These examples show how to integrate Google Protocol Buffers with Ice for Java.
Ice supports metadata that makes it possible for you to specify Protocol Buffers message types in your Slice definitions, with Ice handling the serialization chores for you automatically. The metadata, which may only be used on a sequence type, has the following syntax in Java:
For example:
["java:protobuf:tutorial.PersonPB.Person"] sequence<byte> Person;
The type name specified in this example, tutorial.PersonPB.Person, corresponds to the Java class generated by the Protocol Buffers compiler (protoc) for the definition shown below:
package tutorial;
option java_outer_classname = "PersonPB";
message Person { ... };
If you've installed Ice in a non-standard location, you'll need to set the
environment variable with the path name of the
installation directory. For example, on Linux or OS X:
$ export ICE_HOME=~/testing/Ice
On Windows:
$ set ICE_HOME=C:\Ice
The build system for the Java sample programs uses Gradle and includes a wrapper script or batch file that automatically downloads Gradle and all other required components.
To build the demos, open a command window and run:
$ gradlew build
To run the demo, first change to the demo
directory and start the server:
$ java -jar build/libs/server.jar
In a separate window, start the client:
$ java -jar build/libs/client.jar
To run the test, change to the test
directory and run the python script found there.
$ cd test
$ python