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Releases: zendframework/zend-mvc

zend-mvc 3.0.1

23 Jun 20:42
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  • #165 adds a new controller factory, LazyControllerAbstractFactory, that provides a Reflection-based approach to instantiating controllers. You may register it either as an abstract factory or as a named factory in your controller configuration:

    'controllers' => [
        'abstract_factories' => [
        'factories' => [
            'MyModule\Controller\FooController' => 'Zend\Mvc\Controller\LazyControllerAbstractFactory`,

    The factory uses the typehints to lookup services in the container, using aliases for well-known services such as the FilterManager, ValidatorManager, etc. If an array typehint is used with a $config parameter, the config service is injected; otherwise, an empty array is provided. For all other types, a null value is injected.


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  • Nothing.

zend-mvc 2.7.10

13 Jun 16:57
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  • #159 removes the dependency on zend-servicemanager-di.


  • #159 fixes issues with regards to conflicts between zend-servicemanager v2 and zend-servicemanager-di by re-instating code removed from various servicemanager/DI-related factories in 2.7.9. Two factories, Zend\Mvc\Service\DiAbstractServiceFactoryFactory and Zend\Mvc\Service\DiServiceInitializerFactory, now raise exceptions if they detect they are running under zend-servicemanager v3, and prompt the developer to install zend-servicemanager-di.

zend-mvc 2.7.9

11 Jun 18:47
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  • #149 and #158 add a dependency on zendframework/zend-servicemanager-di in order to provide both backwards and forwards compatibility for the DI/ServiceManager integration.


  • #158 deprecates each of the following classes, which now have equivalents in the zend-servicemanager-di package (which is required by zend-mvc v2, but optional starting with zend-mvc v3):
    • Zend\Mvc\Service\DiAbstractServiceFactoryFactory
    • Zend\Mvc\Service\DiFactory
    • Zend\Mvc\Service\DiServiceInitializerFactory
    • Zend\Mvc\Service\DiStrictAbstractServiceFactory
    • Zend\Mvc\Service\DiStrictAbstractServiceFactoryFactory
  • #152 formally marks the ControllerLoaderFactory as deprecated via annotation (though it has been noted as such in the documentation for several years). Use Zend\Mvc\Service\ControllerManagerFactory instead.


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  • #149 and #158 fix an "undefined variable" issue with Zend\Mvc\Service\DiAbstractServiceFactoryFactory.
  • #153 removes the typehint from the $exception argument of DispatchListener::marshalBadControllerEvent(), fixing an issue when PHP 7 Error types are caught and passed to the method.

zend-mvc 3.0.0

11 Jun 18:50
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New major version! Please see the migration guide for full details on how to migrate your v2 application.


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  • #99 removes all router functionality (everything in the Zend\Mvc\Router namespace. This functionality is now provided by the zend-router component, which becomes a requirement of zend-mvc. The removal also includes all service factories related to routing, as they are provided by zend-router.
  • #99 removes all console-related functionality, including the AbstractConsoleController, the CreateConsoleNotFoundModel controller plugin, the ConsoleResponseSender, and all classes under the Zend\Mvc\View\Console namespace; these are now provided by the zend-mvc-console component. (That component also includes console-specific routes, which were removed from zend-router.) All service factories related to console functionality are also now provided by zend-mvc-console.
  • #104 removes the prg() plugin. It can now be installed separately via the zendframework/zend-mvc-plugin-prg package.
  • #108 removes the fileprg(), flashMessenger(), and identity() plugins. These can be installed via, respectively, the zendframework/zend-mvc-plugin-fileprg, zendframework/zend-mvc-plugin-flashmessenger, and zendframework/zend-mvc-plugin-identity packages.
  • #110 removes the internationalization functionality from the component, including factories for the translator and translator loader manager. This functionality is now provided by the zend-i18n and zend-mvc-i18n packages; installing zendframework/zend-mvc-i18n will restore i18n functionality in your application.
  • #115 removes the requirement for zend-filter in the InjectTemplateListener by inlining the logic from Zend\Filter\Word\CamelCaseToDash.
  • #116 removes the functionality related to integrating zend-servicemanager and zend-di. If you used this functionality previously, it is now available via a separate package, zend-servicemanager-di.
  • #117 removes the functionality related to exposing and configuring the zend-filter FilterPluginManager. That functionality is now exposed directly by the zend-filter component.
  • #118 removes the functionality related to exposing and configuring the zend-validator ValidatorPluginManager. That functionality is now exposed directly by the zend-validator component.
  • #119 removes the functionality related to exposing and configuring the zend-serializer SerializerAdapterManager. That functionality is now exposed directly by the zend-serializer component.
  • #120 removes the functionality related to exposing and configuring the zend-hydrator HydratorManager. That functionality is now exposed directly by the zend-hydrator component.
  • #54 removes the $configuration argument (first required argument) from the Zend\Mvc\Application constructor. If you were directly instantiating an Application instance previously (whether in your bootstrap, a factory, or tests), you will need to update how you instantiate the instance. (The argument was removed as the value was never used.)
  • #121 removes the functionality related to exposing and configuring the zend-log ProcessorPluginManager and WriterPluginManager. That functionality is now exposed directly by the zend-log component (with the addition of exposing the FilterPluginManager and FormatterPluginManager as well).
  • #123 removes the functionality related to exposing and configuring the zend-inputfilter InputFilterManager. That functionality is now exposed directly by the zend-inputfilter component.
  • #124 removes the functionality related to exposing and configuring zend-form, including the FormElementManager, FormAnnotationBuilder, and the FormAbstractServiceFactory. The functionality is now exposed directly by the zend-form component.
  • #125 removes the functionality from the ViewHelperManager factory for fetching configuration classes from other components and using them to configure the instance. In all cases, this is now done by the components themselves.
  • #128 removes the ControllerLoaderFactory, and the ControllerLoader service alias; use ControllerManagerFactory and ControllerManager, respectively, instead.
  • #128 removes Zend\Mvc\View\SendResponseListener; use Zend\Mvc\SendResponseListener instead.
  • #128 removes Application::send(), which has been a no-op since 2.2.
  • #128 removes DispatchListener::marshallControllerNotFoundEvent(), which has proxied to marshalControllerNotFoundEvent() since 2.2.
  • #128 removes the ServiceLocatorAwareInterface implementation (setServiceLocator()/getServiceLocator() methods) from AbstractController. You will need to inject your dependencies specifically going forward.
  • #128 removes the ServiceLocatorAwareInterface initializers defined in Zend\Mvc\Service\ServiceManagerConfig and Zend\Mvc\Controller\ControllerManager. You will need to inject your dependencies specifically going forward.
  • #139 removes support for pseudo-module template resolution using the __NAMESPACE__ routing configuration option, as it often led to conflicts when multiple modules shared a common top-level namespace. Auto-resolution now always takes into account the full namespace (minus the Controller segment).


  • #113 updates AbstractRestfulController to make usage of zend-json for deserializing JSON requests optional. json_decode() is now used by default, falling back to Zend\Json\Json::decode() if it is available. If neither are available, an exception is now thrown.
  • #115 and #128 update the dependency list, per, to do the following:
    • Makes the following components required:
      • zend-http
      • zend-modulemanager
      • zend-router
      • zend-view
    • Makes the following components optional:
      • zend-json
      • zend-psr7bridge
    • And pares the suggestion list down to:
      • zend-mvc-console
      • zend-mvc-i18n
      • zend-mvc-plugin-fileprg
      • zend-mvc-plugin-flashmessenger
      • zend-mvc-plugin-identity
      • zend-mvc-plugin-prg
      • zend-servicemanager-di
  • #128 bumps the minimum supported version of zend-eventmanager, zend-servicemanager, and zend-stdlib to their v3 releases.
  • #128 bumps the minimum supported PHP version to 5.6.

zend-mvc 2.7.8

31 May 17:22
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  • #138 adds support for PHP 7 Throwables within each of:
    • DispatchListener
    • MiddlewareListener
    • The console RouteNotFoundStrategy and ExceptionStrategy
    • The HTTP DefaultRenderingStrategy and RouteNotFoundStrategy


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zend-mvc 2.7.7

12 Apr 20:29
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  • #122 fixes the FormAnnotationBuilderFactory to use the container's get() method instead of build() to retrieve the event manager instance.

zend-mvc 2.7.6

06 Apr 21:09
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  • #94 adds a documentation recipe for using middleware withing MVC event listeners.


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  • #107 fixes an incorrect import statement in the DiStrictAbstractServiceFactoryFactory that prevented it from working.
  • #112 fixes how the Forward plugin detects and detaches event listeners to ensure it works against either v2 or v3 releases of zend-eventmanager.

zend-mvc 2.7.5

06 Apr 14:53
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  • #111 fixes a bug in how the ConsoleExceptionStrategyFactory whereby it was overwriting the default exception message template with an empty string when no configuration for it was provided.

zend-mvc 2.7.4

03 Apr 16:57
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  • #114 fixes an issue in the ServiceLocatorAware initializer whereby plugin manager instances were falsely identified as the container instance when under zend-servicemanager v2.

zend-mvc 2.7.3

08 Mar 18:58
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  • #97 re-introduces the ServiceManager factory definition inside ServiceManagerConfig, to ensure backwards compatibility.