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Yuzerion edited this page Oct 4, 2024 · 23 revisions

Config file example

# Autocert (choose one below and uncomment to enable)
# 1. use existing cert
# autocert:
#   provider: local
#   cert_path: certs/cert.crt         # optional, uncomment only if you need to change it
#   key_path: certs/priv.key          # optional, uncomment only if you need to change it
# 2. cloudflare
# autocert:
#   provider: cloudflare
#   email: [email protected]                            # ACME Email
#   domains:                                        # a list of domains for cert registration
#     - "*.y.z"                                     # remember to use double quotes to surround wildcard domain
#   options:
#     auth_token: c1234565789-abcdefghijklmnopqrst  # your zone API token
# 3. other providers, check docs/ for more

  # include files are standalone yaml files under `config/` directory
  # include:
  #   - file1.yml
  #   - file2.yml

    # $DOCKER_HOST implies environment variable `DOCKER_HOST` or unix:///var/run/docker.sock by default
    local: $DOCKER_HOST
    # explicit only mode
    # only containers with explicit aliases will be proxied
    # add "!" after provider name to enable explicit only mode
    # local!: $DOCKER_HOST
    # add more docker providers if needed
    # for value format, see
    # remote-1: tcp://
    # remote-2: ssh://root:[email protected]
# if match_domains not defined
# any host = alias+[any domain] will match
# i.e. https://app1.y.z       will match alias app1 for any domain y.z
#  but https://app1.node1.y.z will only match alias "app.node1"
# if match_domains defined
# only host = alias+[one of match_domains] will match
# i.e. match_domains = [,]
#,, etc. will not match even if app1 exists
# only https://* and https://* will match
# match_domains:
#   -
#   -

# Below are fixed options (non hot-reloadable)

# timeout for shutdown (in seconds)
# timeout_shutdown: 5

# global setting redirect http requests to https (if https available, otherwise this will be ignored)
# proxy.<alias>.middlewares.redirect_http will override this
# redirect_to_https: false
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