All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Validation of 256 annotated projects.
- Introduction of the ChangeLog file to the project.
- Small changes in typos and grammar in the SDRF specification document (sdrf-proteomics/README.adoc).
- Update of the enzyme.tsv file in the SDRF specification document (sdrf-proteomics/enzymes.tsv).
- Remove enzyme regular expression as recommended in the SDRF specification document (sdrf-proteomics/README.adoc).
- Outdated readthedocs link, main documentation is the SDRF specification document (sdrf-proteomics/README.adoc).
- First release of the project.
- First version of the SDRF specification document (psi-document/SDRF_Proteomics_Specification_v1.0.0.docx).
- First projects annotated in the SDRF format.
- Nothing fixed.
- Nothing changed.
- Nothing removed.