1.3.0-DEV (???)
- [#47] support for max-height and max-width attributes
1.2.4-DEV (???)
- [#52] fix document-template support
- [#64] fix dependencies versions in composer.json
1.2.3 (2014-03-15)
- [#37] break words longer than ancestor width
- [#41] fix placeholders support when document-template is used
- [#44] fix text-decoration attribute when text is justified
1.2.2 (2013-10-27)
- fix page width when paragraph is direct child
- fix handling errors in xml parsers: exception is thrown when file not exist or is unreadable
1.2.1 (2013-08-29)
- [#26] fix utf-8 support for bookmarks
- fix bugs in pie chart
- [#10] fix support for some utf-8 chars
1.2.0 (2013-01-02)
- fix bugs in pie-chart tag
- fix set page width and height directly
- fix converting percentage dimensions (width and height) of element, that parent has paddings set
- add position attribute
- rename "position" to "list-position" attribute of "ul" and "ol" tags - break backward compatibility!
- composer.json: move zend-barcode, zend-validator and Imagine to "suggest" section
1.1.6 (2012-10-28)
- "circle" tag support
- simple pie chart support
- fix stylesheet selectors
- fix minor bugs
1.1.5 (2012-09-23)
- [#15] fix nesting of linear tags
- fix composer.json file
1.1.4 (2012-08-05)
- fix compatibility with ZF2rc2
1.1.3 (2012-07-11)
- fix compatibility with ZF2beta5 api
- [#8] fixed specifing of width of table columns when one of cell has colspan
- parameterized dpi value
- padding-top on li element has influence on position of enumeration symbol
- barcode support
1.1.2 (2012-02-01)
- improve xml parsing error messages
- [#7] fixed leaking pdf output file size - it was large
1.1.1 (2012-01-07)
- accommodate PHPPdf\Cache\CacheImpl class to new api of Zend\Cache component
1.1.0 (2012-01-01)
- image generation engine
- improve border and background roundings
- support for palette of colors
- refactoring exception hierarchy classes
- numeric value support for background-position-x and background-position-y
- ignore-error attribute for img tag
- keep-ratio attribute for img tag
- elastic-page tag
- improve width and height attributes for page and dynamic-page tags
- Facade::render method accepts array as second argument - support for number of stylesheets
- remove dependency to Symfony components, remove Symfony DI configuration loader
1.0.3 (2011-11-27)
- support for remote jpeg files
- [#3] fixed padding-bottom for element that has children with float attribute set on left or right
- new attribute "offset" for page-info and page-number tags
1.0.2 (2011-11-13)
- change default Zend_Pdf dependant repository
1.0.1 (2011-11-11)
- update Zend Framework components version to Zend Framework 2
- remove Zend Framework sources from repository, ZF2 is now external dependency, use "vendors.php" file to download dependencies.
1.0.0 (2011-10-21)