This is a helper software for Course Compass, which fetch syllabus data from Waseda university server.
# 0. Initialize
npm init
# 1. Search Gakubu you want to fetch
node app searchGakubu 基幹理工
# Or list all Gakubu(s)
node app listGakubu
# 2. Get Page ID(pid)s to get clas details
node app fetchGakubu 111973 > dest/g_111973.txt
# 3. Preview JSON output
node app fetchClass 2600001002012017260000100226
# 4. dump all data
cat dest/g_111973.txt | node app fetchClass - > dest/o_111973.json
find dest/o_* | xargs node converter >> dest/mongo_all.json
mongoimport --db coursecompass --collection classes --file mongo_all.json
- Only Admin users of Course Compass can apply some data.
- Applying data will immediately affect to all users in Course Compass.
- Being Admin:
- Respect the privacy of others.
- Think before you type.
- With great power comes great responsibility.
- Our purpose is neither cheating nor defeating the university---because we love Waseda university. Respect all of the staffs and understand the goal of education.