In this page you will find various options for engaging with OpenEBS User and Contributor Community.
We are always looking for new contributions. is a great place to start.
If you have a question about OpenEBS or have a problem using it, please check the troubleshooting guide. If that does not answer your questions, or if you think you found a bug, please file an issue.
Slack: Join OpenEBS community on Kubernetes Slack.
- Already signed up?
- Head to our user discussions at #openebs
- Head to our contributor discussions at #openebs-dev
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Forum: Subscribe to our email lists:
Twitter: Follow us @openebs.
Blog: Check out our Blog on OpenEBS, Container Attached Storage, DevOps, Cloud Native Data Management.
To add any of the following events to your calendar, please send an email to [email protected]
- Bi-weekly (Every 2 weeks on Wednesday 1:30 PM UTC) contributors meeting over CNCF's community event platform. You'd have to register for the meeting before the actual meeting time. The agenda items and previous discussions can be found here.
Go back to Contributing to OpenEBS.