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Activity 1: Create and Deploy an Application

In this activity, we will be creating and deploying a simple application to demonstrate the capabilities of Kubernetes.

A completed set of manifests can be found in the directory ./.manifests if you're unable to keep up.

Summary of Sub-Activities

  1. 1.1 Make sure verything is installed
  2. 1.2 About the application
  3. 1.3 Creating service accounts
  4. 1.4 Deploying Admin component
  5. 1.5 Deploying API component
  6. 1.6 Deploying Game component
  7. 1.7 Deploying the Ingress
  8. 1.8 Modifying /etc/hosts
  9. 1.9 Reviewing the application

1.1 Make sure everything is installed

Run the following to start your local Kubernetes cluster:

minikube start;

minikube is still in beta and if you encounter any errors, do check out the MiniKube installation section or if you're on Linux, check out the page dedicated to it.

This is possibly the hardest step of this workshop so pat yourself on the back if you've got it!

To verify that everything is running correctly, run:

minikube status;
# ...
# kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd (a local IP address)

For this activity we'll also require a type of Kubernetes resource known as an Ingress. It's also nice to monitor our pods. So let's enable them by running:

minikube addons enable ingress;
# ingress was successfully enabled

minikube addons enable metrics-server;
# metrics-server was successfully enabled

minikube addons enable heapster;
# heapster was successfully enabled

The ingress add-on allows for routing to deployed services via a hostname, the metrics-server add-on allows for monitoring Pods, and the heapster add-on allows for monitoring of the Node.

1.2 About the Application

1.2.1 Application Overview

The application we are deploying is a fork of Terrence Ryan's Whack-A-Pod. Here's a video of it in action if you're interested:

<iframe width="100%" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What it demonstrates is the ability of Kubernetes to restart Pods where errors have happened.

My fork of the repository can be found at and it fixes some things which are broken in the original repository such as MiniKube compatiblity.

In the interest of time, I have pushed the relevant images to DockerHub so that we can skip the container build process and start writing the Kubernetes manifests.

1.2.2 Other Technical Details

The application consists of three parts, admin, api and game.

For the admin app, this application handles pod starting up and shutting down. Hence, we will need to grant it the ability to access the cluster.

For the api app, this application is the logical application which will be killed/restarted. No issues here.

For the game app, this is the front-end for the application which we will be accessing via an Ingress.

1.3 Creating Service Accounts

We'll be creating a service account with cluster administration rights for the admin application first.

Check with minikube that our kubectl is correctly linked to the MiniKube cluster:

minikube status;

The last line of the output should declare:

kubectl: Correctly Configured: pointing to minikube-vm at ....

Next, run the following to create the service account and assign the cluster-admin ClusterRole to it:

kubectl create serviceaccount wap-admin;
kubectl create clusterrolebinding wap-admin \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

1.4 Deploying Admin Component

We proceed by deploying the administration app. This application controls the pod status and allows us to kill, restart and monitor existing deployments, services and pods.

1.4.1 Creating the Administration Deployment

Create a new file called deployment.admin.yaml (location does not matter now). This file will specify details about the deployment. Paste the following into the file:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
    app: admin
  name: admin-deployment

In the above code snippet, the apiVersion property should be at column 0.

This defines basic self-explanatory details such as the name of the Deployment, and labels. The labels will be used by the Services to identify the Deployments we are trying to expose.

Next, append the following specification which is the specification of a Deployment (as compared to the metadata which we achieved in the above code block):

  replicas: 1
      app: admin
      maxSurge: 25%
      maxUnavailable: 25%
    type: RollingUpdate

In the above code snippet, the spec property should be at column 0.

Lastly, we define logical aspects of the application such as which container image we're using, the ports via which the application be reached and how should Kubernetes orchestrate its existence:

        app: admin
      - env:
        - name: APIIMAGE
          value: zephinzer/eg-whack-a-pod:api
        image: zephinzer/eg-whack-a-pod:admin
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: admin-deployment
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      restartPolicy: Always
      serviceAccount: wap-admin
      serviceAccountName: wap-admin

In the above code snippet, the template property should be at column 2.

Note that in the above, we are applying the serviceAccount property. This is usually not needed unless it is an administrative application which requires access to Kubernetes resources. The above wap-admin service account should correspond to what we created in step 1.3.

We also specified the ports which the Admin component uses. Functionally, this exposes the port 8080 on the pod which we will direct the Service to later.

Once done, apply the above manifest by running the following in the same directory as your newly created file:

kubectl apply -f ./deployment.admin.yaml;

Speed up if you can't catch up: kubectl apply -f ./.manifests/deployment.admin.yaml

1.4.2 Verifying the Admin deployment is up

You can now observe our deployed application via the following commands:

# view the deployment status
kubectl get deployments;
# Output:
# admin-deployment   1         1         1            1           15m

# check out the pods
kubectl get pods -o wide;
# Output:
# admin-deployment   1         1         1            1           30m       admin-deployment   zephinzer/eg-whack-a-pod:admin   app=admin
# ...

# get metrics on the above pod
# *note*: change the pod ID to whatever your output shows
kubectl top pod admin-deployment-64568f9996-h8lz8
# Output:
# NAME                                CPU(cores)   MEMORY(bytes)
# admin-deployment-64568f9996-h8lz8   0m           3Mi

You'll notice that when we retrieve the pod, we see an IP address. This IP address is the Pod's IP address which exists in the Node's subnet and is ephremal - this means that should we kill the pod and another is brought up, the IP address will change - so don't depend on it! We could kill it now actually to see what happens:

# once again, change the pod ID to your own pod's ID
kubectl delete pod admin-deployment-64568f9996-h8lz8;

Run the command to get the pods again:

kubectl get pods -o wide | grep admin-deployment;

Observe that the IP address has changed. Not a good way to refer to that pod! So, let's deploy a service!

1.4.3 Exposing the Administration Deployment

Create a new file named service.admin.yaml. This is a Service type resource that will allow the admin application to be accessed from another pod in a reliable manner. Add the following to the newly created file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: admin
  name: admin
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    app: admin
  type: NodePort

That's all there is to creating a Service! Some things to notice:

  1. The property corresponds to the deployment we made earlier and directs this Service to find the Deployment containing a label where app=admin.
  2. The spec.ports[0].port and spec.ports[0].targetPort are the same in this case, but the former refers to the port of the Service, and the latter refers to the actual application port on the Pod.

Now run the following command to apply your Service manifest:

kubectl apply -f ./service.admin.yaml;

Speed up if you can't catch up: kubectl apply -f ./.manifests/service.admin.yaml

1.4.4 Verifying the Admin service is up

You can now verify your service is up by using the following command:

kubectl get services -o wide;
# NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE       SELECTOR
# admin        NodePort     <none>        8080:31565/TCP   30m       app=admin
# ...

To access the service at this point is normally impossible in a production grade Kubernetes. But thankfully, MiniKube allows us to do this. Run:

minikube service admin;

Your browser should open with a local inbound IP address. This is your exposed admin deployment!

Alternatively to check out all services, run:

minikube service list;

This only works if you've deployed the services with a NodePort type. However note that NodePort is not recommended for use in production and you should be using ClusterIP instead which is more secure.

1.5 Deploying API Component

The API component is the application which will be killed and restarted by the Admin component. The deployment is much more ordinary since no permissions are needed. You can think of these as the applications you'll normally be deploying!

1.5.1 Creating the API Deployment

Create a file named deployment.api.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
    app: api
  name: api-deployment

In the above code snippet, the apiVersion property should be at column 0.

In a similar fashion to the Admin component, you can see that we're defining labels and a name for the deployment.

Next, we add the deployment specification, append the following to the file:

  replicas: 12
      app: api
      maxSurge: 25%
      maxUnavailable: 25%
    type: RollingUpdate

In the above code snippet, the spec property should be at column 0.

Unlike the Admin component which requires just 1 replica, here we indicate 12 replicas. This means that Kubernetes will create 12 instances of your application and a load balancer which routes the call to these 12 when a request comes in.

Next, we add the template:

        app: api
      - image: zephinzer/eg-whack-a-pod:api
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: api-deployment
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      restartPolicy: Always

In the above code snippet, the template property should be at column 2.

Finally, we specified the image and corresponding port (8080) which the image uses.

Deploy this manifest by running the following in the same directory as your manifest file:

kubectl apply -f ./deployment.api.yaml;

Speed up if you can't catch up: kubectl apply -f ./.manifests/deployment.api.yaml

1.5.2 Verifying the API deployment is up

Run the following to verify that the API has been deployed:

kubectl get deployment api-deployment;
# Output:
# api-deployment   12        12        12           12          23h

1.5.3 Exposing the API Deployment

Create a new file named ./service.api.yaml with the following contents:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: api
  name: api
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    app: api
  type: NodePort

Finally, run the following in the same directory as the newly created file:

kubectl apply -f ./service.api.yaml;

Your Service should now be deployed.

Speed up if you can't catch up: kubectl apply -f ./.manifests/service.api.yaml

1.5.4 Verifying the API service is up

Run the following to verify that the API service has been deployed:

kubectl get service api;
# Output:
# NAME      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
# api       NodePort   <none>        8080:30346/TCP   1d

1.6 Deploying Game Component

The Game component is the front-end for our application. This usually means the least amount of configuration possible.

1.6.1 Creating the Game Deployment

You know the drill, create a new file named with the following content (refer to previous two sections for explanations):

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
    app: game
  name: game-deployment
  replicas: 4
      app: game
      maxSurge: 25%
      maxUnavailable: 25%
    type: RollingUpdate
        app: game
      - image: zephinzer/eg-whack-a-pod:game
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: game-deployment
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
      restartPolicy: Always

Next, deploy it by running the following in the same directory as the file:

kubectl apply -f ./;

Speed up if you can't catch up: kubectl apply -f ./.manifests/

1.6.2 Verifying the Game Deployment is up

Run the following to verify the game deployment is available:

kubectl get deployment game-deployment;
# Output:
# game-deployment   4         4         4            4           23h

1.6.3 Exposing the Game Deployment

As before, create a new file named with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: game
  name: game
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    app: game
  type: NodePort

Deploy the service with:

kubectl apply -f ./;

Speed up if you can't catch up: kubectl apply -f ./.manifests/

1.6.4 Verifying the Game Service is up

Run the following to verify the game service is available:

kubectl get service game;
# Output:
# NAME      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
# game      NodePort   <none>        8080:32351/TCP   23h

1.7 Deploying the Ingress

The final step before we can access our application is to deploy and Ingress. The Ingress directs a web request to the correct service based on the hostname.

1.7.1 Creating the Ingress

Create a new file named ingress.whack-a-pod.local.yaml.

Paste in the following YAML:

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  annotations: /
  name: wap-ingress

Notice that the kind property has changed to an Ingress string. This is followd by annotations which we've never seen before. Annotations are meta-configurations - configuration for the configuration file (ha ha). These annotations are added as labels to the pod which the application can read and use to configure itself at runtime.

The functional behaviour of the above annotation if you're curious, is to rewrite the target URI to begin with /. So for example, if we were to access the URL http://whack-a-pod.local/api/some/path, the URI will be re-written before being sent to the target pod to /some/path.

Next, we add in the Ingress specification:

  - host: whack-a-pod.local
      - backend:
          serviceName: api
          servicePort: 8080
        path: /api/
      - backend:
          serviceName: admin
          servicePort: 8080
        path: /admin/
      - backend:
          serviceName: game
          servicePort: 8080
        path: /

Note that the spec property should begin at column 0.

In the above, we are adding rules which tell the Ingress how to handle hostnames and paths. In the above configuration, we are telling the Ingress to route requests with a hostname of "whack-a-pod.local" to the various services we are defining in the paths property.

In the paths property, we have 3 defined backends, our api, admin and game services, all of which are accsssible at port 8080 as we defined in our earlier files. Each of these also specify a path property which means that given a URL of http://whack-a-pod.local/api/some/path, the Ingress will send the request to the api service. The annotations we provided will remove the /api from /api/some/path so that it becomes /some/path to the api service.

Finally, deploy the Ingress by running the following in the same directory as the newly created file:

kubectl apply -f ./ingress.whack-a-pod.local.yaml;

Speed up if you can't catch up: kubectl apply -f ./.manifests/ingress.whack-a-pod.local.yaml

1.7.2 Verifying the Ingress is up

Use the following command to verify the Ingress has been deployed:

kubectl get ingress;
# Output:
# NAME          HOSTS               ADDRESS     PORTS     AGE
# wap-ingress   whack-a-pod.local   80        1d

If the ADDRESS column is empty, keep running the command till an address is assigned to the Ingress. This typically takes 15-30 seconds depending on your machine's resources.

The reported IP address in a production Kubernetes setup will normally already be accessible, but since MiniKube runs within a VM, we will need the IP address of the VM instead before we can access the Ingress.

1.8 Modifying /etc/hosts

In order to access our application, we'll need to get the IP address of the MiniKube VM so that we can finally hit our Ingress. This is achieved by running:

minikube ip

This should return you a local IP which we can then use in conjunction with the hostname, whack-a-pod.local to access our application.

Open your /etc/hosts (you will need sudo permissions, so run sudo vim /etc/hosts) file and append a new line with the following format: whack-a-pod.local

Save and exit (hit escape followed by typing :x and hitting enter if you're on vim - emacs and nano users you're on your own).

1.9 Reviewing the application

When all the above has been completed, you can visit http://whack-a-pod.local/advanced.html to try out an application deployd on Kubernetes that demonstrates Kubernetes. Kinda meta eh?

The application that has been deployed is a color API that simply returns a hex color code. The front-end is polling the color API which then routes the request to any of the 12 pods which will return a coluor. The colour is then used as a backlight on the Kubernetes logo.

Neat stuff.

Next Steps

Head back to Deploying Containers in Production.