This project involves building a basic recipe website where I will apply my recently acquired knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Completing this project will demonstrate that I have sufficiently exercised my skills to construct a simple website.
- Adding some styles here and there. Putting into practice what I have learned so far from The Odin Project.
Navigation bar: Add some distinct fancy features depending on what page you are on.Layout: Fix layout into a more organized one.Responsive design: As of now, the website is only good to view on desktops.- Add more text to this file.
- Revamped website name.
- Created an icon for the title bar.
- Created a logo for the website.
- Changed the hover effect for the grid-items.
- Changed layout of the recipe pages.
- Added a home link when in a recipe page.
- Added a footer to the website.
- Added responsive design.
Cooking icons created by mangsaabguru - Flaticon
Home-page icons created by Bharat Icons - Flaticon