- すべての要求や前提を疑い、特に専門家からの要求を深く理解します。これにより、各要求が本当に必要かどうかを確認します。
- 不要な部分やプロセスを削除し、仕事の流れを簡素化します。プロセスは未知のシナリオに対処するためではなく、検証済みの問題に対処するためにのみ使用されるべきです。
- 目標が正しいことを確認した上で、プロセスを簡素化し最適化します。存在するべきでない部分やプロセスを簡素化・最適化することを避けます。
- 単に速度を追求するのではなく、反復プロセスを加速します。継続的な検証と改善を通じて、仕事の流れを最適化し続けます。
- 最初の四つのステップを完了した後に自動化を行います。自動化は効率を向上させますが、自動化のための自動化を避け、必要かつ効果的なステップのみを自動化します。
Elon Musk emphasizes a thinking method called "First Principles." This approach involves understanding problems from their fundamental roots and finding solutions without being constrained by existing assumptions or conventions. First Principles thinking breaks down problems into their most basic elements and builds new solutions from there.
Elon Musk's work process is based on the following five steps:
Question Every Requirement:
- Question all requirements and assumptions, especially those from experts. By deeply understanding the nature of each requirement, ensure that every requirement is truly necessary.
Delete Unnecessary Parts and Processes:
- Remove all unnecessary parts and processes to simplify the workflow. Ensure that processes are only used for verified problems, not for unknown scenarios.
Simplify and Optimize:
- Simplify and optimize processes while ensuring the goals are correct. Avoid simplifying and optimizing parts or processes that should not exist.
Accelerate Cycle Time:
- Accelerate the iteration process rather than merely pursuing speed. Continuously optimize the workflow through constant cycles of verification and improvement.
- Automate after completing the first four steps. Automation can improve efficiency, but avoid automating for the sake of automation. Ensure that the automated steps are necessary and effective.
These steps reflect Musk's First Principles thinking, aiming to start from the essence of problems, break traditional methods, and continuously seek optimal solutions.