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Documentation for LNReader plugins

Most of the Plugin/Novel type definitions accessed using the Plugin namespace imported via

import { Plugin } from "@typings/plugin";


PluginBase is a base class for all plugins.

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {}
Field Required Description
id yes Plugin ID
name yes Plugin Name
icon yes Plugin Icon
site yes Plugin site link
version yes Plugin version
imageRequestInit no Plugin Image Request Init
filters no Filter definition object
popularNovels(page, options) yes Novel list getter
parseNovelAndChapters(url) yes Novel info and chapter list getter
parseChapter(url) yes Chapter text getter
searchNovels(searchTerm, page) yes Novel searching getter


Unique ID of your plugin

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    id = "templateID";


The name of your plugin that is shown in-app

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    name = "template Plugin";


The path to your plugin's icon inside of icon folder

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    icon = "src/eng/templateplugin/icon.png";


Icons should be 96x96px


The url to the plugin's site

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    site = "";


Version of your plugin formatted according to semver2.0 spec i.e. <major>.<minor>.<patch>


  • patch increments on small fixes that fix the plugin (like site changed a selector, filter had a typo etc.)
  • minor increments on fixes that improve the plugin (like adding/removing filters, adding search options etc.)
  • major increments on fixes that fix the major issues with the plugin (like changing site link)
class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    version = "1.0.0";


The init for request to obtain images

Used if images failed to load due to site's protection

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    imageRequestInit: Plugin.ImageRequestInit = {
        headers: {
            Referer: '',


A Filter definition object that holds filters used in popularNovels function

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    filters = {
        order: {
            options: [
                { label: "Popular", value: "" },
                { label: "Newest", value: "newest" }
            type: FilterTypes.Picker,
            value: ""
        status: {
            label: "Status",
            options: [
                { label: "All", value: "" },
                { label: "Ongoing", value: "ongoing" },
                { label: "Hiatus", value: "hiatus" },
                { label: "Completed", value: "completed" },
            type: FilterTypes.Picker,
            value: "",


Function that is used to get the (filtered) list of novels from the front page of the site

async popularNovels(
        page: number,
        options: Plugin.PopularNovelsOptions<typeof this.filters>
    ): Promise<Plugin.NovelItem[]>

See Using cheerio for more information on how to parse HTML documents


NovelItem[] An array of filtered main-page NovelItems

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    async popularNovels(
        page: number,
        options: Plugin.PopularNovelsOptions<typeof this.filters>
    ): Promise<Plugin.NovelItem[]> {
        const novels: Plugin.NovelItem[] = [];
        if(options.filters.example.value === "test"){
                name: "Novel1",
                url: "",
        return novels;

This type is used for getting the options of the popularNovels function

  • showLatestNovels: boolean flag set when opened with Latest button

  • filters: FilterValues<typeof filters> object containing all selected filter values. More about Filters


Function that is used to get the information about particular novel and the list of it's chapters

async parseNovelAndChapters(novelUrl: string): Promise<Plugin.SourceNovel>

See Using cheerio for more information on how to parse HTML documents


SourceNovel Novel information and chapter list as SourceNovel object

[!CAUTION] > SourceNovel::url should be the same value as NovelItem::url provided as parameter!

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    async parseNovelAndChapters(novelUrl: string): Promise<Plugin.SourceNovel> {
        const novel: Plugin.SourceNovel = {
            url: novelUrl,
            name: "test",
            artist: "none",
            author: "none",
            cover: defaultCover,
            genres: "Isekai, Neverland",
            status: NovelStatus.Completed,
            summary: ""
        let chapters: Plugin.ChapterItem[] = [];
        const chapter: Plugin.ChapterItem = {
            name: "",
            url: "",
            releaseTime: "",
            chapterNumber: 0,
        novel.chapters = chapters;
        return novel;


Function that is used to get the information about particular novel and the list of it's chapters

async parseChapter(chapterUrl: string): Promise<string>

See Using cheerio for more information on how to parse HTML documents


string HTML content of the chapter

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    async parseChapter(chapterUrl: string): Promise<string>{
        return "<h1>No chapter here</h1>";


Function that is used to find Novels in the source

async searchNovels(searchTerm: string, pageNo: number): Promise<Plugin.NovelItem[]>

See Using cheerio for more information on how to parse HTML documents

  • searchTerm the search term
  • page search page number

NovelItem[] An array of found NovelItems

class ExamplePlugin implements Plugin.PluginBase {
    async searchNovels(
        searchTerm: string,
        pageNo: number
    ): Promise<Plugin.NovelItem[]> {
        let novels: Plugin.NovelItem[] = [];
        return novels;


It is an object representing information how to store/access the novel

Field type Required Description


string yes The url to the site


string yes The name of the novel shown in the library


string no URL to novel's cover

Default cover

You can use the default Cover not available cover by importing

import { defaultCover } from "@libs/defaultCover";


Field Type Required Desciption
url string yes
name string no string
cover string no
genres string no
summary string no
author string no
artist string no
status [NovelStatus] or string no
    chapters?: ChapterItem[];



Filters and FilterTypes are not in the Plugin namespace and are from @libs/filterInputs file:

import { FilterTypes, Filters } from "@libs/filterInputs";

There are 2 main objects when using filters:

Filter definition object

This is the user-defined object that defines strictly what filters are available in the "filter" menu in app. Every property of this object is a different filter. The key of the object is the name that will be used to reference this filter's value in the FilterValues object

filters = {
    order: {<FilterProperties>}
} satisfies Filters;
// accessible in popularNovels as


Do not forget to add satisfies Filters after the Filter definition object!

Name Type Required Desciption
label string yes in-app label
type FilterTypes yes type of the filter
value check types yes Default value for this filter and the starting filter state in-app
options check types in some types The options available in the given type
filters = {
  genre: {
    type: FilterTypes.CheckboxGroup,
    label: "Genres",
    value: [],
    options: [
      { label: "Isekai", value: "isekai" },
      { label: "Romance", value: "romans" },
} satisfies Filters;
Filter types

Types of filters supported

FilterType Description value options
Picker A spinner for choosing one of the choices provided in options string the picked value Picker options
TextInput A filter allowing a free text input string written value N/A
Switch A boolean switch boolean state of the switch N/A
CheckboxGroup A grouping of checkboxes string[] array containing selected values CheckboxGroup options
ExcludableCheckboxGroup A filter allowing to pick one of the choices provided in options ExcludableCheckboxGroupValues object CheckboxGroup options
Picker options
options: [
    label: "default", // in-app label
    value: "", // in-code value
    label: "Value ABC",
    value: "abc",
CheckboxGroup options
options: [
    label: "Value ABC", // in-app label
    value: "abc", // in-code value
    label: "Value DEF",
    value: "def",

FilterValues object

It is an object used inisde of popularNovels that contains selected values for all filters defined in the Filter definition object. The keys of the filter values correspond to Filter definition keys

// Filter definition object
filters = { abc: {} } satisfies Filters;

// then
options.filters; // FilterValues; // FilterValue for abc filter

Properties of FilterValue:

  • type: FilterType type of the filter
  • value value dependent on FilterTypes; // value of the filter; // type of the filter
ExcludableCheckboxGroupValue object
    included: string[], // options with selected selected
    excluded: string[]  // options with excluded selected

Using Cheerio

Custom fetching functions