#Nanomite - Graphical Debugger for x64 and x86 on Windows
###Version 0.1 beta 17
- fixed a bug in the internal exception handler which could cause a termination on windows 8.1
- fixed a bug which made patching jumps impossible
- added option for "DebugSetProcessKillOnExit"
- added option to load symbols from ms servers
- added execute to selected line
- added possibility to toggle eflags directly from context menu in the register view
- improved internal PE file handling
- improved copy to clipboard context menu
####Notes: - You can now copy multi lines to the clipboard using the context menu
###Version 0.1 beta 16
- fixed a bug which can lead to a crash of the debugge when using step over while debugge was running
- fixed a bug which can lead to a crash while using step over
- fixed a bug which can lead to a crash when using more than one memory breakpoint
- fixed a bug which can lead to a missing display of disassembly when breaking on a onexecute memory bp
- fixed a bug which lead to a lost commandline when restarting as admin
- fixed a bug which did not clean up correctly if restarting the file over the recent debugged file menu
- added space shortcut in disassembly view to edit instruction
- added error message if x86 build wants to load x64 binarys
- added entropy check to display a warning if a (may) packed or crypted file will be started
- added support for different breakpoint sizes
- added resolving of drag n dropped .lnk files
- added bookmarks
- added comments
- added HLT and UD2 software breakpoint types
- added project files
- added different performance improvements
- updated dbghelp to version 6.3.9600
####Notes: - Supported breakpoint sizes are 1,2 and 4 bytes for software and hardware breakpoints - In the breakpoint manager you can now choose between int3, hlt and ud2 software breakpoints - int3 = 0xCC - hlt = 0xF4 - ud2 = 0x0F0B - Project files allow to save and load bookmarks, comments, patches and breakpoints of the current project
###Version 0.1 beta 15
- fixed a bug which lead to a memory leak when a invalid file was loaded
- fixed a bug which caused a break when continue was used after a trace
- fixed a bug which caused problems when scrolling up in disassembler view
- fixed a bug which returned wrong offset when adding a breakpoint to a wow64 process
- fixed a bug which did not clean up properly if using the "recent file" menu to debug new process
- fixed a bug which did not clean up properly if a process terminates in a multiprocess session
- fixed a bug which did not replace memory breakpoints correctly
- fixed a bug which did not display the correct source code under certain conditions
- fixed a bug which did not reload the gui when deleting a patch from patchmanager using hotkey
- fixed a bug which did not disable trace_stop button when the debuggee terminates while tracing
- fixed a bug which did not allow breakpoints on int3 instructions
- fixed a bug which may corrupted the memory breakpoints when a new thread starts
- fixed a bug which may calculated wrong tls callback offsets
- added save file dialog to memory dump and patch manager
- added the correct offsets for loaded module imports in the peeditor
- added double click handler in trace view, bp manager and patch manager to send a offset to disassembler window
- added possibility to set nanomite also as wow64 jit debugger
- added possibility to use Up/Down arrows and PageUp/Down to navigate in disassembler
- added possibility to create a full process dump
- added possibility to open function view for selected modules
- added possibility to restart debugger with admin rights
- added support for saving patches in dlls
- added support of multiple tls callbacks
- added "on execution" and "on write" memory breakpoint types
- updated function view algorithm
- updated winapi messagebox to qt
####Notes: - The full process dump can be done in detail view -> process tab -> context menu - The function view can now be showed also in detail view -> modules tab -> context menu
###Version 0.1 beta 14
- fixed a bug in the options not showing exception wich have been saved using the exception assistant
- fixed a bug when stepping over a return
- fixed a bug in breakpoint manager which deleted the wrong bp when removing a selected bp
- fixed a bug in breakpoint manager which created unusable breakpoints
- fixed a bug in breakpoint manager which may resolved ModuleName::APIName to wrong offset
- fixed a bug in assembler which double loaded the gui
- fixed a bug in hardware breakpoints which did not activate them in running processes
- fixed a bug in hardware breakpoints which did not activate them on the current thread
- fixed a bug where by detaching from a suspended process didn't resume the process
- fixed a bug which did not handle hardware breakpoints for wow64 targets
- fixed a bug which showed a wrong menu if child processes where present in the debugging session
- fixed a bug which reloaded the disassembler to the wrong offset after adding a new patch
- fixed a bug which caused wrong scrolling of disassembler and stack while the process is running
- fixed paths in attach dialog with SystemRoot enviroment string
- fixed handling of "call * ptr []" and "jmp * ptr []"
- fixed some handle and memory leaks
- added saving of input in goto dialog
- added support of functions in goto dialog
- added different hotkeys see hotkey list for all of them
- added type column in attach dialog
- added state update when doing a trace
- added trace to selected disassembly line
- added toggle breakpoint on selected disassembly line to context menu
- added display of FPU, MMX and SSE register
- updated to qt 4.8.5
- updated nasm to 2.10.09
- updated file open dialog to remove annoying messagebox for commandline
- updated the internal pe handling
- updated resize event of Disassembler and Stack
- updated Stack scroll
- updated PID dropdown to be only displayed if more then 1 process is running
- updated disassembler logic
####Notes: - function in the goto dialog should look like this: "module::function" e.g KERNEL32::IsDebuggerPresent
###Version 0.1 beta 13
- fixed some crashs related to the qt /MT build, see note for more details
- fixed some bugs in the patch manager
- fixed the symbol display in the trace view
- fixed a bug which showed wrong trace data
- added Exception Assistant
- added colors to the state bar
- added missing edi/rdi register
- added option to break on tls callback
- added possibility to show registers of a thread in detailview
- added possibility to show TEB/TBI of a thread in detailview
- added possibility to show PEB/PBI of a process in detailview
- added possibility to set Nanomite as default just in time debugger
- added possibility in PEEditor to show exports of a loaded module in disassembler
- added updater (thanks to inisider for this contribution)
- updated beaengine to rev. 174
- updated PE-Editor layout
- updated DetailView layout
- updated Options to include more options, easier config
####Notes: - Needed to compile Qt with /MD because of issues with the cruntime. If you want to use the debugger you have to install the visual c++ runtime 2010. - You can save an exception to the list in the Options window. The debugger then knows how to handle it. Alternatively you can enable the Exception Assistant. This will show a dialog once a exception occures and offers different ways to handle it.
###Version 0.1 beta 12
- fixed scrollbar in trace view
- fixed a possible crash in disassembler
- fixed a memory leak in the window settings
- fixed a memory leak in dll and process name receiving
- fixed a memory leak in trace view
- fixed display of ascii strings in ascii view
- fixed a bug which could cause wrong run to user code if debugging more than one process
- fixed a bug which lead to incorrect restarts on slow systems
- fixed a bug which caused double calling of some functions in context menus
- fixed a bug in hex view which may showed wrong data
- fixed a bug in heap view which caused a crash when copying the whole line to clipboard
- added PatchManager
- added process privilege view
- added commandline options
- added possibility to set process priorities
- added possibility to set memory protection
- added display of current priority in detail view - context menu
- added display of segment registers in reg view
- added background worker to string view, hex view and functions view
- removed processes we can´t access from the attach dialog
####Notes: - Patches can be saved to file (only on the debugged one) - In the memory view you can set the protection of a page using the context menu - Commandline options - "-s": specifies a file - "-c": specifies the commandline for the target if not given you will be asked later - "-p": attachs to the given pid
###Version 0.1 beta 11
- fixed a bug in options which didn´t save the correct settings
- fixed display of exceptions if no symbols have been found
- fixed a bug which made register editor not working in x64
- fixed a bug which displayed wrong modules in window view
- fixed a bug which didn´t display exceptions if a breakpoint was set on this offset
- fixed a bug in disassembler which may caused application crashes due to wrong memory protection
- fixed a possible crash in context menus
- fixed display of the offset in string view
- fixed unvalid breakpoint offsets caused by alsr
- improvements on AttachDlg
- added cleanup on debugge termination
- added process patching
- added more context menus to DetailView
- added display of mainthread in DetailView
- added F5 Hotkey to reload some views
- added possibility to save debug log to file
- added possibility to copy data to clipboard
- added possibility to break on new Processes, Threads or DLL loads
- added dockable widgets to the mainview
- added save of window sizes and positions on close
####Notes: - You have now the possibility to patch the memory of a process. Currently it is not possible to save the changes to disk but this will be integrated also. - Some context menus offer the possibility to copy the data from the table to the clipboard
###Version 0.1 beta 10
- fixed a bug which displayed a wrong function offset in callstack
- fixed a bug which didn´t break on module ep if "break on system ep" was selected
- fixed a bug which lead to a crash if a wow64 file has ordinal imports
- fixed a bug in the disassembly view which caused ungentle down scrolling
- fixed a bug in PEManager which double loaded debugged files
- fixed a bug which may lead to an error in disassembler
- fixed a crash on context menus if not debugging something
- improved HeapView
- added Message in DebugLog if breaking on MemoryBP
- added PEViewer
- added native check for Admin rights
- added warnings if API import fails
- added display of current PID/TID in mainwindow title
- added function view
- added and cleaned context menus
####Notes: - I´m happy to announce "En0mis" as a new Developer in this project! :) - function view - scans the memory of the loaded targets and scanns for functions.
###Version 0.1 beta 9
- fixed a bug in disassembler
- fixed a bug in wow64 StepIn
- fixed a crash when suspending a process and then StepIn
- fixed a bug which didn´t display all modules in callstack
- fixed a crash in loading imports of files without IAT
- fixed a crash in "Goto Offset" context menu
- small gui improvements
- added Single Step Tracer
- added memory dumper
- removed error message if you cancel the file selection
####Notes: - Single Step Tracer - only a part is displayed in the window. Use mouse scroll to navigate (will be improved) - MemoryDumper - RightClick in MemoryView or HeapView shows you the option to dump the selected segment.
###Version 0.1 beta 8
- fixed a crash in attaching to a process where we don´t have a file path
- fixed a bug which ignored DbgBreakPoint on attaching
- fixed a bug which caused double breaking in case we set a breakpoint while beeing on the entrypoint
- fixed a crash in pe import reader
- fixed a crash (see github issue #1)
- fixed a bug in HexView which didn´t display data on x64 processes
- fixed a possible crash when opening invalid non pe files
- fixed a small bug in "Restart"
- added display of current function in windowtitle
- added support for drag and drop of files
- added possibility to remove breakpoints with "F2" (needs to be a selected row in disassembler)
- added "Step back to user code"
####Notes: - "Step back to user code" - If you use this the debugger will continue the execution until you get to the first function which is located in the main module
###Version 0.1 beta 7
- fixed some small handling bugs
- fixed a bug in disassembler which did not replace old protection on memory after disassembling
- fixed a bug which did not show terminated processes in DetailView
- fixed a bug which did not show terminated threads in DetailView
- fixed a bug which did not clean up memory on manual debugge stop
- improved DB handler
- added resolve of jump conditions to improve StepOver
- added "Return" and "Backspace" Hotkey to navigate in Disassembler
- added "Clear Log" context menu in LogBox
- added "Show Source" context menu in Disassembler
- added "Goto Function" context menu in Callstack
- added a crash handler
- added Source Viewer
- added memory pool for performance improvment and memory leak reduction
- added mouse scrolling in disassembler and stack
- added direkt run of target after using menu to select a file
####Notes: - CrashHandler - if Nanomite crashs a dumpfile will be written to the application folder. Please send me this file via zer0fl4g[at]gmail[dot]com - Hotkey "Return" - when you selected a jump / call / ... you can follow this instruction using the "Return" key - Hotkey "Backspace" - steps back when you used "Return" to follow a call - Source Viewer - double click on source line in Callstack view. A new Window will open and show the source code (if found) - right click in disassembler opens source view also - Memory Pool - redericted malloc / new / delete / free to the memory pool - heap fragmentation reduction - increasing performance
###Version 0.1 beta 6
- fixed a crash in Step Over
- fixed load of colors in option window
- fixed a dead lock when using detach
- fixed memory overhead in hexview
- fixed a display issue of the time in log when the debugge finished
- improved internal PEFile handling
- added unload of symbols if a DLL gets unloaded during runtime
- added some more instructions to syntax highlighter
- added highlight of current EIP
- added highlight of BPs
- added possibility to remove BPs from BPManager
- added auto completion for apis in BPManager
- added DB Interface
- added command line support
####Notes: - BPManager - Use the "DEL" Key to remove the entries from BPManager - Type a module name and the box will propose you found apis that match your entry e.g type "Ker" and the BPManager will show all imports of the processes found with Ker* -> Kernel32::*
###Version 0.1 beta 5
- fixed missing registers in x64 RegView
- improved entrypoint handling
- improved the BPManager
- added some hotkeys
- added Step Over
- added refill on mainwindow resize to match size
- added RegEdit
- added basic coloring
####Notes: - Hotkeys: STRG + O = open new file STRG + B = breakpoint manager STRG + F4 = stop debugging F12 = options F9 = start debugging / continue F8 = step over F7 = step in F2 = set software breakpoint on selected row (a row must be selected in Disassembler)
- RegEdit: Double click on the regview to open it
- Colors: Can be edited via Options Dialog (F12)
###Version 0.1 beta 4:
- fixed different crashs in disassembler
- fixed dependencies of cruntime
- fixed the restart icon
- fixed little bug in DetachFromProcess
- improved speed and memory usage of disassembler
- added a check for valid file
- added a check for admin rights + warning
- added right click menu in RegView (send to Disassembler)
- added right click menu in Disassembler (Goto Offset)
- added possibility to resize and maximize the mainwindow
- changed window style to Qt Plastique
- dependencies:
- For developers: You will need a QT Framework which has been compiled with /MT ( or /MTd) else you have a dependencie of the cruntime even if qtNanomite has been compiled without. If you need help to compile your QT this way just drop me an Email / PM.
- For all: I will place the needed QT Dlls into the repro and you shouldn´t need the cruntime to be installed anymore.
###Version 0.1 beta 3:
- fixed a bug which displayed crap on some x64 Addresses
- fixed a crash in the Breakpoint Manager
- fixed RegView for Wow64
- added dynamic load of Wow64 APIs (first step to XP64)
- added right click menu in HeapView (send to HexView)
- added right click menu in MemoryView (send to HexView)
- added resizability to the different sub windows
- added dynamic row calc to stack view (prepare for dynamic main window)
- added own class and thread for disassembler
###Version 0.1 beta 2:
- Ported to QT 4.8.4
- Added possibility to ignore custom exceptions in options dialog
- Added possibility to reload a default config in options dialog
- Fixed a bug in the detach function
- Fixed a crash in CleanWorkSpace
- Improved Breakpoint Manager