A convolution is an integral that expresses the amount of overlap of one function g
as it is shifted over another function f
. It therefore "blends" one function with another. The neural network package supports convolution, pooling, subsampling and other relevant facilities. These are divided base on the dimensionality of the input and output Tensors:
- Temporal Modules apply to sequences with a one-dimensional relationship
(e.g. sequences of words, phonemes and letters. Strings of some kind).
- TemporalConvolution : a 1D convolution over an input sequence ;
- TemporalSubSampling : a 1D sub-sampling over an input sequence ;
- TemporalMaxPooling : a 1D max-pooling operation over an input sequence ;
- LookupTable : a convolution of width
, commonly used for word embeddings ;
- Spatial Modules apply to inputs with two-dimensional relationships (e.g. images):
- SpatialConvolution : a 2D convolution over an input image ;
- SpatialSubSampling : a 2D sub-sampling over an input image ;
- SpatialMaxPooling : a 2D max-pooling operation over an input image ;
- SpatialAveragePooling : a 2D average-pooling operation over an input image ;
- SpatialAdaptiveMaxPooling : a 2D max-pooling operation which adapts its parameters dynamically such that the output is of fixed size ;
- SpatialLPPooling : computes the
norm in a convolutional manner on a set of input images ; - SpatialConvolutionMap : a 2D convolution that uses a generic connection table ;
- SpatialZeroPadding : padds a feature map with specified number of zeros ;
- SpatialSubtractiveNormalization : a spatial subtraction operation on a series of 2D inputs using
- SpatialBatchNormalization: mean/std normalization over the mini-batch inputs and pixels, with an optional affine transform that follows a kernel for computing the weighted average in a neighborhood ;
- Volumetric Modules apply to inputs with three-dimensional relationships (e.g. videos) :
- VolumetricConvolution : a 3D convolution over an input video (a sequence of images) ;
- VolumetricMaxPooling : a 3D max-pooling operation over an input video.
Note: The LookupTable is special in that while it does output a temporal Tensor of size nOutputFrame x outputFrameSize
its input is a 1D Tensor of indices of size nIndices
. Again, this is excluding the option first batch dimension.
module = nn.TemporalConvolution(inputFrameSize, outputFrameSize, kW, [dW])
Applies a 1D convolution over an input sequence composed of nInputFrame
frames. The input
tensor in
is expected to be a 2D tensor (nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
) or a 3D tensor (nBatchFrame x nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
The parameters are the following:
: The input frame size expected in sequences given intoforward()
: The output frame size the convolution layer will produce.kW
: The kernel width of the convolutiondW
: The step of the convolution. Default is1
Note that depending of the size of your kernel, several (of the last) frames of the sequence might be lost. It is up to the user to add proper padding frames in the input sequences.
If the input sequence is a 2D tensor of dimension nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
, the output sequence will be
nOutputFrame x outputFrameSize
nOutputFrame = (nInputFrame - kW) / dW + 1
If the input sequence is a 3D tensor of dimension nBatchFrame x nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
, the output sequence will be
nBatchFrame x nOutputFrame x outputFrameSize
The parameters of the convolution can be found in self.weight
(Tensor of
size outputFrameSize x (inputFrameSize x kW)
) and self.bias
(Tensor of
size outputFrameSize
). The corresponding gradients can be found in
and self.gradBias
For a 2D input, the output value of the layer can be precisely described as:
output[t][i] = bias[i]
+ sum_j sum_{k=1}^kW weight[i][j][k]
* input[dW*(t-1)+k)][j]
Here is a simple example:
inp=5; -- dimensionality of one sequence element
outp=1; -- number of derived features for one sequence element
kw=1; -- kernel only operates on one sequence element per step
dw=1; -- we step once and go on to the next sequence element
x=torch.rand(7,inp) -- a sequence of 7 elements
which gives:
[torch.Tensor of dimension 7x1]
This is equivalent to:
weights=torch.reshape(mlp.weight,inp) -- weights applied to all
bias= mlp.bias[1];
for i=1,x:size(1) do -- for each sequence element
element= x[i]; -- features of ith sequence element
print(element:dot(weights) + bias)
which gives:
module = nn.TemporalMaxPooling(kW, [dW])
Applies 1D max-pooling operation in kW
regions by step size
steps. Input sequence composed of nInputFrame
frames. The input
tensor in
is expected to be a 2D tensor (nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
or a 3D tensor (nBatchFrame x nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
If the input sequence is a 2D tensor of dimension nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
, the output sequence will be
nOutputFrame x inputFrameSize
nOutputFrame = (nInputFrame - kW) / dW + 1
module = nn.TemporalSubSampling(inputFrameSize, kW, [dW])
Applies a 1D sub-sampling over an input sequence composed of nInputFrame
frames. The input
tensor in
is expected to be a 2D tensor (nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
). The output frame size
will be the same as the input one (inputFrameSize
The parameters are the following:
: The input frame size expected in sequences given intoforward()
: The kernel width of the sub-samplingdW
: The step of the sub-sampling. Default is1
Note that depending of the size of your kernel, several (of the last) frames of the sequence might be lost. It is up to the user to add proper padding frames in the input sequences.
If the input sequence is a 2D tensor nInputFrame x inputFrameSize
, the output sequence will be
inputFrameSize x nOutputFrame
nOutputFrame = (nInputFrame - kW) / dW + 1
The parameters of the sub-sampling can be found in self.weight
(Tensor of
size inputFrameSize
) and self.bias
(Tensor of
size inputFrameSize
). The corresponding gradients can be found in
and self.gradBias
The output value of the layer can be precisely described as:
output[i][t] = bias[i] + weight[i] * sum_{k=1}^kW input[i][dW*(t-1)+k)]
module = nn.LookupTable(nIndex, sizes)
module = nn.LookupTable(nIndex, size1, [size2], [size3], ...)
This layer is a particular case of a convolution, where the width of the convolution would be 1
When calling forward(input)
, it assumes input
is a 1D or 2D tensor filled with indices.
If the input is a matrix, then each row is assumed to be an input sample of given batch. Indices start
at 1
and can go up to nIndex
. For each index, it outputs a corresponding Tensor
of size
specified by sizes
(a LongStorage
) or size1 x size2 x...
Given a 1D input, the output tensors are concatenated,
generating a n x size1 x size2 x ... x sizeN
tensor, where n
is the size of a 1D input
Again with a 1D input, when only size1
is provided, the forward(input)
is equivalent to
performing the following matrix-matrix multiplication in an efficient manner:
where M
is a 2D matrix size1 x nIndex
containing the parameters of the lookup-table and
is a 2D matrix, where each column vector i
is a zero vector except at index input[i]
where it is 1
1D example:
-- a lookup table containing 10 tensors of size 3
module = nn.LookupTable(10, 3)
input = torch.Tensor{1,2,1,10}
Outputs something like:
-1.4415 -0.1001 -0.1708
-0.6945 -0.4350 0.7977
-1.4415 -0.1001 -0.1708
-0.0745 1.9275 1.0915
[torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 4x3]
Note that the first row vector is the same as the 3rd one!
Given a 2D input tensor of size m x n
, the output is a m x n x size1 x size2 x ... x sizeN
tensor, where m
is the number of samples in
the batch and n
is the number of indices per sample.
2D example:
-- a lookup table containing 10 tensors of size 3
module = nn.LookupTable(10, 3)
-- a batch of 2 samples of 4 indices each
input = torch.Tensor({{1,2,4,5},{4,3,2,10}})
Outputs something like:
(1,.,.) =
-0.0570 -1.5354 1.8555
-0.9067 1.3392 0.6275
1.9662 0.4645 -0.8111
0.1103 1.7811 1.5969
(2,.,.) =
1.9662 0.4645 -0.8111
0.0026 -1.4547 -0.5154
-0.9067 1.3392 0.6275
-0.0193 -0.8641 0.7396
[torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 2x4x3]
module = nn.SpatialConvolution(nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kW, kH, [dW], [dH], [padding])
Applies a 2D convolution over an input image composed of several input planes. The input
tensor in
is expected to be a 3D tensor (nInputPlane x height x width
The parameters are the following:
: The number of expected input planes in the image given intoforward()
: The number of output planes the convolution layer will produce.kW
: The kernel width of the convolutionkH
: The kernel height of the convolutiondW
: The step of the convolution in the width dimension. Default is1
: The step of the convolution in the height dimension. Default is1
: The additional zeros added per side to the input planes. Default is0
, a good number is(kernelSize-1)/2
for square kernels.
Note that depending of the size of your kernel, several (of the last) columns or rows of the input image might be lost. It is up to the user to add proper padding in images.
If the input image is a 3D tensor nInputPlane x height x width
, the output image size
will be nOutputPlane x oheight x owidth
owidth = floor((width + 2*padding - kW) / dW + 1)
oheight = floor((height + 2*padding - kH) / dH + 1)
The parameters of the convolution can be found in self.weight
(Tensor of
size nOutputPlane x nInputPlane x kH x kW
) and self.bias
(Tensor of
size nOutputPlane
). The corresponding gradients can be found in
and self.gradBias
The output value of the layer can be precisely described as:
output[i][j][k] = bias[k]
+ sum_l sum_{s=1}^kW sum_{t=1}^kH weight[s][t][l][k]
* input[dW*(i-1)+s)][dH*(j-1)+t][l]
module = nn.SpatialConvolutionMap(connectionMatrix, kW, kH, [dW], [dH])
This class is a generalization of nn.SpatialConvolution. It uses a generic connection table between input and output features. The nn.SpatialConvolution is equivalent to using a full connection table. One can specify different types of connection tables.
#### Full Connection Table ####table = nn.tables.full(nin,nout)
This is a precomputed table that specifies connections between every input and output node.
#### One to One Connection Table ####table = nn.tables.oneToOne(n)
This is a precomputed table that specifies a single connection to each output node from corresponding input node.
#### Random Connection Table ####table = nn.tables.random(nin,nout, nto)
This table is randomly populated such that each output unit has
incoming connections. The algorihtm tries to assign uniform
number of outgoing connections to each input node if possible.
module = nn.SpatialLPPooling(nInputPlane, pnorm, kW, kH, [dW], [dH])
Computes the p
norm in a convolutional manner on a set of 2D input planes.
module = nn.SpatialMaxPooling(kW, kH [, dW, dH])
Applies 2D max-pooling operation in kWxkH
regions by step size
steps. The number of output features is equal to the number of
input planes.
module = nn.SpatialAveragePooling(kW, kH [, dW, dH])
Applies 2D average-pooling operation in kWxkH
regions by step size
steps. The number of output features is equal to the number of
input planes.
module = nn.SpatialAdaptiveMaxPooling(W, H)
Applies 2D max-pooling operation in an image such that the output is of
size WxH
, for any input size. The number of output features is equal
to the number of input planes.
For an output of dimensions (owidth,oheight)
, the indexes of the pooling
region (j,i)
in the input image of dimensions (iwidth,iheight)
given by:
x_j_start = floor((j /owidth) * iwidth)
x_j_end = ceil(((j+1)/owidth) * iwidth)
y_i_start = floor((i /oheight) * iheight)
y_i_end = ceil(((i+1)/oheight) * iheight)
module = nn.SpatialSubSampling(nInputPlane, kW, kH, [dW], [dH])
Applies a 2D sub-sampling over an input image composed of several input planes. The input
tensor in
is expected to be a 3D tensor (nInputPlane x height x width
). The number of output
planes will be the same as nInputPlane
The parameters are the following:
: The number of expected input planes in the image given intoforward()
: The kernel width of the sub-samplingkH
: The kernel height of the sub-samplingdW
: The step of the sub-sampling in the width dimension. Default is1
: The step of the sub-sampling in the height dimension. Default is1
Note that depending of the size of your kernel, several (of the last) columns or rows of the input image might be lost. It is up to the user to add proper padding in images.
If the input image is a 3D tensor nInputPlane x height x width
, the output image size
will be nInputPlane x oheight x owidth
owidth = (width - kW) / dW + 1
oheight = (height - kH) / dH + 1 .
The parameters of the sub-sampling can be found in self.weight
(Tensor of
size nInputPlane
) and self.bias
(Tensor of size nInputPlane
). The
corresponding gradients can be found in self.gradWeight
The output value of the layer can be precisely described as:
output[i][j][k] = bias[k]
+ weight[k] sum_{s=1}^kW sum_{t=1}^kH input[dW*(i-1)+s)][dH*(j-1)+t][k]
module = nn.SpatialUpSamplingNearest(scale)
Applies a 2D up-sampling over an input image composed of several input planes. The input
tensor in
is expected to be a 3D or 4D tensor (i.e. for 4D: nBatchPlane x nInputPlane x height x width
). The number of output planes will be the same. The v dimension is assumed to be the second last dimension (i.e. for 4D it will be the 3rd dim), and the u dimension is assumed to be the last dimension.
The parameters are the following:
: The upscale ratio. Must be a positive integer
The up-scaling method is simple nearest neighbor, ie:
output(u,v) = input(floor((u-1)/scale)+1, floor((v-1)/scale)+1)
Where u
and v
are index from 1 (as per lua convention). There are no learnable parameters.
module = nn.SpatialZeroPadding(padLeft, padRight, padTop, padBottom)
Each feature map of a given input is padded with specified number of zeros. If padding values are negative, then input is cropped.
### SpatialSubtractiveNormalization ###module = nn.SpatialSubtractiveNormalization(ninputplane, kernel)
Applies a spatial subtraction operation on a series of 2D inputs using
for computing the weighted average in a neighborhood. The
neighborhood is defined for a local spatial region that is the size as
kernel and across all features. For a an input image, since there is
only one feature, the region is only spatial. For an RGB image, the
weighted anerage is taken over RGB channels and a spatial region.
If the kernel
is 1D, then it will be used for constructing and seperable
2D kernel. The operations will be much more efficient in this case.
The kernel is generally chosen as a gaussian when it is believed that the correlation of two pixel locations decrease with increasing distance. On the feature dimension, a uniform average is used since the weighting across features is not known.
For this example we use an external package image
require 'image'
require 'nn'
lena = image.rgb2y(image.lena())
ker = torch.ones(11)
processed = m:forward(lena)
= nn.SpatialBatchNormalization(N [,eps] [, momentum])
where N = number of input feature maps
giving N = 0 disables the learnable affine transform.
eps is a small value added to the standard-deviation to avoid divide-by-zero. Defaults to 1e-5
Implements Batch Normalization as described in the paper: "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift" by Sergey Ioffe, Christian Szegedy
The operation implemented is:
y = ( x - mean(x) )
-------------------- * gamma + beta
where the mean and standard-deviation are calculated per feature-map over the mini-batches and pixels and where gamma and beta are learnable parameter vectors of size N (where N = number of feature maps). The learning of gamma and beta is optional.
In training time, this layer keeps a running estimate of it's computed mean and std. The running sum is kept with a default momentup of 0.1 (unless over-ridden) In test time, this running mean/std is used to normalize.
The module only accepts 4D inputs.
-- with learnable parameters
model = nn.SpatialBatchNormalization(m)
A = torch.randn(b, m, h, w)
C = model.forward(A) -- C will be of size `b x m x h x w`
-- without learnable parameters
model = nn.SpatialBatchNormalization(0)
A = torch.randn(b, m, h, w)
C = model.forward(A) -- C will be of size `b x m x h x w`
module = nn.VolumetricConvolution(nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kT, kW, kH [, dT, dW, dH])
Applies a 3D convolution over an input image composed of several input planes. The input
tensor in
is expected to be a 4D tensor (nInputPlane x time x height x width
The parameters are the following:
: The number of expected input planes in the image given intoforward()
: The number of output planes the convolution layer will produce.kT
: The kernel size of the convolution in timekW
: The kernel width of the convolutionkH
: The kernel height of the convolutiondT
: The step of the convolution in the time dimension. Default is1
: The step of the convolution in the width dimension. Default is1
: The step of the convolution in the height dimension. Default is1
Note that depending of the size of your kernel, several (of the last) columns or rows of the input image might be lost. It is up to the user to add proper padding in images.
If the input image is a 4D tensor nInputPlane x time x height x width
, the output image size
will be nOutputPlane x otime x owidth x oheight
otime = (time - kT) / dT + 1
owidth = (width - kW) / dW + 1
oheight = (height - kH) / dH + 1 .
The parameters of the convolution can be found in self.weight
(Tensor of
size nOutputPlane x nInputPlane x kT x kH x kW
) and self.bias
(Tensor of
size nOutputPlane
). The corresponding gradients can be found in
and self.gradBias
module = nn.VolumetricMaxPooling(kT, kW, kH [, dT, dW, dH])
Applies 3D max-pooling operation in kTxkWxkH
regions by step size
steps. The number of output features is equal to the number of
input planes / dT.