Authentication in our apps follow a very specific set of steps.
These steps are repeated for every login and done using the module auth_module
In order to use the Authentication Module, First setup the project correctly with Firebase Firebase Initilization
Then copy the auth_module
from the boilerplate into your own project.
Then fix all the dependecies error, these are the imports.
Now you can use it. Auth is used in 1 of 2 ways, either you want the user to login via the predefined UI or you want to just listen to the Authentication Events, depending on where you are in the application.
to start using the UI, first add the navigation component into the widget tree.
This can be done by injecting AuthModule
into MyApp
widget and then importing the route into fullRoutesMap
Now you can access the UI from wherever you are using the simple command
To start using the service, it's auto injected, nothing is required to use it. Then start listening to the auth events which comes in the following form:
You can listen to these changes anyware using the stream authListener
Note that these states are all of type enum AuthState
In the auth service we have many methods which can be used to log users in and out. Currently we support 5 login methods, and we are planning to add 3 more in the future.
Those are
- Email Password Authorization.
- Email Magic Link.
- Phone Number
- Apple
All of which can be access by:
- Injecting the
into the class. - Requesting the method
- Listening to changes of the Authorization Status from the
Note: We support multiple users types in our API, that's why we are requiring the UserRole
in all of these functions. If you have 1 user type, just user UserRole.ROLE_OWNER
or modify the enum to suite your needs.
Note 2: We auto-register users, so you should always include the "I agree on the privacy policy and terms of service" check box when logging in.
Note 3: In case something happen "Other than 403 Error" the error is delivered into firebase crashlytics console. as long as it is activated correctly and enabled there.
We shall discuss 2 scenarios here:
The User is Registering
Feature: Authorization Scenario: Registering new user GIVEN the user provided a correct credientials WHEN the user request Regiser THEN the user get logged in into firebase AND we generate an random password for that user AND we save the generated password in firestore AND we use the credentials to register the user into our seperate database AND we login the user to our system
The user us logging in
Feature: Authorization Scenario: Login a user GIVEN the user privided a correct credentials WHEN the user request login THEN the user get logged in into firebase AND we bring the saved password from firestore THEN the user get logged in into our system
Happy Authorization! 😂