##What this script does: *Sources data from: "test\subject_test.txt" "test\X_test.txt" "test\y_test.txt" "train\subject_train.txt" "train\X_train.txt" "train\y_train.txt"
*Merges data sets into a single data set
*Extracts the mean and standard deviations
*Sets meaningful names and labels to the data set
*Merges and exports a tidy dataset with the mean and standard deviations
*Merges and exports a tidy dataset with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject
##Variables *Variables included in the data set are the mean and standard deviation for: "tBodyAcc-XYZ" "tGravityAcc-XYZ" "tBodyAccJerk-XYZ" "tBodyGyro-XYZ" "tBodyGyroJerk-XYZ" "tBodyAccMag" "tGravityAccMag" "tBodyAccJerkMag" "tBodyGyroMag" "tBodyGyroJerkMag" "fBodyAcc-XYZ" "fBodyAccJerk-XYZ" "fBodyGyro-XYZ" "fBodyAccMag" "fBodyAccJerkMag" "fBodyGyroMag" "fBodyGyroJerkMag"
In addition, the "Activity" and "Subjects" are included