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Why Yet Anohter Cashflow Engine

Shawn Zhang edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 13 revisions

structured finance involves hundreds of data types to reflect the real world transaction.

The tooling to model these types is a huge challenge. I've tried to research with Python or Clojure while neither of them works as expected .

Even through both of them are elegant in some way and easy to model the real world models, but dynamic typing is disaster when trying to introduce more types. These drawbacks can be tackled if more people was involved, but unfortunately it is not realistic for this non-profit library.

The only choice remaining is a strictly static typed language.

  • C++/Java is too verbose on the grammar wise, people will spend much of time reading the code per-se while failed to focus on the business logic.

Haskell 's fantastic typing mechanism and pattern matching is perfect to handle hundreds of types in structured finance world . Its concise syntax would enable user's focus on business logic.

BTW learning Haskell is easy ,don't be scared

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