The following variables needs to be set in your Release Pipelines.
- devAdfName - Name of the of ADF instance which has Git integration enabled.
These variables typically changes across environments and are best stored in environment-scoped Variables Groups.
- azureLocation - location of deployed resources. ei. "Australia East"
- rgName - Target Resource Group of the deployment
- databricksNotebookPath - Databricks workspace path where notebooks will be uploaded. (ei. /myworkspace/notebooks)
- databricksDbfsLibPath - Databricks DBFS path where Python whl files will be uploaded. (ei. dbfs:/mnt/datalake/sys/databricks/libs)
- adfName - Target Azure Data Factory of the deployment
- apiBaseUrl - Base API url (ei.
These are best stored within KeyVault, then exposed via a Variable Group.
- sqlsrvrName - Target SQL server name
- sqlsrvUsername - Target SQL server username
- sqlsrvrPassword - Target SQL server password
- sqldwDatabaseName - Target Synapse SQL Pool (formerly SQLDW) database name
- databricksDomain - Target Databricks workspace name (ei.
- databricksToken - PAT token of the target databricks workspace
- datalakeAccountName - Target ADLS Gen2 storage account name
- datalakeKey - Key of target ADLS Gen2 storage
- kvUrl - KeyVault URL
- spAdfId - Service Principal Id used to run Data Factory Integration tests
- spAdfPass - Service Principal password used to run Data Factory Integration tests
- spAdfTenantId - Service Principal tenant Id used to run Data Factory Integration tests
- subscriptionId - Azure Subscription Id
The following are service connections that need to be in place.
- github_service_connection - used to checkout a pipeline resource (adf_publish).
- azure_service_connection_dev - used to in the release pipeline to deploy to dev azure environment.
- azure_service_connection_stg - used to in the release pipeline to deploy to stg azure environment.
- azure_service_connection_prod - used to in the release pipeline to deploy to prod azure environment.