Updated: 2022-08-03 / Tips:English projects refer to those with documents in English, usually displayed in the readme / wiki / official website.
# | Repository | Description | Stars | Average daily growth | Updated |
1 | flutter/flutter | Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond | 143044 | 53 | 2022-08-02 |
2 | mitesh77/Best-Flutter-UI-Templates | completely free for everyone. Its build-in Flutter Dart. | 15211 | 14 | 2022-07-03 |
3 | immich-app/immich | Self-hosted photo and video backup solution directly from your mobile phone. | 2395 | 13 | 2022-08-02 |
4 | flutter/pinball | Google I/O 2022 Pinball game built with Flutter and Firebase | 1768 | 11 | 2022-07-29 |
5 | iampawan/FlutterExampleApps | [Example APPS] Basic Flutter apps, for flutter devs. | 17129 | 11 | 2022-03-25 |
6 | abuanwar072/Flutter-Responsive-Admin-Panel-or-Dashboard | Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter | 5031 | 11 | 2022-06-29 |
7 | CarGuo/gsy_github_app_flutter | Flutter 超完整的开源项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高,持续维护,配套文章,适合全面学习,对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好更方便 ... | 13380 | 9 | 2022-07-13 |
8 | flutter/plugins | Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team | 15986 | 8 | 2022-08-02 |
9 | jonataslaw/getx | Open screens/snackbars/dialogs/bottomSheets without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily with Get. | 7134 | 7 | 2022-08-01 |
10 | alesimula/wsa_pacman | A GUI package manager and package installer for Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) | 2024 | 7 | 2022-07-25 |
11 | felangel/bloc | A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC design pattern | 9316 | 7 | 2022-08-02 |
12 | LianjiaTech/bruno | An enterprise-class package of Flutter components for mobile applications. ( Bruno 是基于一整套设计体系的 Flutter 组件库。) | 1791 | 7 | 2022-07-29 |
13 | flutterchina/dio | A powerful Http client for Dart, which supports Interceptors, FormData, Request Cancellation, File Downloading, Timeout etc. | 10876 | 7 | 2022-07-27 |
14 | VeryGoodOpenSource/dart_frog | A fast, minimalistic backend framework for Dart 🎯 | 666 | 7 | 2022-08-01 |
15 | alibaba/fish-redux | An assembled flutter application framework. | 7284 | 6 | 2022-02-17 |
16 | simonbengtsson/airdash | File sharing flutter webrtc app enabling sending files to any device from anywhere | 56 | 6 | 2022-07-28 |
17 | firebase/flutterfire | 🔥 A collection of Firebase plugins for Flutter apps. | 6945 | 6 | 2022-08-02 |
18 | gskinnerTeam/flutter-folio | A platform adaptive Flutter app for desktop, mobile and web. | 3282 | 6 | 2022-06-06 |
19 | simplezhli/flutter_deer | 🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图,更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project. Includes a complete UI design and exercises that are closer to real projects. | 6374 | 6 | 2022-07-22 |
20 | md-siam/getx_clean_architecture | This repo is an example of clean architecture using the GetX state-management solution. | 59 | 6 | 2022-07-24 |
21 | Sangwan5688/BlackHole | A Music Player App made with Flutter | 3182 | 6 | 2022-07-26 |
22 | letsar/polygon | A simple way to draw polygon shapes and to clip them | 46 | 5 | 2022-07-27 |
23 | Roaa94/flutter_cool_card_swiper | Cool Card Swiper Using Flutter | 254 | 5 | 2022-07-10 |
24 | mulaRahul/keyviz | Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ in real-time. | 54 | 5 | 2022-08-02 |
25 | ersanKolay/sensor_image_demo | Gyroscope-based Parallax Effect | 312 | 5 | 2022-06-22 |
26 | alibaba/flutter_boost | FlutterBoost is a Flutter plugin which enables hybrid integration of Flutter for your existing native apps with minimum efforts | 6072 | 5 | 2022-08-01 |
27 | flutter/gallery | Flutter Gallery is a resource to help developers evaluate and use Flutter | 4214 | 5 | 2022-08-01 |
28 | CRED-CLUB/neopop-flutter | NeoPOP is CRED's inbuilt library for using NeoPOP components in your app | 319 | 5 | 2022-07-18 |
29 | alibaba/power_image | A powerful plugin that fully uses the native image library's ability to display images on the flutter side. | 360 | 5 | 2022-07-28 |
30 | iampawan/Flutter-UI-Kit | Flutter app for collection of UI in a UIKit | 5893 | 4 | 2022-06-13 |
31 | Notsfsssf/pixez-flutter | 一个支持免代理直连及查看动图的第三方Pixiv flutter客户端 | 3837 | 4 | 2022-07-24 |
32 | rrousselGit/riverpod | A simple way to access state while robust and testable. | 3223 | 4 | 2022-08-02 |
33 | bytedance/flutter_ume | UME is an in-app debug kits platform for Flutter. Produced by Flutter Infra team of ByteDance | 1639 | 4 | 2022-08-02 |
34 | wolfenrain/physik | A verlet integration based physics engine for Flame. | 24 | 4 | 2022-08-01 |
35 | imaNNeoFighT/fl_chart | FL Chart is a highly customizable Flutter chart library that supports Line Chart, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Chart, and Radar Chart. | 4774 | 4 | 2022-08-02 |
36 | abuanwar072/E-commerce-Complete-Flutter-UI | - | 2878 | 4 | 2022-04-01 |
37 | md-siam/bloc_architecture_app | This is going to serve as a startup project for every app that I'll build on by using the BLoC state-management package | 48 | 4 | 2022-07-22 |
38 | flame-engine/flame | A Flutter based game engine | 6713 | 4 | 2022-08-02 |
39 | nisrulz/flutter-examples | [Examples] Simple basic isolated apps, for budding flutter devs. | 6129 | 3 | 2022-06-03 |
40 | ionicfirebaseapp/getwidget | Most popular and easy to use open source UI library with 1000+ Widgets to build flutter app. | 3332 | 3 | 2022-07-25 |
41 | hivedb/hive | Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart. | 3149 | 3 | 2022-07-25 |
42 | xxparthparekhxx/opencloud | - | 8 | 3 | 2022-07-31 |
43 | olmps/memo | Memo is an open-source, programming-oriented spaced repetition software (SRS) written in Flutter. | 1699 | 3 | 2022-04-06 |
44 | flet-dev/flet | Flet enables developers to easily build realtime web, mobile and desktop apps in Python. No frontend experience required. | 421 | 3 | 2022-08-02 |
45 | RivaanRanawat/flutter-whatsapp-clone | - | 60 | 3 | 2022-07-13 |
46 | EaniaHuui/android_tool | - | 337 | 3 | 2022-08-01 |
47 | rrousselGit/provider | InheritedWidgets, but simple | 4385 | 3 | 2022-08-01 |
48 | lohanidamodar/flutter_ui_challenges | 100+ Professional UI implementations with Code in Flutter. Available in Android, iOS, Linux and Web | 3807 | 3 | 2022-06-09 |
49 | VeryGoodOpenSource/very_good_cli | A Very Good Command Line Interface for Dart created by Very Good Ventures 🦄 | 1599 | 3 | 2022-08-02 |
50 | harmonoid/harmonoid | 🎵 Plays & manages your music library. Looks beautiful & juicy. Synced lyrics, playlists & visuals. YouTube Music. | 1889 | 3 | 2022-08-02 |
51 | atsign-foundation/at_client_sdk | Source repo for at_client and at_client_mobile packages on pub.dev | 1656 | 3 | 2022-08-02 |
52 | raywenderlich/flta-materials | The projects and the materials that accompany the Flutter Apprentice book | 2222 | 3 | 2022-08-02 |
53 | TheAlphamerc/flutter_ecommerce_app | E-Commerce App built in flutter | 2357 | 3 | 2022-02-10 |
54 | bdlukaa/fluent_ui | Implements Microsoft's Fluent Design System in Flutter. | 1529 | 3 | 2022-08-02 |
55 | samarthagarwal/FlutterScreens | A collection of Screens and attractive UIs built with Flutter ready to be used in your applications. No external libraries are used. Just download, add to your project and use. | 4776 | 3 | 2022-06-23 |
56 | dart-lang/sdk | The Dart SDK, including the VM, dart2js, core libraries, and more. | 8338 | 3 | 2022-08-02 |
57 | flutterchina/flukit | A Flutter UI Kit(一个 Flutter UI组件库),包含 ScaleView, Swiper, PullRefresh, WaterMark, GradientCircularProgressIndicator... | 4343 | 3 | 2022-06-21 |
58 | GitJournal/GitJournal | Mobile first Note Taking integrated with Git | 2519 | 2 | 2022-07-21 |
59 | abuanwar072/E-commerce-App-UI-Flutter | Nice and clean Online Shop app UI by using #Flutter. | 1544 | 2 | 2022-06-04 |
60 | LianjiaTech/keframe | Components that optimize Flutter fluency.(Flutter 流畅度优化的通用方案,轻松解决卡顿问题) | 709 | 2 | 2022-07-05 |
61 | bukunmialuko/flutter_ui_kit_obkm | 100+ Mobile & Web UI Kit | 525 | 2 | 2022-06-21 |
62 | roughike/inKino | A multiplatform Dart movie app with 40% of code sharing between Flutter and the Web. | 3316 | 2 | 2022-03-30 |
63 | merixstudio/flutter-vizier-challenge | Prototype of a financial mobile application. | 187 | 2 | 2022-05-02 |
64 | letsar/flutter_staggered_grid_view | A Flutter staggered grid view | 2570 | 2 | 2022-07-10 |
65 | wasabeef/flutter-architecture-blueprints | Flutter Architecture Blueprints is a project that introduces MVVM architecture and project structure approaches to developing Flutter apps. | 1422 | 2 | 2022-06-06 |
66 | fluttertools/fvm | Flutter Version Management: A simple CLI to manage Flutter SDK versions. | 2846 | 2 | 2022-07-28 |
67 | FlutterOpen/flutter-ui-nice | More than 130+ pages in this beautiful app and more than 45 developers has contributed to it. | 3271 | 2 | 2022-02-01 |
68 | infinum/flutter-dasher | - | 81 | 2 | 2022-07-26 |
69 | developersancho/Rorty.Flutter | 🚀 Sample Flutter Clean Architecture on Rorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Dart, following best practices using Flutter. | 62 | 2 | 2022-07-12 |
70 | VGVentures/slide_puzzle | - | 483 | 2 | 2022-04-23 |
71 | RivaanRanawat/flutter-amazon-clone-tutorial | Full Stack Amazon Clone with Admin Panel using Flutter, Node, MongoDB | 191 | 2 | 2022-07-19 |
72 | zino-hofmann/graphql-flutter | A GraphQL client for Flutter, bringing all the features from a modern GraphQL client to one easy to use package. | 2990 | 2 | 2022-08-02 |
73 | OpenFlutter/flutter_screenutil | Flutter screen adaptation, font adaptation, get screen information | 3178 | 2 | 2022-07-11 |
74 | singerdmx/flutter-quill | Rich text editor for Flutter | 1473 | 2 | 2022-07-30 |
75 | JideGuru/FlutterEbookApp | A simple Flutter app to Read and Download eBooks. | 1548 | 2 | 2022-07-22 |
76 | WorldHealthOrganization/app | COVID-19 App | 2100 | 2 | 2022-08-02 |
77 | visual-space/visual-editor | Rich text editor for Flutter based on Delta format (Quill fork) | 132 | 2 | 2022-08-01 |
78 | google/charts | - | 2724 | 2 | 2022-07-27 |
79 | biyidev/biyi | Biyi (比译) is a convenient translation and dictionary app written in Flutter. | 829 | 2 | 2022-06-05 |
80 | material-foundation/material-color-utilities | Color libraries for Material You | 581 | 2 | 2022-07-30 |
81 | zubairehman/flutter-boilerplate-project | A boilerplate project created in flutter using MobX and Provider. | 1827 | 2 | 2022-04-27 |
82 | fzyzcjy/flutter_convenient_test | Write and debug tests easily, with full action history, time travel, screenshots, rapid re-execution, video records, interactivity, isolation and more | 217 | 2 | 2022-07-31 |
83 | rrousselGit/flutter_hooks | React hooks for Flutter. Hooks are a new kind of object that manages a Widget life-cycles. They are used to increase code sharing between widgets and as a complete replacement for StatefulWidget. | 2363 | 2 | 2022-07-20 |
84 | Livinglist/Hacki | A Hacker News client made with Flutter that is just enough. | 346 | 2 | 2022-08-01 |
85 | abuanwar072/Flutter-Shop-UI-Kit | If you are planning to create an e-commerce app using Flutter then this Shop UI Kit would be the perfect choice for you to make a gorgeous app for both Android & iOS. | 341 | 2 | 2022-02-28 |
86 | RivaanRanawat/instagram-flutter-clone | Responsive Instagram Clone developed with Flutter & Firebase | 434 | 2 | 2022-07-05 |
87 | xuelongqy/flutter_easy_refresh | A flutter widget that provides pull-down refresh and pull-up load. | 3203 | 2 | 2022-08-01 |
88 | wuba/fair | A Flutter package used to update widget tree dynamically. Flutter Fair是为Flutter设计的,UI&模板动态化框架 | 1378 | 2 | 2022-08-02 |
89 | himanshugarg08/flutter_give_collect_money | - | 178 | 2 | 2022-05-17 |
90 | lukepighetti/fluro | Fluro is a Flutter routing library that adds flexible routing options like wildcards, named parameters and clear route definitions. | 3491 | 2 | 2022-03-23 |
91 | atsign-foundation/sshnoports | ssh no ports provides ssh to a remote Linux device with out that device having any ports open | 205 | 2 | 2022-08-01 |
92 | EmadBeltaje/flutter_getx_template | Create flutter project with all needed configuration in two minutes (theme, localization, connect to firebase, FCM, local notifications, safe API call, error handling, animation..etc) | 86 | 2 | 2022-07-02 |
93 | sass/dart-sass | The reference implementation of Sass, written in Dart. | 3173 | 2 | 2022-07-23 |
94 | jamesblasco/modal_bottom_sheet | Flutter Create advanced modal bottom sheets. Material, Cupertino or your own style | 1343 | 2 | 2022-07-26 |
95 | 2d-inc/Flare-Flutter | Load and get full control of your Rive files in a Flutter project using this library. | 2555 | 2 | 2022-07-05 |
96 | TheAlphamerc/flutter_twitter_clone | Fully functional Twitter clone built in flutter framework using Firebase realtime database and storage | 1894 | 2 | 2022-06-25 |
97 | isar/isar | Extremely fast, easy to use, and fully async NoSQL database for Flutter | 1415 | 2 | 2022-08-02 |
98 | GroovinChip/macos_ui | Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language. | 902 | 2 | 2022-07-27 |
99 | xuyisheng/flutter_dojo | A beautiful design and useful project for Building a flutter knowledge architecture | 1380 | 2 | 2022-03-27 |
100 | bizz84/complete-flutter-course | Complete Flutter Course Bundle - Flutter eCommerce App | 350 | 2 | 2022-07-26 |
101 | janoodleFTW/timy-messenger | Timy - open source mobile app for groups to communicate and organize themselves. Built with flutter. | 1823 | 2 | 2022-06-02 |
102 | Roaa94/flutter_cool_toolbar | - | 215 | 2 | 2022-04-25 |
103 | air-controller/air-controller-desktop | A new handy and powerful Android phone assistant, powered by Flutter. | 327 | 2 | 2022-07-10 |
104 | KRTirtho/spotube | A lightweight free Spotify 🎧 crossplatform-client 🖥📱 which handles playback manually, streams music using Youtube & no Spotify premium account is needed 😱 | 1135 | 2 | 2022-08-01 |
105 | fluttertools/sidekick | A simple app to make Flutter development more delightful | 937 | 2 | 2022-07-31 |
106 | phoenixsky/fun_android_flutter | 👿👿👿👿👿玩Android客户端Flutter版本。Provider的最佳实践.DarkMode、多色彩主题、国际化、切换字体、优美动画 | 2579 | 2 | 2022-02-22 |
107 | serverpod/serverpod | Serverpod is a next-generation app and web server, explicitly built for the Flutter and Dart ecosystem. | 737 | 2 | 2022-08-02 |
108 | gskinnerTeam/flokk | A fresh and modern Google Contacts manager that integrates with GitHub and Twitter. | 1179 | 2 | 2022-02-04 |
109 | liangxianzhe/creator | A state management library that enables concise, fluid, readable and testable business logic code. | 121 | 2 | 2022-07-05 |
110 | mobxjs/mobx.dart | MobX for the Dart language. Hassle-free, reactive state-management for your Dart and Flutter apps. | 2170 | 2 | 2022-07-22 |
111 | Idean/Flutter-Neumorphic | A complete, ready to use, Neumorphic ui kit for Flutter, 🕶️ dark mode compatible | 1536 | 2 | 2022-07-27 |
112 | peng8350/flutter_pulltorefresh | a widget provided to the flutter scroll component drop-down refresh and pull up load. | 2441 | 2 | 2022-07-30 |
113 | afgprogrammer/Flutter-simple-chat-app | Simple chat app UI design in Flutter. | 28 | 1 | 2022-07-24 |
114 | bitsdojo/bitsdojo_window | A Flutter package that makes it easy to customize and work with your Flutter desktop app window. | 537 | 1 | 2022-07-18 |
115 | abuanwar072/Welcome-Login-Signup-Page-Flutter | Mobile app onboarding, Login, Signup page with #flutter. | 899 | 1 | 2022-06-10 |
116 | AhmedAbogameel/logic_bomb | Control app crashing using Firebase or REST API ( Dart, Kotlin and Swift ). | 44 | 1 | 2022-05-27 |
117 | alexmercerind/dart_vlc | 🎞 Flutter audio/video playback, broadcast & recording library for Windows & Linux with playlist control, equalizers & more. Native C/C++ & libvlc. | 353 | 1 | 2022-07-08 |
118 | imafzalakram/dart-demos | - | 8 | 1 | 2022-08-02 |
119 | xsahil03x/before_after | A flutter package which makes it easier to display the difference between two images. | 700 | 1 | 2022-04-24 |
120 | hungps/flutter_pokedex | Pokedex app built with Flutter (with lots of animations) using Clean Architecture | 1559 | 1 | 2022-06-27 |
121 | csells/go_router | The purpose of the go_router for Flutter is to use declarative routes to reduce complexity, regardless of the platform you're targeting (mobile, web, desktop), handling deep linking from Android, iOS ... | 417 | 1 | 2022-02-25 |
122 | rajput-hemant/calculator | A Simple but elegant Calculator app made with Flutter using Google's Material Design with Currency (Exchange Rate) and Unit Converter. | 13 | 1 | 2022-07-31 |
123 | MahanRahmati/translate | Alternative front-end for Google Translate which respects your privacy. | 39 | 1 | 2022-08-01 |
124 | spritewidget/spritewidget | - | 1217 | 1 | 2022-07-23 |
125 | sooxt98/google_nav_bar | A modern google style nav bar for flutter. | 495 | 1 | 2022-04-12 |
126 | rcjuancarlosuwu/flutter_movie_ticket | Flutter Movie Tickets App with Animations | 102 | 1 | 2022-03-12 |
127 | Sky24n/common_utils | Dart common utils library. DateUtil, EncryptUtil, JsonUtil, LogUtil, MoneyUtil, NumUtil, ObjectUtil, RegexUtil, TextUtil, TimelineUtil, TimerUtil. 包含日期,正则,倒计时,时间轴等工具类。 | 1200 | 1 | 2022-02-12 |
128 | smartbackme/KgDensity | KgDensity is flutter screen adaption | 58 | 1 | 2022-05-16 |
129 | iamSahdeep/liquid_swipe_flutter | A flutter based liquid swipe | 951 | 1 | 2022-06-30 |
130 | fluttercommunity/chewie | The video player for Flutter with a heart of gold | 1533 | 1 | 2022-07-15 |
131 | flutterchina/azlistview | A Flutter sticky headers & index ListView. Flutter 城市列表、联系人列表,索引&悬停。 | 912 | 1 | 2022-06-20 |
132 | swenes/chat_message_app_FLUTTER | this is a message/chat app with light and dark theme options | 5 | 1 | 2022-07-25 |
133 | flyerhq/flutter_chat_ui | Actively maintained, community-driven chat UI implementation with an optional Firebase BaaS. | 395 | 1 | 2022-07-31 |
134 | rydmike/flex_color_scheme | A Flutter package to make and use beautiful color scheme based themes. | 376 | 1 | 2022-08-02 |
135 | simolus3/drift | Drift is an easy to use, reactive, typesafe persistence library for Dart & Flutter. | 1654 | 1 | 2022-08-01 |
136 | supabase-community/supabase-dart | A Dart client for Supabase | 349 | 1 | 2022-08-02 |
137 | JHBitencourt/timeline_tile | A package to help build customisable timelines in Flutter. | 514 | 1 | 2022-02-27 |
138 | google/flutter.widgets | - | 1001 | 1 | 2022-07-30 |
139 | jhomlala/betterplayer | Better video player for Flutter, with multiple configuration options. Solving typical use cases! | 658 | 1 | 2022-07-29 |
140 | yang991178/fluent-reader-lite | Simplistic mobile RSS client built with Flutter | 513 | 1 | 2022-06-25 |
141 | leo-elstin/Flutter-UI-Kits | Flutter UI Designs !! | 1151 | 1 | 2022-05-23 |
142 | ReinBentdal/styled_widget | Simplifying widget style in Flutter. | 879 | 1 | 2022-04-24 |
143 | invertase/flutterfire_desktop | A pure Dart implementation of Firebase with initial support aimed at FlutterFire for Linux & Windows. | 236 | 1 | 2022-08-01 |
144 | fluttercommunity/flutter_sticky_headers | Flutter Sticky Headers - Lets you place "sticky headers" into any scrollable content in your Flutter app. No special wrappers or magic required. Maintainer: @slightfoot | 847 | 1 | 2022-05-19 |
145 | juicycleff/flutter-unity-view-widget | Embeddable unity game engine view for Flutter. Advance demo here https://github.com/juicycleff/flutter-unity-arkit-demo | 1569 | 1 | 2022-07-24 |
146 | invertase/melos | 🌋 A tool for managing Dart projects with multiple packages. With IntelliJ and Vscode IDE support. Supports automated versioning, changelogs & publishing via Conventional Commits. | 589 | 1 | 2022-07-18 |
147 | BenjaminMahmic/fashion_shop_ui | - | 71 | 1 | 2022-07-16 |
148 | robertodevs/flutter_ecommerce_template | This is an eCommerce minimalist template with a clean and beautiful design for Flutter. | 992 | 1 | 2022-06-23 |
149 | pedromassango/bottom_navy_bar | A beautiful and animated bottom navigation | 836 | 1 | 2022-07-10 |
150 | thielepaul/photoprism-mobile | Flutter App for PhotoPrism | 766 | 1 | 2022-07-14 |
151 | leisim/auto_size_text | Flutter widget that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds. | 1684 | 1 | 2022-07-13 |
152 | X-Wei/flutter_catalog | An app showcasing Flutter components, with side-by-side source code view. | 1754 | 1 | 2022-06-06 |
153 | slovnicki/beamer | A routing package built on top of Router and Navigator's pages API, supporting arbitrary nested navigation, guards and more. | 434 | 1 | 2022-08-02 |
154 | aloisdeniel/footage | Write videos in Flutter. | 113 | 1 | 2022-05-27 |
155 | afgprogrammer/Flutter-examples | Flutter widget example. | 316 | 1 | 2022-05-19 |
156 | DavBfr/dart_pdf | Pdf creation module for dart/flutter | 856 | 1 | 2022-07-25 |
157 | gokulekd/foodies_user | - | 6 | 1 | 2022-07-28 |
158 | CharlyKeleb/Animations | Flutter animations | 89 | 1 | 2022-07-23 |
159 | martinoyovo/messenger-app | - | 85 | 1 | 2022-07-26 |
160 | ReactiveX/rxdart | The Reactive Extensions for Dart | 3130 | 1 | 2022-08-02 |
161 | VincentJouanne/flutter-bloc-clean-architecture | 🏛 Flutter clean architecture using the bloc library for state management. This repository aims to help people to architecture their Flutter apps by providing an opinionated example. | 92 | 1 | 2022-05-14 |
162 | jonataslaw/get_cli | Official Getx CLI | 378 | 1 | 2022-06-26 |
163 | higorpo/tabnews-mobile | TabNews Mobile | 60 | 1 | 2022-05-18 |
164 | hamaluik/timecop | A time tracking app that respects your privacy and the gets the job done without being fancy. | 598 | 1 | 2022-07-01 |
165 | sangvaleap/app-flutter-online-course | - | 167 | 1 | 2022-02-21 |
166 | JagandeepBrar/LunaSea | Self-hosted software controller built using Flutter | 748 | 1 | 2022-07-19 |
167 | abhishh1/flutter_ui_utils | - | 33 | 1 | 2022-07-24 |
168 | Kavantix/sliver_tools | A set of useful sliver tools that are missing from the flutter framework | 351 | 1 | 2022-06-14 |
169 | orestesgaolin/fitness_tracker | Simple app to track fitness stats | 21 | 1 | 2022-07-31 |
170 | The-ring-io/flutter_staggered_animations | Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column and Row children. | 1150 | 1 | 2022-07-11 |
171 | xtliuke/auto_brightness | - | 63 | 1 | 2022-06-30 |
172 | dilberkilic/Mobx_RESTful_API_Flutter | - | 9 | 1 | 2022-08-02 |
173 | felangel/mason | Tools which allow developers to create and consume reusable templates called bricks. | 505 | 1 | 2022-08-01 |
174 | Roaa94/movies_app | Directory for movies and famous people | 5 | 1 | 2022-07-30 |
175 | memspace/zefyr | Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications. | 2106 | 1 | 2022-02-15 |
176 | retromp3/retro | the music player you once loved | 47 | 1 | 2022-07-14 |
177 | Fliggy-Mobile/fsuper | A super powerful widget to help developers build complex views quickly and comfortably. | 452 | 1 | 2022-06-08 |
178 | GeekyAnts/flutter-starter | A Flutter starter-kit for production-level apps. | 343 | 1 | 2022-03-21 |
179 | EdsonBueno/infinite_scroll_pagination | Flutter package to help you lazily load and display pages of items as the user scrolls down your screen. | 383 | 1 | 2022-06-08 |
180 | Baseflow/flutter-permission-handler | Permission plugin for Flutter. This plugin provides a cross-platform (iOS, Android) API to request and check permissions. | 1563 | 1 | 2022-07-28 |
181 | honjow/FEhViewer | An e-hentai/exhentai app make on flutter | 777 | 1 | 2022-08-02 |
182 | duytq94/flutter-chat-demo | The chat app made by Flutter and Firebase | 1337 | 1 | 2022-04-06 |
183 | theindianappguy/doctor_booking_app | Flutter Ui Challenge Speed Code | 502 | 1 | 2022-06-03 |
184 | intel/rohd | The Rapid Open Hardware Development (ROHD) framework is a framework for describing and verifying hardware in the Dart programming language. ROHD enables you to build and traverse a graph of connectivi ... | 215 | 1 | 2022-07-06 |
185 | jonbhanson/flutter_native_splash | Automatically generates native code for adding splash screens in Android and iOS. Customize with specific platform, background color and splash image. | 840 | 1 | 2022-08-01 |
186 | ashishrawat2911/flutter_commerce | An Ecommerce application built in Flutter using Firebase. | 376 | 1 | 2022-05-28 |
187 | robertodoering/harpy | a Twitter app built with Flutter 🐦 | 1325 | 1 | 2022-07-27 |
188 | dahliaOS/pangolin_desktop | Pangolin Desktop UI shell, designed for dahliaOS, written in Flutter. | 1568 | 1 | 2022-07-30 |
189 | iofod/flutter_css_filter | Use CSS filter effects on Flutter | 34 | 1 | 2022-06-14 |
190 | jhomlala/catcher | Flutter error catching & handling plugin. Handles and reports exceptions in your app! | 664 | 1 | 2022-07-01 |
191 | mohamedhaloka/todo_app_tdd | TO-Do app with clean arch. and TDD. | 45 | 1 | 2022-05-06 |
192 | dengyin2000/dynamic_widget | A Backend-Driven UI toolkit, build your dynamic UI with json, and the json format is very similar with flutter widget code. | 1281 | 1 | 2022-07-23 |
193 | prateekmedia/appimagepool | A simple, modern AppImageHub Client, powered by flutter. | 452 | 1 | 2022-07-29 |
194 | jogboms/flutter_offline | 802 | 1 | 2022-02-07 | |
195 | FilledStacks/boxtout | An open source food delivery product and service that will be developed on the FilledStacks YouTube channel | 362 | 1 | 2022-04-11 |
196 | sangvaleap/app-flutter-hotel-booking | - | 108 | 1 | 2022-03-10 |
197 | rive-app/rive-flutter | - | 687 | 1 | 2022-07-19 |
198 | AndreHaueisen/flushbar | Custom widget for Flutter | 866 | 1 | 2022-06-16 |
199 | flutter/devtools | Performance tools for Flutter | 1227 | 1 | 2022-08-02 |
200 | roipeker/graphx | GraphX lib for Flutter | 353 | 1 | 2022-07-26 |
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