This resource was made by the Zephir community and wouldn't be possible without you! We appreciate and recognize all contributors.
- To add to the list: Submit a pull request
- To remove from the list: Open an issue
To set this list excellent, awesome-zephir is a specially curated list for high-quality, actively maintained Zephir resources.
- List items should be sorted alphabetically.
- Each item should be limited to one link
- For links use the following format:
[List Name](link)
- The link should be the name of the library or project
- Descriptions should be clear, concise, and non-promotional
- Descriptions should follow the link, on the same line
- New categories or improvements to the existing categorization are welcome
- Make sure your text editor is set to remove trailing whitespace
- Make an individual pull request for each suggestion
Please contribute links to libraries/projects/resources you have used or are familiar with. This will help ensure high-quality entries.
To stay on the list, libraries/projects/resources should adhere to these quality standards:
- Generally useful to the community
- Functional
- Actively maintained (even if that just means acknowledging open issues when they arise)
- Stable, or progressing toward stable
- Documented (at least PHPDoc)
- Tests are preferred (when possible)
Please open an issue if you find anything that could be improved or have suggestions for making the list a more valuable resource. We realize sometimes libraries/projects/resources fall into abandonment or have breaking builds for extended periods of time or is not updated as often as would be desirable, so if you see that, please let us know. We also realize that sometimes projects are just going through transitions or are more experimental in nature. These can still be cool, but we can indicate them as transitory or experimental -- again, just open an issue. Thanks everyone!