- https://github.com/fniessen/refcard-org-mode
- http://orgmode.org/manual/Structural-markup-elements.html
- http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-settings.html
#+TITLE: Org Document Settings Cheatsheet #+AUTHOR: Yeongho Kim #+EMAIL: [email protected] #+DESCRIPTION: a description #+KEYWORDS: org #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: H:4 (section numbering) #+OPTIONS: num:nil (no number) #+OPTIONS: toc:2 (only inlcude two levels in TOC) #+OPTIONS: toc:nil (no default TOC at all) #+TOC: headlines 2 (insert TOC here) #+TOC: headlines 1 local (insert local TOC, direct children only) #+TOC: listings (build a list of listings) #+TOC: tables (build a list of tables) #+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs" src emacs-lisp #+INCLUDE: "~/my-book/chapter2.org" :minlevel 1 #+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs" :lines "5-10" [5 to 10) #+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs" :lines "-10" [1 to 10) #+INCLUDE: "~/.emacs" :lines "10-" [10 to EOF) #+INCLUDE: "./paper.org::#theory" :only-contents t (custom-id) #+INCLUDE: "./paper.org::mytable" (named element) #+INCLUDE: "./paper.org::*conclusion" :lines 1-20 (headline named 'conclusion') #+MACRO: name replacement text $1, $2 are arguments {{{name(arg1, arg2)}}} {{{title}}} {{{author}}} {{{email}}} {{{date}}} {{{date(FORMAT)}}} {{{time(FORMAT)}}} {{{modification-time(FORMAT, VC)}}} {{{input-file}}} {{{property(PROPERTY-NAME)}}} {{{property(PROPERTY-NAME,SEARCH-OPTION)}}} * Goldberg Variations :PROPERTIES: :Title: Goldberg Variations :Composer: J.S. Bach :Artist: Glen Gould :Publisher: Deutsche Grammophon :NDisks: 1 :END:
#+OPTIONS: ':t #+OPTIONS: author:nil #+OPTIONS: num:nil #+OPTIONS: email:nil #+OPTIONS: date:nil #+OPTIONS: ':t author:nil date:nil email:nil num:nil
If you are exporting only a subtree, *its heading will become the title of the document. If the subtree has a property EXPORT_TITLE, that will take precedence.
- http://orgmode.org/manual/Markup.html#Markup
- http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_org_markup.html
- http://orgmode.org/manual/External-links.html#External-links
* 1st level heading ** this is 2nd level heading *** this is 3rd level heading *bold* /italic/ _underlined_ =verbatim= ~code~ +strike-through+ X_{subscript}, X^{superscript} Hello, \\ (enforce line break within a paragraph) World. - 1st item * another item + and 3rd item :: this is a description 1. 1st item 2) another item 20. [@20] Test 21. xargs 22. bcadf [[http://example.com/]] [[http://example.com/][description]] ----- (a horizontal rule, 5 or more only dashes) #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE verbatime example #+END_EXAMPLE #+BEGIN_SOURCE python print 'hello, world!' #+END+SOURCE : a single line example : can be indented (start the example lines with a colon followed by a space.)
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18991981/difference-between-code-and-verbatim-in-org-mode
- There are some differences in
related things, but identical others.
Org-mode relies on heuristics to distinguish emphasis from normal text, and one of the most important parts of this heuristics method is assuming that emphasis is on whole words, delimited by whitespace or punctuation.
- http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages.html
- http://orgmode.org/manual/Structure-of-code-blocks.html
#+NAME: <name>
#+BEGIN_SRC <language> <switches> <header arguments>
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp -n 20 ;; Show line numbers starting from 20
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +n 20 ;; Show line numbers ending with 20
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output
print "Hello, world!"
: Hello, world!
#+TBLNAME: data_table
| a | 1 |
| b | 2 |
| c | 3 |
#+BEGIN_SRC python :var val=1 :var data=data_table
return data[val]
| b | 2 |
- http://orgmode.org/manual/Exporting.html
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13363267/how-to-remove-footer-details-in-org-mode-html-export
#+OPTIONS: author:nil html-postamble:nil num:nil timestamp:nil toc:nil
<2006-11-01 Wed> [2006-11-01 Wed] # inactive timestamps, they do not trigger an entry to show up in the agenda.
:TOC_2: :TOC_2_gh: (github style, [[#heading][heading]]) :TOC_2_org: (org style, [[heading][heading]])
- https://github.com/yjwen/org-reveal/
- https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/
, e R B
to generate and preview#+REVEAL_ROOT: http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/reveal.js/3.0.0/
#+REVEAL_THEME: <theme>
- reveal.js/css/theme
- https://github.com/marsmining/ox-twbs
- Export org as HTML compatible with Twitter Bootstrap.
- I tried to use this, but there were some inconsistencies. I don’t use it now.
- Some colors are indistinguishable.
- Image links are broken if I segregate htmls from orgs