First, make sure that you finish preparing the iOS project. I shall explain how using a separate document.
For now, we shall explain the action.
name: iOS Deploy
- 'release-v*'
- 'dev*'
- 'release-v*'
- 'dev*'
runs-on: macos-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Setup JDK
uses: actions/setup-java@v1
java-version: "12.x"
- name: Setup flutter
uses: subosito/flutter-action@v1
flutter-version: "1.22.4"
channel: "stable"
# - name: Upgrade Flutter Version
# run: |
# flutter downgrade 1.22.5
- name: Select Xcode version
run: sudo xcode-select -s '/Applications/'
- name: Setup SSH Keys and known_hosts for fastlane match
run: |
mkdir -p "$SSH_PATH"
touch "$SSH_PATH/known_hosts"
echo "$PRIVATE_KEY" > "$SSH_PATH/id_rsa"
chmod 700 "$SSH_PATH"
ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
chmod 600 "$SSH_PATH/known_hosts"
chmod 600 "$SSH_PATH/id_rsa"
eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add "$SSH_PATH/id_rsa"
- name: Clean the build
run: cd ./flutter && flutter clean
- name: Bundle install
run: cd ./flutter/ios && bundle update --bundler && bundle install
- name: Install Flutter dependencies
run: |
cd flutter && flutter pub get
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
cd ./ios && pod install
- name: Deploy to TestFlight
run: |
cd ./flutter/ios && bundle exec fastlane beta
TEAM_ID: ${{ secrets.TEAM_ID }}
ITC_TEAM_ID: ${{ secrets.ITC_TEAM_ID }}
Really, most of the action is secret fields, so let's get into it.
The name of the action
When to fire the action.
The actual actions:
Name of the job. for now we only have one job, although it's possible to have more than one.
Pull the code files.
Add JDK to the build.
Add flutter to the build. note that the latest release of flutter supported by this plugin is 1.22.4. in theory 1.22.5 and 1.22.4 are basically the same and what is buildable in 1.22.4 is buildable 1.22.5 and vice versa.
This is where we specify the version we use in the action. If you want to use 1.22.5 or maybe 2.0.1 feature, just upgrade flutter and it will work. Also, if you wanted to use specifically 1.22.5 upgrade to the latest version and then downgrade to the specific version you like. it will take like a minute or two in build time.
XCode version selection.
This is really important. using this we add the private ssh key into the ssh client. this allows us to access the private repo that contains the certificates to sign the iOS app. note that this key should match the deploy key used in the private keys repository.
Note also, that this can be used as a bash script instead of the action file.
Secret | Objective |
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | the SSH private key pair to pull private match key repository. |
Just to clean any previous build DI files. this is a backward compatibility step and it can be skipped if the skeleton with the appropriate .gitignore
was used.
This is a script to update bundler, which is essential for fastlane to use. Ruby is already installed in MacOS so you will not need to use it.
flutter pub get
and installing the pod file. those files are huge and it can take up to 2 minutes for them to be installed. in the end a new file will be created in the CI which is a Podfile.lock
. to speed things up we can generate this in the companies project. and it is really a more secure option to do so.
One major plus using a locally generated Podfile.lock
is to use an already generated firebase and Firestore libs, which will decrees build times drastically.
Start the fastlane pipeline.
Secret | Objective |
TEAM_ID | The team id. acquired from Apple Console |
ITC_TEAM_ID | the iTunes Connect Team ID from ( |
FASTLANE_USER | Account holder name. |
FASTLANE_PASSWORD | Account holder password. |
FASTLANE_APPLE_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD | Generated Application Specific password, generated from the account console of Apple. |
FASTLANE_SESSION | A session to use to upload the app to TestFlight. Generated from running fastlane spaceauth inside the ios directory of the project. |
MATCH_PASSWORD | A password to decrypt the match files (described in Fastlane iOS document) |
MATCH_KEYCHAIN_NAME | Keychain name, usually login . (described in Fastlane iOS document) |
MATCH_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD | Keychain decryption key. (described in Fastlane iOS document) |
That's all falks!