enhancement - add lspce-incoming-calls
and lspce-outgoing-calls
enhancement - add lspce-imenu-create
, which creates imenu with textDocument/documentSymbol. Thanks @theFool32.
enhancement - support workspace/didChangeConfiguration
enhancement - add lspce–lsp-type-map where you can specify lsp-type for file extensions.
enhancement - support specifing how many completion items jdtls can return at the most.
enhancement - support specifing which environment variables should be passed to rust code to start lsp servers.
enhancement - add initializationOptions for deno/pylsp/jedi-language-server, delete things about pyright.
README - mention how to support python virtual environments for pylsp and jedi-language-server.
enhancement - add xref-find-type-definition
enhancement - support xref-find-declaration
enhancement - support deprecatedSupport
in completion
enhancement - support inlayHint
enhancement - support xref-backend-apropos
enhancement - support passing exec-path to then environment when spawning a LSP server
enhancement - support writing LSP server’s stderr to the log file
enhancement - support fetching implementations when fetching definitions in xref-find-declaration
(useful for languages like go/rust/java etc.)
bugfix - fix no argument snippets for rust code
bugfix - stop writing “stderr reach EOF” repeatedly to log
other enhancements and bugfixes
Hard to say.