xpath('//h1/text()').extract()
[u'set unique family well']
We will almost always use /text() for textual fields. If we skip it, we get the text for the whole element including markup, which is not what we want:
>>> response.xpath('//h1').extract()
[u'<h1 itemprop="name" class="space-mbs">set unique family well</h1>']
Price is contained in the following HTML structure:
<strong class="ad-price txt-xlarge txt-emphasis" itemprop="price"> £334.39pw</strong>
Again we see itemprop="name", which is brilliant. Our XPath will be //*[@itemprop="price"][1]/text(). Let's try it:
>>> response.xpath('//*[@itemprop="price"][1]/text()').extract()
We can do so by using the re() method and a simple regular expression instead of extract():
>>> response.xpath('//*[@itemprop="price"][1]/text()').re('[.0-9]+')
$ scrapy startproject properties
$ cd properties
$ tree
├── properties
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── items.py
│ ├── pipelines.py
│ ├── settings.py
│ └── spiders
│ └── __init__.py
└── scrapy.cfg
2 directories, 6 files
With our text editor, we modify the properties/items.py file until it contains the following:
from scrapy.item import Item, Field
class PropertiesItem(Item):
# Primary fields
title = Field()
price = Field()
description = Field()
address = Field()
image_urls = Field()
# Calculated fields
images = Field()
location = Field()
# Housekeeping fields
url = Field()
project = Field()
spider = Field()
server = Field()
date = Field()
$ scrapy genspider basic web
Created spider 'basic' using template 'basic' in module:
If we have a look at the properties/spiders/basic.py file, we will see the following code:
import scrapy
class BasicSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "basic"
allowed_domains = ["web"]
start_urls = (
def parse(self, response):
First we will use the URL that we used with Scrapy shell by setting start_urls accordingly. Then we will use spider's predefined method log() to output everything that we summarized in the primary fields table. The modified code of properties/spiders/basic.py will be as follows:
import scrapy
class BasicSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "basic"
allowed_domains = ["web"]
start_urls = (
def parse(self, response):
self.log("title: %s" % response.xpath(
self.log("price: %s" % response.xpath(
self.log("description: %s" % response.xpath(
self.log("address: %s" % response.xpath(
self.log("image_urls: %s" % response.xpath(
After all this wait, it's high time we run our spider. We can do so using the command scrapy crawl followed by the name of the spider:
$ scrapy crawl basic
INFO: Scrapy 1.0.3 started (bot: properties)
INFO: Spider opened
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET http://...000.html>
DEBUG: title: [u'set unique family well']
DEBUG: price: [u'334.39']
DEBUG: description: [u'website...']
DEBUG: address: [u'Angel, London']
DEBUG: image_urls: [u'../images/i01.jpg']
INFO: Closing spider (finished)
Let's also play with another command—scrapy parse. It allows us to use the "most suitable" spider to parse any URL given as an argument. I don't like to leave things to chance, so let's use it in conjunction with the --spider parameter to set the spider:
$ scrapy parse --spider=basic http://web:9312/properties/property_000001.html
import scrapy
from properties.items import PropertiesItem
class BasicSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "basic"
allowed_domains = ["web"]
start_urls = (
def parse(self, response):
item = PropertiesItem()
item['title'] = response.xpath(
item['price'] = response.xpath(
item['description'] = response.xpath(
item['address'] = response.xpath(
item['image_urls'] = response.xpath(
return item
$ scrapy crawl basic -o items.json
$ cat items.json
[{"price": ["334.39"], "address": ["Angel, London"], "description": ["website court ... offered"], "image_urls": ["../images/i01.jpg"], "title": ["set unique family well"]}]
$ scrapy crawl basic -o items.jl
$ cat items.jl
{"price": ["334.39"], "address": ["Angel, London"], "description": ["website court ... offered"], "image_urls": ["../images/i01.jpg"], "title": ["set unique family well"]}
$ scrapy crawl basic -o items.csv
$ cat items.csv
"...offered",set unique family well,,334.39,,../images/i01.jpg
$ scrapy crawl basic -o items.xml
$ cat items.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
By using the following, for example, you will have Scrapy automatically upload the files for you on an FTP or an S3 bucket:
$ scrapy crawl basic -o "ftp://user:[email protected]/items.json "
$ scrapy crawl basic -o "s3://aws_key:aws_secret@scrapybook/items.json"
I was originally surprised by the lack of built-in support by Scrapy for MySQL or other databases. The fact is that there is nothing built-in, because it's fundamentally wrong for Scrapy's way of thinking. Scrapy is meant to be fast and scalable. It uses very little CPU and as much inbound bandwidth as possible. Inserting to most relational databases would be a disaster from the perspective of performance.
One more thing to notice is that if you try to use scrapy parse now, it will show you the scraped items and new requests (none in this case) that your crawl generated:
$ scrapy parse --spider=basic http://web:9312/properties/property_000001.html
INFO: Scrapy 1.0.3 started (bot: properties)
INFO: Spider closed (finished)
# Scraped Items ------------------------------------------------
[{'address': [u'Plaistow, London'],
'description': [u'features'],
'image_urls': [u'../images/i02.jpg'],
'price': [u'388.03'],
'title': [u'belsize marylebone...deal']}]
# Requests ------------------------------------------------
We start by using a great utility class, ItemLoader
, in order to replace all those messy looking extract() and xpath() operations. By using it, our parse() method changes to the following:
def parse(self, response):
l = ItemLoader(item=PropertiesItem(), response=response)
l.add_xpath('title', '//*[@itemprop="name"][1]/text()')
l.add_xpath('price', './/*[@itemprop="price"]'
'[1]/text()', re='[,.0-9]+')
l.add_xpath('description', '//*[@itemprop="description"]'
l.add_xpath('address', '//*[@itemtype='
l.add_xpath('image_urls', '//*[@itemprop="image"][1]/@src')
return l.load_item()
pass values from XPath/CSS expressions through different processor classes. Processors are fast yet simple functions. An example of a processor is Join()
. This processor, assuming that you have selected multiple paragraphs with some XPath expression like //p, will join their text together in a single entry. Another particularly interesting processor is MapCompose()
. You can use it with any Python function or chain of Python functions to implement complex functionality.
>>> from scrapy.loader.processors import MapCompose, Join
>>> Join()(['hi','John'])
u'hi John'
>>> MapCompose(unicode.strip)([u' I',u' am\n'])
[u'I', u'am']
>>> MapCompose(unicode.strip, unicode.title)([u'nIce cODe'])
[u'Nice Code']
>>> MapCompose(float)(['3.14'])
>>> MapCompose(lambda i: i.replace(',', ''), float)(['1,400.23'])
>>> import urlparse
>>> mc = MapCompose(lambda i: urlparse.urljoin('http://my.com/test/abc', i))
>>> mc(['example.html#check'])
>>> mc(['http://absolute/url#help'])
The key thing to take away is that processors are just simple and small functions that post-process our XPath/CSS results.
def parse(self, response):
l.add_xpath('title', '//*[@itemprop="name"][1]/text()',
MapCompose(unicode.strip, unicode.title))
l.add_xpath('price', './/*[@itemprop="price"][1]/text()',
MapCompose(lambda i: i.replace(',', ''), float),
l.add_xpath('description', '//*[@itemprop="description"]'
'[1]/text()', MapCompose(unicode.strip), Join())
l.add_xpath('image_urls', '//*[@itemprop="image"][1]/@src',
lambda i: urlparse.urljoin(response.url, i)))
Finally, we can add single values that we calculate with Python (instead of XPath/CSS expressions) by using the add_value()
l.add_value('url', response.url)
l.add_value('project', self.settings.get('BOT_NAME'))
l.add_value('spider', self.name)
l.add_value('server', socket.gethostname())
l.add_value('date', datetime.datetime.now())
are a bit like unit tests for spiders. They allow you to quickly know if something is broken.
def parse(self, response):
""" This function parses a property page.
@url http://web:9312/properties/property_000000.html
@returns items 1
@scrapes title price description address image_urls
@scrapes url project spider server date
$ scrapy check basic
Ran 3 contracts in 1.640s
FAIL: [basic] parse (@scrapes post-hook)
ContractFail: 'url' field is missing
Overall, the following is the code for our first basic spider:
from scrapy.loader.processors import MapCompose, Join
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
from properties.items import PropertiesItem
import datetime
import urlparse
import socket
import scrapy
class BasicSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "basic"
allowed_domains = ["web"]
# Start on a property page
start_urls = (
def parse(self, response):
""" This function parses a property page.
@url http://web:9312/properties/property_000000.html
@returns items 1
@scrapes title price description address image_urls
@scrapes url project spider server date
# Create the loader using the response
l = ItemLoader(item=PropertiesItem(), response=response)
# Load fields using XPath expressions
l.add_xpath('title', '//*[@itemprop="name"][1]/text()',
MapCompose(unicode.strip, unicode.title))
l.add_xpath('price', './/*[@itemprop="price"][1]/text()',
MapCompose(lambda i: i.replace(',', ''), float),
l.add_xpath('description', '//*[@itemprop="description"]'
MapCompose(unicode.strip), Join())
l.add_xpath('image_urls', '//*[@itemprop="image"]'
'[1]/@src', MapCompose(
lambda i: urlparse.urljoin(response.url, i)))
# Housekeeping fields
l.add_value('url', response.url)
l.add_value('project', self.settings.get('BOT_NAME'))
l.add_value('spider', self.name)
l.add_value('server', socket.gethostname())
l.add_value('date', datetime.datetime.now())
return l.load_item()
A typical crawler moves in two directions:
- Horizontally—from an index page to another
- Vertically—from an index page to the listing pages to extract Items
We are now ready to write a new parse() method that will perform both horizontal and vertical crawling:
def parse(self, response):
# Get the next index URLs and yield Requests
next_selector = response.xpath('//*[contains(@class,'
for url in next_selector.extract():
yield Request(urlparse.urljoin(response.url, url))
# Get item URLs and yield Requests
item_selector = response.xpath('//*[@itemprop="url"]/@href')
for url in item_selector.extract():
yield Request(urlparse.urljoin(response.url, url),
$ scrapy crawl manual -s CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=90
INFO: Scrapy 1.0.3 started (bot: properties)
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <...index_00000.html> (referer: None)
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <...property_000029.html> (referer: ...index_00000.html)
DEBUG: Scraped from <200 ...property_000029.html>
{'address': [u'Clapham, London'],
'date': [datetime.datetime(2015, 10, 4, 21, 25, 22, 801098)],
'description': [u'situated camden facilities corner'],
'image_urls': [u'http://web:9312/images/i10.jpg'],
'price': [223.88],
'project': ['properties'],
'server': ['scrapyserver1'],
'spider': ['manual'],
'title': [u'Portered Mile'],
'url': ['http://.../property_000029.html']}
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <...property_000028.html> (referer: ...index_00000.html)
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <...index_00001.html> (referer: ...)
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <...property_000059.html> (referer: ...)
INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats: ...
'downloader/request_count': 94, ...
'item_scraped_count': 90,
If you felt that this two-direction crawling was a bit too tedious, then you are really getting it. The easiest way to achieve the same results is by using a CrawlSpider
, a class that allows easier implementation of such crawls.
$ scrapy genspider -t crawl easy web
Created spider 'crawl' using template 'crawl' in module:
Now the file properties/spiders/easy.py contains the following:
class EasySpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'easy'
allowed_domains = ['web']
start_urls = ['http://www.web/']
rules = (
Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=r'Items/'), callback='parse_item', follow=True),
def parse_item(self, response):
CrawlSpider provides an implementation of the parse() method that uses the rules variable to do exactly what we did manually in the previous example.
We will replace the predefined rules variable instead with two rules, one for horizontal and one for vertical crawling:
rules = (
$ scrapy crawl easy -s CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=90
Requests and Responses while logging in on a website
class LoginSpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'login'
We need to send the initial request that logs in by performing a POST request on http://localhost:9312/dynamic/login. We do this with Scrapy's FormRequest
from scrapy.http import FormRequest
# Start with a login request
def start_requests(self):
return [
formdata={"user": "user", "pass": "pass"}
We can run this using scrapy crawl as usual:
$ scrapy crawl login
INFO: Scrapy 1.0.3 started (bot: properties)
DEBUG: Redirecting (302) to <GET .../gated> from <POST .../login >
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET .../data.php>
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET .../property_000001.html> (referer: .../data.php)
DEBUG: Scraped from <200 .../property_000001.html>
{'address': [u'Plaistow, London'],
'date': [datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 25, 12, 7, 27, 120119)],
'description': [u'features'],
'image_urls': [u'http://web:9312/images/i02.jpg'],
INFO: Closing spider (finished)
INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats:
'downloader/request_method_count/GET': 4,
'downloader/request_method_count/POST': 1,
'item_scraped_count': 3,
If we used the wrong user/pass, we would get a redirect to a page with no item URLs and the process would terminate at that point, as you can see in the following run:
$ scrapy crawl login
INFO: Scrapy 1.0.3 started (bot: properties)
DEBUG: Redirecting (302) to <GET .../dynamic/error > from <POST .../dynamic/login>
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET .../dynamic/error>
INFO: Spider closed (closespider_itemcount)
Some sites, for example, require you to pass some form variables from the form page to the login page while performing the POST request in order to confirm that cookies are enabled, and also to make it a bit more difficult for you to try to check with brute-force thousands of user/pass combinations.
For example, if you visit http://localhost:9312/dynamic/nonce, you will see a page that looks identical, but if you use Chrome's Debugger, you will notice that the form in this page has a hidden field called nonce
. When you submit this form (to http://localhost:9312/dynamic/nonce-login), the login won't be successful unless you pass not only the correct user/pass, but also the exact nonce value that server gave you when you visited this login page.
All we need to do is to use the formdata
argument to fill in the user and pass fields and return the FormRequest
. Here is the relevant code:
# Start on the welcome page
def start_requests(self):
return [
# Post welcome page's first form with the given user/pass
def parse_welcome(self, response):
return FormRequest.from_response(
formdata={"user": "user", "pass": "pass"}
We can run this spider as usual:
$ scrapy crawl noncelogin
INFO: Scrapy 1.0.3 started (bot: properties)
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET .../dynamic/nonce>
DEBUG: Redirecting (302) to <GET .../dynamic/gated > from <POST .../dynamic/login-nonce>
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET .../dynamic/gated>
INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats:
'downloader/request_method_count/GET': 5,
'downloader/request_method_count/POST': 1,
'item_scraped_count': 3,
Request and Response on pages that load JSON objects dynamically
Our new start_urls should be the JSON API URL:
start_urls = (
We can import json
and use the following code to parse the JSON object:
def parse(self, response):
base_url = "http://web:9312/properties/"
js = json.loads(response.body)
for item in js:
id = item["id"]
url = base_url + "property_%06d.html" % id
yield Request(url, callback=self.parse_item)
We can run this example as usual with scrapy crawl:
$ scrapy crawl api
INFO: Scrapy 1.0.3 started (bot: properties)
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET ...properties/api.json>
DEBUG: Crawled (200) <GET .../property_000029.html>
INFO: Closing spider (finished)
INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats:
'downloader/request_count': 31, ...
'item_scraped_count': 30,
We can then retrieve this from the Response that parse_item()
receives. Request has a dict named meta
that is directly accessible on Response. For our example, let's set a title value on this dict to store the title from the JSON object:
title = item["title"]
yield Request(url, meta={"title": title},callback=self.parse_item)
Inside parse_item(), we can use this value instead of the XPath expression that we used to have:
l.add_value('title', response.meta['title'],
MapCompose(unicode.strip, unicode.title))
Please keep in mind that many websites offer a different number of items on their index pages. For example, a website might be able to give you 10, 50 or 100 listings per index page by tuning a parameter, such as &show=50. If so, obviously, set it to the maximum value available.
todo.csv contains URLs and XPath expressions
import csv
import scrapy
from scrapy.http import Request
from scrapy.loader import ItemLoader
from scrapy.item import Item, Field
class FromcsvSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "fromcsv"
def start_requests(self):
with open("todo.csv", "rU") as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for line in reader:
request = Request(line.pop('url'))
request.meta['fields'] = line
yield request
def parse(self, response):
item = Item()
l = ItemLoader(item=item, response=response)
for name, xpath in response.meta['fields'].iteritems():
if xpath:
item.fields[name] = Field()
l.add_xpath(name, xpath)
return l.load_item()
Let's crawl and save the output to an out.csv file:
$ scrapy crawl fromcsv -o out.csv
INFO: Scrapy 0.0.3 started (bot: generic)
DEBUG: Scraped from <200 a.html>
{'name': [u'My item'], 'price': [u'128']}
DEBUG: Scraped from <200 b.html>
{'name': [u'Getting interesting'], 'price': [u'300']}
DEBUG: Scraped from <200 c.html>
{'name': [u'Buy this now']}
INFO: Spider closed (finished)
$ cat out.csv
128,My item
300,Getting interesting
,Buy this now
The first step is to open an account on http://scrapinghub.com/.
Creating a new project with scrapinghub
We can name our project properties (2) and click on the Create button (3). Then, we click on the new link in the homepage (4) to open the project.
The main menu
and Spiders
sections provide information about our runs and spiders, respectively. Periodic Jobs
enables us to schedule recurrent crawls.
Spider deployment settings
We will deploy directly from our dev machine. In order to do so, we just have to copy the lines from the Scrapy Deploy
page (3) and put them on scrapy.cfg
of our project, replacing the default [deploy]
$ pwd
$ ls
properties scrapy.cfg
$ cat scrapy.cfg
default = properties.settings
# Project: properties
url = http://dash.scrapinghub.com/api/scrapyd/
username = 180128bc7a0.....50e8290dbf3b0
password =
project = 28814
In order to deploy the spider, we will use the shub
tool provided by Scrapinghub.
$ shub login
Insert your Scrapinghub API key : 180128bc7a0.....50e8290dbf3b0
$ shub deploy
Packing version 1449092838
Deploying to project "28814" in {"status": "ok", "project": 28814, "version": "1449092838", "spiders": 1}
Run your spiders at: https://dash.scrapinghub.com/p/28814/
Selecting the spider
Scheduling a spider run
Inspecting and exporting items
Another way to access our items is through Scrapinghub's Items API.
On this URL, 28814 is the project number (we have also set this in the scrapy.cfg file before) then the first 1 is the number/ID of this spider (the one named "tomobile"), and the second 1 is the number of the job. Using these three numbers in this order, we can use curl from our console to retrieve our items by making a request to https://storage.scrapinghub.com/items/<project id>/<spider id>/<job id>
and using our username/API key to authenticate, as follows:
$ curl -u 180128bc7a0.....50e8290dbf3b0: https://storage.scrapinghub.com/items/28814/1/1
{"_type":"PropertiesItem","description":["british bit keep eve...
Scheduling recurrent crawls
You wouldn't typically need to modify the default settings but scrapy/settings/default_settings.py
(in your system's Scrapy source code or Scrapy's GitHub) is certainly an interesting read.
More often than not, we modify settings just after the command level on our project's <project_name>/settings.py
Essential Scrapy settings
Further Scrapy settings
Multithreaded code versus Twisted asynchronous code
You can use a Python console to run the following experiments interactively:
$ python
>>> from twisted.internet import defer
>>> # Experiment 1
>>> d = defer.Deferred()
>>> d.called
>>> d.callback(3)
>>> d.called
>>> d.result
>>> # Experiment 2
>>> d = defer.Deferred()
>>> def foo(v):
... print "foo called"
... return v+1
>>> d.addCallback(foo)
<Deferred at 0x7f...>
>>> d.called
>>> d.callback(3)
foo called
>>> d.called
>>> d.result
>>> # Experiment 3
>>> def status(*ds):
... return [(getattr(d, 'result', "N/A"), len(d.callbacks)) for d in ds]
>>> def b_callback(arg):
... print "b_callback called with arg =", arg
... return b
>>> def on_done(arg):
... print "on_done called with arg =", arg
... return arg
>>> # Experiment 3.a
>>> a = defer.Deferred()
>>> b = defer.Deferred()
>>> a.addCallback(b_callback).addCallback(on_done)
>>> status(a, b)
[('N/A', 2), ('N/A', 0)]
>>> a.callback(3)
b_callback called with arg = 3
>>> status(a, b)
[(<Deferred at 0x10e7209e0>, 1), ('N/A', 1)]
>>> b.callback(4)
on_done called with arg = 4
>>> status(a, b)
[(4, 0), (None, 0)]
>>> # Experiment 3.b
>>> a = defer.Deferred()
>>> b = defer.Deferred()
>>> a.addCallback(b_callback).addCallback(on_done)
>>> status(a, b)
[('N/A', 2), ('N/A', 0)]
>>> b.callback(4)
>>> status(a, b)
[('N/A', 2), (4, 0)]
>>> a.callback(3)
b_callback called with arg = 3
on_done called with arg = 4
>>> status(a, b)
[(4, 0), (None, 0)]
>>> # Experiment 4
>>> deferreds = [defer.Deferred() for i in xrange(5)]
>>> join = defer.DeferredList(deferreds)
>>> join.addCallback(on_done)
>>> for i in xrange(4):
... deferreds[i].callback(i)
>>> deferreds[4].callback(4)
on_done called with arg = [(True, 0), (True, 1), (True, 2),
(True, 3), (True, 4)]
# ~*~ Twisted - A Python tale ~*~
from time import sleep
# Hello, I'm a developer and I mainly setup Wordpress.
def install_wordpress(customer):
# Our hosting company Threads Ltd. is bad. I start installation and...
print "Start installation for", customer
# ...then wait till the installation finishes successfully. It is
# boring and I'm spending most of my time waiting while consuming
# resources (memory and some CPU cycles). It's because the process
# is *blocking*.
print "All done for", customer
# I do this all day long for our customers
def developer_day(customers):
for customer in customers:
developer_day(["Bill", "Elon", "Steve", "Mark"])
Let's run it:
$ ./deferreds.py 1
------ Running example 1 ------
Start installation for Bill
All done for Bill
Start installation
* Elapsed time: 12.03 seconds
import threading
# The company grew. We now have many customers and I can't handle the
# workload. We are now 5 developers doing exactly the same thing.
def developers_day(customers):
# But we now have to synchronize... a.k.a. bureaucracy
lock = threading.Lock()
def dev_day(id):
print "Goodmorning from developer", id
# Yuck - I hate locks...
while customers:
customer = customers.pop(0)
# My Python is less readable
print "Bye from developer", id
# We go to work in the morning
devs = [threading.Thread(target=dev_day, args=(i,)) for i in range(5)]
[dev.start() for dev in devs]
# We leave for the evening
[dev.join() for dev in devs]
# We now get more done in the same time but our dev process got more
# complex. As we grew we spend more time managing queues than doing dev
# work. We even had occasional deadlocks when processes got extremely
# complex. The fact is that we are still mostly pressing buttons and
# waiting but now we also spend some time in meetings.
developers_day(["Customer %d" % i for i in xrange(15)])
Let's run it as follows:
$ ./deferreds.py 2
------ Running example 2 ------
Goodmorning from developer 0Goodmorning from developer
1Start installation forGoodmorning from developer 2
Goodmorning from developer 3Customer 0
from developerCustomer 13 3Bye from developer 2
* Elapsed time: 9.02 seconds
It's quite hard to get even easy multithreaded code perfectly right, which leads us to Twisted
# For years we thought this was all there was... We kept hiring more
# developers, more managers and buying servers. We were trying harder
# optimising processes and fire-fighting while getting mediocre
# performance in return. Till luckily one day our hosting
# company decided to increase their fees and we decided to
# switch to Twisted Ltd.!
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import task
# Twisted has a slightly different approach
def schedule_install(customer):
# They are calling us back when a Wordpress installation completes.
# They connected the caller recognition system with our CRM and
# we know exactly what a call is about and what has to be done # next.
# We now design processes of what has to happen on certain events.
def schedule_install_wordpress():
def on_done():
print "Callback: Finished installation for", customer
print "Scheduling: Installation for", customer
return task.deferLater(reactor, 3, on_done)
def all_done(_):
print "All done for", customer
# For each customer, we schedule these processes on the CRM # and that
# is all our chief-Twisted developer has to do
d = schedule_install_wordpress()
return d
# Yes, we don't need many developers anymore or any synchronization.
# ~~ Super-powered Twisted developer ~~
def twisted_developer_day(customers):
print "Goodmorning from Twisted developer"
# Here's what has to be done today
work = [schedule_install(customer) for customer in customers]
# Turn off the lights when done
join = defer.DeferredList(work)
join.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
print "Bye from Twisted developer!"
# Even his day is particularly short!
twisted_developer_day(["Customer %d" % i for i in xrange(15)])
# Reactor, our secretary uses the CRM and follows-up on events!
Let's run it:
$ ./deferreds.py 3
------ Running example 3 ------
Goodmorning from Twisted developer
Scheduling: Installation for Customer 0
Scheduling: Installation for Customer 14
Bye from Twisted developer!
Callback: Finished installation for Customer 0
All done for Customer 0
Callback: Finished installation for Customer 1
All done for Customer 1
All done for Customer 14
* Elapsed time: 3.18 seconds
The code doesn't have any threading nonsense but still these callback functions look a bit ugly. This leads us to the next example:
# Twisted gave us utilities that make our code way more readable!
def inline_install(customer):
print "Scheduling: Installation for", customer
yield task.deferLater(reactor, 3, lambda: None)
print "Callback: Finished installation for", customer
print "All done for", customer
def twisted_developer_day(customers):
... same as previously but using inline_install()
instead of schedule_install()
twisted_developer_day(["Customer %d" % i for i in xrange(15)])
Let's run it as follows:
$ ./deferreds.py 4
... exactly the same as before
Scrapy uses the same mechanism to limit the amount of concurrency in item processing pipelines (the CONCURRENT_ITEMS
def inline_install(customer):
... same as above
# The new "problem" is that we have to manage all this concurrency to
# avoid causing problems to others, but this is a nice problem to have.
def twisted_developer_day(customers):
print "Goodmorning from Twisted developer"
work = (inline_install(customer) for customer in customers)
# We use the Cooperator mechanism to make the secretary not
# service more than 5 customers simultaneously.
coop = task.Cooperator()
join = defer.DeferredList([coop.coiterate(work) for i in xrange(5)])
join.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
print "Bye from Twisted developer!"
twisted_developer_day(["Customer %d" % i for i in xrange(15)])
# We are now more lean than ever, our customers happy, our hosting
# bills ridiculously low and our performance stellar.
# ~*~ THE END ~*~
Let's run it:
$ ./deferreds.py 5
------ Running example 5 ------
Goodmorning from Twisted developer
Bye from Twisted developer!
Scheduling: Installation for Customer 0
Callback: Finished installation for Customer 4
All done for Customer 4
Scheduling: Installation for Customer 5
Callback: Finished installation for Customer 14
All done for Customer 14
* Elapsed time: 9.19 seconds
Scrapy's architecture
Middleware hierarchy
Signals provide a mechanism to add callbacks to events that happen in the system, such as when a spider opens, or when an item gets scraped. You can hook to them using the crawler.signals.connect()
Scrapy interfaces and core objects
The system for this chapter
is a Python package that tries to be the equivalent of the Python requests package for Twisted-based applications.
Let's log in on our dev and verify that it's running fine:
$ curl http://es:9200
"name" : "Living Brain",
"cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
"version" : { ... },
"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"
In essence, this spider consists of just four lines of code:
def process_item(self, item, spider):
data = json.dumps(dict(item), ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8")
yield treq.post(self.es_url, data)
In order to enable the pipeline, we have to add it on an ITEM_PIPELINES
setting inside settings.py and initialize our ES_PIPELINE_URL
'properties.pipelines.tidyup.TidyUp': 100,
'properties.pipelines.es.EsWriter': 800,
ES_PIPELINE_URL = 'http://es:9200/properties/property'
After doing so, we can go to the appropriate directory:
$ pwd
$ ls
properties scrapy.cfg
Then we can run our spider:
$ scrapy crawl easy -s CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=90
INFO: Enabled item pipelines: EsWriter...
INFO: Closing spider (closespider_itemcount)...
'item_scraped_count': 106,
$ curl "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?sensor=false&address=london"
"results" : [
"formatted_address" : "London, UK",
"geometry" : {
"location" : {
"lat" : 51.5073509,
"lng" : -0.1277583
"location_type" : "APPROXIMATE",
"status" : "OK"
def geocode(self, address):
endpoint = 'http://web:9312/maps/api/geocode/json'
parms = [('address', address), ('sensor', 'false')]
response = yield treq.get(endpoint, params=parms)
content = yield response.json()
geo = content['results'][0]["geometry"]["location"]
defer.returnValue({"lat": geo["lat"], "lon": geo["lng"]})
By using geocode(), process_item() becomes a single line as follows:
item["location"] = yield self.geocode(item["address"][0])
Let's enable this pipeline by adding it to our settings' ITEM_PIPELINES
with a priority number that is smaller than ES's so that ES gets our location values:
'properties.pipelines.geo.GeoPipeline': 400,
Let's run a quick crawl with debug data enabled:
$ scrapy crawl easy -s CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=90 -L DEBUG
{'address': [u'Greenwich, London'],
'image_urls': [u'http://web:9312/images/i06.jpg'],
'location': {'lat': 51.482577, 'lon': -0.007659},
'price': [1030.0],
Here is a simple and good enough implementation of a throttling engine using Twisted's techniques:
class Throttler(object):
def __init__(self, rate):
self.queue = []
self.looping_call = task.LoopingCall(self._allow_one)
self.looping_call.start(1. / float(rate))
def stop(self):
def throttle(self):
d = defer.Deferred()
return d
def _allow_one(self):
if self.queue:
class GeoPipeline(object):
def __init__(self, stats):
self.throttler = Throttler(5) # 5 Requests per second
def close_spider(self, spider):
class DeferredCache(object):
def __init__(self, key_not_found_callback):
self.records = {}
self.deferreds_waiting = {}
self.key_not_found_callback = key_not_found_callback
def find(self, key):
rv = defer.Deferred()
if key in self.deferreds_waiting:
self.deferreds_waiting[key] = [rv]
if not key in self.records:
value = yield self.key_not_found_callback(key)
self.records[key] = lambda d: d.callback(value)
except Exception as e:
self.records[key] = lambda d: d.errback(e)
action = self.records[key]
for d in self.deferreds_waiting.pop(key):
reactor.callFromThread(action, d)
value = yield rv
In process_item()
, we look up using the cache as follows:
def __init__(self, stats):
self.cache = DeferredCache(self.cache_key_not_found_callback)
def cache_key_not_found_callback(self, address):
yield self.throttler.enqueue()
value = yield self.geocode(address)
def process_item(self, item, spider):
item["location"] = yield self.cache.find(item["address"][0])
In order to enable this pipeline, we disable (comment out) our previous implementation and add this to ITEM_PIPELINES in settings.py as follows:
'properties.pipelines.tidyup.TidyUp': 100,
'properties.pipelines.es.EsWriter': 800,
# DISABLE 'properties.pipelines.geo.GeoPipeline': 400,
'properties.pipelines.geo2.GeoPipeline': 400,
We can then run the spider with the following code:
$ scrapy crawl easy -s CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=1000
Scraped... 15.8 items/s, avg latency: 1.74 s and avg time in pipelines: 0.94 s
Scraped... 32.2 items/s, avg latency: 1.76 s and avg time in pipelines: 0.97 s
Scraped... 25.6 items/s, avg latency: 0.76 s and avg time in pipelines: 0.14 s
: Dumping Scrapy stats:...
'geo_pipeline/misses': 35,
'item_scraped_count': 1019,
Here is an HTTP POST request (done using curl) that returns properties that have "Angel" in their title and are sorted by their distance from the point {51.54, -0.19}:
$ curl http://es:9200/properties/property/_search -d '{
"query" : {"term" : { "title" : "angel" } },
"sort": [{"_geo_distance": {
"location": {"lat": 51.54, "lon": -0.19},
"order": "asc",
"unit": "km",
"distance_type": "plane"
First, we save the autodetected mapping in a file as a starting point:
$ curl 'http://es:9200/properties/_mapping/property' > property.txt
Then we edit property.txt as follows:
We replace this line of code with the following one:
"location": {"type": "geo_point"}
We also delete {"properties":{"mappings": and two }}
at the end of the file. We are then done with the file. We can now delete the old type and create a new one with our explicit schema as follows:
$ curl -XDELETE 'http://es:9200/properties'
$ curl -XPUT 'http://es:9200/properties'
$ curl -XPUT 'http://es:9200/properties/_mapping/property' --data @property.txt
We can now rerun a quick crawl, and we will be able to run the curl command that we saw earlier in this section and get results sorted by distance.
$ mysql -h mysql -uroot -ppass
mysql> create database properties;
mysql> use properties
mysql> CREATE TABLE properties (
url varchar(100) NOT NULL,
title varchar(30),
price DOUBLE,
description varchar(30),
mysql> SELECT * FROM properties LIMIT 10;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
class MysqlWriter(object):
def __init__(self, mysql_url):
conn_kwargs = MysqlWriter.parse_mysql_url(mysql_url)
self.dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool('MySQLdb',
def close_spider(self, spider):
def process_item(self, item, spider):
yield self.dbpool.runInteraction(self.do_replace, item)
print traceback.format_exc()
def do_replace(tx, item):
sql = """REPLACE INTO properties (url, title, price,
description) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)"""
args = (
item["description"][0].replace("\r\n", " ")[:30]
tx.execute(sql, args)
In order to use this pipeline, we have to add it in our ITEM_PIPELINES
dict in settings.py, as well as set the MYSQL_PIPELINE_URL
'properties.pipelines.mysql.MysqlWriter': 700,
MYSQL_PIPELINE_URL = 'mysql://root:pass@mysql/properties'
Execute the following command:
scrapy crawl easy -s CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=1000
mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM properties;
| 1006 |
mysql> SELECT * FROM properties LIMIT 4;
| url | title | price | description
| http://...0.html | Set Unique Family Well | 334.39 | website c
| http://...1.html | Belsize Marylebone Shopp | 388.03 | features
| http://...2.html | Bathroom Fully Jubilee S | 365.85 | vibrant own
| http://...3.html | Residential Brentford Ot | 238.71 | go court
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
$ redis-cli -h redis
redis:6379> info keyspace
# Keyspace
redis:6379> set key value
redis:6379> info keyspace
# Keyspace
redis:6379> FLUSHALL
redis:6379> info keyspace
# Keyspace
redis:6379> exit
We initialize our RedisCache pipeline as follows:
from txredisapi import lazyConnectionPool
class RedisCache(object):
def __init__(self, crawler, redis_url, redis_nm):
self.redis_url = redis_url
self.redis_nm = redis_nm
args = RedisCache.parse_redis_url(redis_url)
self.connection = lazyConnectionPool(connectTimeout=5,
We keep this cache simple by looking up and recording addresses and locations for every Item. This makes sense for Redis because it very often runs on the same server, which makes it very fast.
def process_item(self, item, spider):
address = item["address"][0]
key = self.redis_nm + ":" + address
value = yield self.connection.get(key)
if value:
item["location"] = json.loads(value)
When an Item reaches the end of all our pipelines, we recapture it in order to store to Redis location values. Here is how we do this:
from txredisapi import ConnectionError
def item_scraped(self, item, spider):
location = item["location"]
value = json.dumps(location, ensure_ascii=False)
except KeyError:
address = item["address"][0]
key = self.redis_nm + ":" + address
quiet = lambda failure: failure.trap(ConnectionError)
return self.connection.set(key, value).addErrback(quiet)
To enable this pipeline, all we have to do is add it to our ITEM_PIPELINES
settings and provide a REDIS_PIPELINE_URL
inside settings.py
'properties.pipelines.redis.RedisCache': 300,
'properties.pipelines.geo.GeoPipeline': 400,
REDIS_PIPELINE_URL = 'redis://redis:6379'
We can run this spider as usual. The first run will be similar to before, but any subsequent run will be as follows:
$ scrapy crawl easy -s CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=100
INFO: Enabled item pipelines: TidyUp, RedisCache, GeoPipeline, MysqlWriter, EsWriter
Scraped... 0.0 items/s, avg latency: 0.00 s, time in pipelines: 0.00 s
Scraped... 21.2 items/s, avg latency: 0.78 s, time in pipelines: 0.15 s
Scraped... 24.2 items/s, avg latency: 0.82 s, time in pipelines: 0.16 s
INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats: {...
'geo_pipeline/already_set': 106,
'item_scraped_count': 106,
Twisted provides thread pools that can be used to execute slow operations in some thread other than the main (Twisted's reactor) using the reactor.callInThread()
API call. This means that the reactor will keep running its processing and reacting to events while the computation takes place.
class UsingBlocking(object):
def process_item(self, item, spider):
price = item["price"][0]
out = defer.Deferred()
reactor.callInThread(self._do_calculation, price, out)
item["price"][0] = yield out
def _do_calculation(self, price, out):
new_price = price + 1
reactor.callFromThread(out.callback, new_price)
What happens if we have global state, for example counters, moving averages, and so on, that we need to use in our _do_calucation()?
To prevent this from happening, we have to use a lock, for example, Python's threading.RLock()
recursive lock. Using it, we ensure that no two threads will execute the critical section it protects at the same time:
class UsingBlocking(object):
def __init__(self):
self.lock = threading.RLock()
def _do_calculation(self, price, out):
with self.lock:
self.beta += 1
new_price = price + self.beta - self.delta + 1
assert abs(new_price-price-1) < 0.01 ...
To use this pipeline, we just have to add it to the ITEM_PIPELINES
setting inside settings.py
as follows:
'properties.pipelines.computation.UsingBlocking': 500,
We can use the reactor.spawnProcess()
API and the relevant protocol.ProcessProtocol
to run executables of any kind.
trap "" SIGINT
sleep 3
while read line
# 4 per second
sleep 0.25
awk "BEGIN {print 1.20 * $line}"
$ properties/pipelines/legacy.sh
12 <- If you type this quickly you will wait ~3 seconds to get results
13 <- For further numbers you will notice just a slight delay
We start with a slightly simplified version:
class CommandSlot(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
def __init__(self, args):
self._queue = []
reactor.spawnProcess(self, args[0], args)
def legacy_calculate(self, price):
d = defer.Deferred()
self.transport.write("%f\n" % price)
return d
# Overriding from protocol.ProcessProtocol
def outReceived(self, data):
"""Called when new output is received"""
class Pricing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.slot = CommandSlot(['properties/pipelines/legacy.sh'])
def process_item(self, item, spider):
item["price"][0] = yield self.slot.legacy_calculate(item["price"][0])
We can enable this pipeline by adding it to ITEM_PIPELINES
and running it as usual:
'properties.pipelines.legacy.Pricing': 600,
To increase it, all we need to do is modify the pipeline slightly to allow multiple such processes to run in parallel, as follows:
class Pricing(object):
def __init__(self):
self.concurrency = 16
args = ['properties/pipelines/legacy.sh']
self.slots = [CommandSlot(args)
for i in xrange(self.concurrency)]
self.rr = 0
def process_item(self, item, spider):
slot = self.slots[self.rr]
self.rr = (self.rr + 1) % self.concurrency
item["price"][0] = yield
We can confirm it with a quick crawl as follows:
$ scrapy crawl easy -s CLOSESPIDER_ITEMCOUNT=1000
Scraped... 0.0 items/s, avg latency: 0.00 s and avg time in pipelines: 0.00 s
Scraped... 21.0 items/s, avg latency: 2.20 s and avg time in pipelines: 1.48 s
Scraped... 24.2 items/s, avg latency: 1.16 s and avg time in pipelines: 0.52 s
A fundamental law for queue systems is Little's law, which asserts that the number of elements in the queuing system (N) in equilibrium is equal to the throughput of the system (T) multiplied by the total queuing/service time (S); N = T ∙ S. The other two forms, T = N / S and S = N / T, are also useful for calculations.
Figure 1. Little's law, queuing systems, and pipes
When you connect several pipes with different cross-sectional areas/throughputs one after the other, intuitively one can understand that the flow of the overall system will be limited by the flow of the narrowest (smallest throughput: T
) pipe (see Figure 2).
Figure 2. Cascading queuing systems with different capacities
Let's return to Scrapy and see its performance model in detail (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Scrapy's performance model
Scrapy consists of the following:
The scheduler
: This is where multiple Request get queued until the downloader is ready to process them. They consist mostly of just URLs and, thus, are quite compact, which means that having many of them doesn't hurt that much and allows us to keep the downloader fully utilized in case of irregular flow of incoming Request.The throttler
: This is a safety valve that feeds back from the scraper (the large tank) and if the aggregated size of Response in progress is larger than 5 MB it stops the flow of further Request into the downloader. This can cause unexpected performance fluctuations.The downloader
: This is the most important component of Scrapy in terms of performance. It poses a complex limit on the number of Request it can perform in parallel. Its delay (the length of the pipe) is equal to the time it takes the remote server to respond, plus any network/operating system and Python/Twisted delays. We can adjust the number of parallel Requests, but we, typically, have little control over delays. The capacity of the downloader is limited by the CONCURRENT_REQUESTS* settings, as we shall soon see.The Spider
: This is the part of the scraper that turns Response to Item and a further Request. We write these, and typically they aren't a performance bottleneck as long as we follow the rules.Item pipelines
: This is the second part of the scraper that we write. Our spiders might generate hundreds of Items per Request, and only CONCURRENT_ITEMS will be processed in parallel at a time. This is important because if, for example, you're doing database accesses in your pipelines, you might unintentionally flood your database and the default (100) seems dangerously high.
The code is somewhat cumbersome, and you can find it in speed/spiders/speed.py
We will see the core metrics being printed as follows:
$ time scrapy crawl speed
INFO: s/edule d/load scrape p/line done mem
INFO: 0 0 0 0 0 0
INFO: 4938 14 16 0 32 16384
INFO: 4831 16 6 0 147 6144
INFO: 119 16 16 0 4849 16384
INFO: 2 16 12 0 4970 12288
real 0m46.561s
Column | Metric |
s/edule | len(engine.slot.scheduler.mqs) |
d/load | len(engine.downloader.active) |
scrape | len(engine.scraper.slot.active) |
p/line | engine.scraper.slot.itemproc_size |
done | stats.get_value('item_scraped_count') |
mem | engine.scraper.slot.active_size |
Figure 5. The standard performance model and some experimental results
Overall, if you need to complete a job of N Request
s and our Spider is properly tuned, you should be able to complete it in:
By running a long job of N Requests, we can measure the
Figure 6. Performance flattens out as you increase concurrency beyond a certain level
Figure 7. Blocking code invalidates concurrency in unpredictable ways
Figure 8. Performance is defined by the spurious API requests
Figure 9. It's perfectly fine to have long pipelines (check "industrial heat exchanger" in Google images).
Figure 10. Irregular number of Requests on the downloader indicates Response size throttling
Figure 11. Crawl time as a function of CONCURRENT_ITEMS
Figure 12. Throughput as a function of details and next page links per index page
Start with a low value of CONCURRENT_REQUESTS
and increase until just before you hit one of the following limits:
- CPU usage > 80-90%
- Source website latency increasing excessively
- Memory limit of 5 Mb of Responses in your scraper
At the same time also perform the following:
- Keep at least a few Requests at all times in the scheduler's queues (mqs/dqs) to prevent the downloader's URL starvation
- Never use any blocking code or CPU-intensive code
Figure 13 summarizes the procedure of diagnosing and repairing Scrapy's performance problems.
Let's first have a look on scrapyd's web interface that we can find at http://localhost:6800/.
Scrapyd's web interface
In order to do so, we must first deploy the spider to the scrapyd server. The first step is to modify the · configuration file as follows:
$ pwd
$ cat scrapy.cfg
default = properties.settings
url = http://localhost:6800/
project = properties
Now, in order to deploy the spider, we use the scrapyd-deploy tool that is provided by scrapyd-client.
$ scrapyd-deploy
Packing version 1450044699
Deploying to project "properties" in http://localhost:6800/addversion.json
Server response (200):
{"status": "ok", "project": "properties", "version": "1450044699", "spiders": 3, "node_name": "dev"}
As the deployment was successful, we will be also able to see the project mentioned in the Available projects section in the main page of the scrapyd web interface.
$ curl http://localhost:6800/schedule.json -d project=properties -d spider=easy
{"status": "ok", "jobid": " d4df...", "node_name": "dev"}
If we turn back to the Jobs section of the web interface, we will be able to see the job running. We can use the jobid schedule.json that returns us to cancel the job using cancel.json a bit later:
$ curl http://localhost:6800/cancel.json -d project=properties -d job=d4df...
{"status": "ok", "prevstate": "running", "node_name": "dev"}
It's worth being aware of them by having a look in scrapyd's documentation at http://scrapyd.readthedocs.org/.
Overview of the system
We will calculate the initial index IDs for each shard with the following expression:
>>> map(lambda x: 1667 * x / 20, range(20))
[0, 83, 166, 250, 333, 416, 500, ... 1166, 1250, 1333, 1416, 1500, 1583]
Consequently, we set our start_urls to the following:
start_urls = ['http://web:9312/properties/index_%05d.html' % id
for id in map(lambda x: 1667 * x / 20, range(20))]
Instead of dropping URLs as OffsiteMiddleware does, we will batch them and send them to scrapyds. It turns out that we can. Here's part of the implementation:
def __init__(self, crawler):
settings = crawler.settings
self._target = settings.getint('DISTRIBUTED_TARGET_RULE', -1)
self._seen = set()
self._urls = []
self._batch_size = settings.getint('DISTRIBUTED_BATCH_SIZE', 1000)
def process_spider_output(self, response, result, spider):
for x in result:
if not isinstance(x, Request):
yield x
rule = x.meta.get('rule')
if rule == self._target:
self._add_to_batch(spider, x)
yield x
def _add_to_batch(self, spider, request):
url = request.url
if not url in self._seen:
if len(self._urls) >= self._batch_size:
We then add those URLs to the _urls
list, and if its size exceeds _batch_size
(the DISTRIBUTED_BATCH_SIZE setting), it triggers a call to _flush_urls()
. This method provides the following key functionality:
def __init__(self, crawler):
self._targets = settings.get("DISTRIBUTED_TARGET_HOSTS")
self._batch = 1
self._project = settings.get('BOT_NAME')
self._feed_uri = settings.get('DISTRIBUTED_TARGET_FEED_URL', None)
self._scrapyd_submits_to_wait = []
def _flush_urls(self, spider):
if not self._urls:
target = self._targets[(self._batch-1) % len(self._targets)]
data = [
("project", self._project),
("spider", spider.name),
("setting", "FEED_URI=%s" % self._feed_uri),
("batch", str(self._batch)),
json_urls = json.dumps(self._urls)
data.append(("setting", "DISTRIBUTED_START_URLS=%s" % json_urls))
d = treq.post("http://%s/schedule.json" % target,
data=data, timeout=5, persistent=False)
self._urls = []
self._batch += 1
We then form a POST request to scrapyd's schedule.json.
scrapy crawl distr \
-s DISTRIBUTED_START_URLS='[".../property_000000.html", ... ]' \
-s FEED_URI='ftp://anonymous@spark/%(batch)s_%(name)s_%(time)s.jl' \
-a batch=1
Frankly, we look at Scrapy's source code, find the way that CrawlSpider creates their Request and do exactly the same. In this case it is:
def __init__(self, crawler):
self._start_urls = settings.get('DISTRIBUTED_START_URLS', None)
self.is_worker = self._start_urls is not None
def process_start_requests(self, start_requests, spider):
if not self.is_worker:
for x in start_requests:
yield x
for url in json.loads(self._start_urls):
yield Request(url, spider._response_downloaded,
meta={'rule': self._target})
We enable it and set its settings in our settings.py:
'properties.middlewares.Distributed': 100,
DISTRIBUTED_TARGET_FEED_URL = ("ftp://anonymous@spark/"
You can consider it as a default value that you can override on your spiders using a custom_settings attribute, for example:
custom_settings = {
We can perform a test run that will crawl a single page that is provided as a setting:
$ scrapy crawl distr -s \
After this succeeds, we can try a more ambitious one, which crawls a page and FTPs it to our Spark server:
scrapy crawl distr -s \
DISTRIBUTED_START_URLS='["http://web:9312/properties/property_000000.html"]' \
-s FEED_URI='ftp://anonymous@spark/%(batch)s_%(name)s_%(time)s.jl' -a batch=12
In order to be able to deploy the spiders to our three scrapyd servers, we have to add them to our scrapy.cfg
file. Each [deploy:target-name]
section on this file defines a new deployment target:
$ pwd
$ cat scrapy.cfg
url = http://scrapyd1:6800/
url = http://scrapyd2:6800/
url = http://scrapyd3:6800/
You can query the available targets with scrapyd-deploy -l
$ scrapyd-deploy -l
scrapyd1 http://scrapyd1:6800/
scrapyd2 http://scrapyd2:6800/
scrapyd3 http://scrapyd3:6800/
It's easy to deploy to any of them with scrapyd-deploy <target name>
$ scrapyd-deploy scrapyd1
Packing version 1449991257
Deploying to project "properties" in http://scrapyd1:6800/addversion.json
Server response (200):
{"status": "ok", "project": "properties", "version": "1449991257", "spiders": 2, "node_name": "scrapyd1"}
After this, if we query each of those servers using scrapyd-deploy -L
, we can confirm that the project has been successfully deployed, as follows:
$ scrapyd-deploy -L scrapyd1
If you want to monitor the progress of your crawl across many scrapyd servers, you have to do it manually. This is a nice opportunity for us to exercise everything we've seen up to now to create a primitive Scrapy command, scrapy monitor, which monitors a set of scrapyd servers.
class Command(ScrapyCommand):
requires_project = True
def run(self, args, opts):
self._to_monitor = {}
for name, target in self._get_targets().iteritems():
if name in args:
project = self.settings.get('BOT_NAME')
url = target['url'] + "listjobs.json?project=" + project
self._to_monitor[name] = url
l = task.LoopingCall(self._monitor)
l.start(5) # call every 5 seconds