This document explains what information this site collects and how it will be used.
OAuth provider name and user id on that provider
These two are keys to identify the user. The provider name is exposed to the public, but the user id isn't. The user id is only for a internal use.
This site gets your name from the data OAuth provider returns. The name is saved in this site and used on post list and a single post views.
The same as your name, the email is one of the data OAuth provider returns. The email is saved in this site, but never exposed to the public.
Access Token
The access token is given to you from OAuth provider when authentication is completed. It expires within some time span that OAuth provider sets. This site uses the access token to find who you are. The access token is never exposed to the public.
This site uses a client side OAuth flow. Your OAuth provider password never comes to this site. OAuth authentication will be completed between you and OAuth provider.