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199 lines (136 loc) · 5.37 KB

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199 lines (136 loc) · 5.37 KB


SSH to an EC2 instance using an in memory, ephemeral ssh key and EC2 instance connect to push the new public key to the instance


essh does the following:

  • Generates a one time RSA ssh keypair in memory
  • Adds the private key to your ssh agent define by SSH_AUTH_SOCK (for a configurable number of seconds)
  • Pushes the public key to the instance using ec2-instance connect
  • ssh to the instance using the private IP address (public IP can be used with -p), using user ec2-user by default


As essh uses AWS APIs, you will need you have valid credentials configured. If you're using this tool, then I'm presuming that you know how to do this, if not see here.

You should set the region with the -r/--region flag, or by setting the environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION or AWS_REGION.




$ essh --help
Usage of essh:
  -d, --debug             Enable debug logging
  -t, --key-ttl uint32    How long the private key will live in the ssh-agent in seconds (default 10)
  -r, --region string     AWS Region
  -p, --use-public-ip     Use the public ip instead of the private ip address
  -u, --username string   UNIX user name (default "ec2-user")
  -v, --version           Show version

Connect to an instance's private IP with ssh as user ec2-user (the default):

$ essh i-02fab0d7dd3ab737b

Connect to an instance's public IP with ssh as user ec2-user:

$ essh -p i-02fab0d7dd3ab737b

Connect as user ubuntu passing the flags -A, -4 and the command uptime to the ssh command:

$ essh -u ubuntu i-02fab0d7dd3ab737b -- -A -4 uptime

Connect to an instance by its full name tag:

$ essh prod-web1

Display a menu of instances that match a partial tag:

$ essh gitlab

Display all running instances in a region:

$ essh

You can use / to search the list of instances.

Changing the default UNIX user

If you use a different operating system that does not use the username ec2-user, you can set a different default username.

For example, if you use Ubuntu, you can set the environment variable:

$ export ESSH_DEFAULT_USER=ubuntu

From then on, you can just omit the -u ubuntu flag to log in as the ubuntu user:

Usage Examples

Connect to an instance on its private IP:

$ essh i-03faf0d7dd3ab737a
running command: ssh -l ec2-user
Last login: Mon Mar 16 22:49:14 2020 from

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux 2 AMI
No packages needed for security; 6 packages available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
[ec2-user@ip-10-200-3-25 ~]$

Connect to the instance named "prod-web1" on its public ip address and run uptime:

$ essh -p prod-web1 -- uptime
running command: ssh -l ec2-user uptime
 16:42:42 up 16 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.04, 0.01

Connect to a host named "gitlab" if it exists and is running, or show a menu of instances with "gitlab" in their name:

$ essh gitlab
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←  and / toggles search
Select an instance:
  » gitlab-runner-self-hosted-dev i-05e50f67e9dda4278 (
    gitlab-runner-hosted-dev i-0191ea736eca6db2f (

If you don't know which instance to connect to, run without specifying a tag or instance id:

$ essh
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←  and / toggles search
Select an instance:
    bastion i-06a049e3dbbdc37ae (
    eks i-02dbc94c2efe19e68 (
    eks i-0907b9bb45af5b43e (
    eks i-0d7344c185041ba14 (
    gitlab-runner-self-hosted-dev i-05e50f67e9dda4278 (
  » eks i-03623ba03fc2dab6f (
    eks i-07f1430c8a05d00a7 (
    gitlab-runner-hosted-dev i-0191ea736eca6db2f (

Run with debug logging enabled:

$ essh -d -p i-0cc2be02456a7180c
DEBUG Setting region from AWS_DEFAULT_REGION env: eu-west-1
DEBUG All cmd line args passed in
DEBUG flag_pos: 0, flag: i-0cc2be02456a7180c
DEBUG host:
DEBUG adding key to agent
DEBUG pushing public key to instance
running command: ssh -l ec2-user
Last login: Fri Apr  3 21:40:35 2020 from

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux 2 AMI
5 package(s) needed for security, out of 5 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
[ec2-user@ip-172-30-0-254 ~]$


$ go build

Put the resulting essh binary somewhere in your $PATH.


To create a new release, just tag the repo and run goreleaser:

$ git tag -a [tag] -m "Release message"
$ git push origin [tag]
$ goreleaser --rm-dist


  • Exit with the ssh command exit code
  • Add support for setting the default user as an environment variable for shops that use ubuntu etc.
  • Add tests


The project is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.