- Loops
for( i <- 1 to 10) println(i) //multiple variables for( i <- 1 to 5; j <- 6 to 10) { println(i) println(j) } //for each i it will print 6 to 10
- There is no
- Reading input:
import scala.io.StdIn.{readLing, ...} readLine() //read input as string readInt() readLong() readDouble() readByte() readShort()
- Printing output:
printf("Hello number: %d\n", 123) println(s"Hello world") val age = 90 println(f"I am ${currentAge+2} years old")
- String manipulation:
//indexing var arrString = "I am a string" println("3rd index element: " + arrString(3)) //concatenation s1 = s1.concat(" end") //eqality s1.equals(s2) //returns boolean //get index of query string i = s1.indexOf("end")
- Functions:
def foo(param1:<data type>, ...) : <return type> = { return param1 + param2 //return keyword not required } //functions which don't return => procedures def bar() : Unit = { <body> }
- Arrays:
val arr = Array("hello", "world") arr(0) = "bye" //modify 0th index. TODO: how val array is mutable? val arr = new Array[Int](10) //array of 20 integers allocated